Singing The Dream I Dreamed

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Chris sings 'I Dreamed a Dream' performed by Ruthie Henshall in 'Les Miserables'. Note that Chris changes all the pronouns in the song to female pronouns. the video he sings to can be found here

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Singing The Dream I Dreamed
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Stardate 13 November 2017
CopperCab interview
Singing Sorry (Not Sorry)


Hello everybody, this here is a song for a Sonichu fan- one of two. First one, 'I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserahb.

(Music Starts-note: He still has not learned to do karaoke versions and uses Ruthie Henshall's version)

There's a time when women were kind. and their voices were sahhhft,and their words inviting There was a time when love was blind. And the world was a soooooonnnngg

CopperCab interview Chris's videos Singing Sorry (Not Sorry)