Other chats leaked by Naught (August 2020)

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Chris has been explaining Sonichu lore from the perspective of Sonichu.[1]

Today at 18:57 June 7th "Skipping ahead to book 6, Patti dog already died from 1218. Major clue if she in her anthropological glory becomes tangible, here, or cats and dogs started walking on their hind legs in groups." "In the massive isolations, everyone else is feeling like they aren't meeting as many new people as they'd like to, in person." "Mary Lee Walsh, retired, becomes a literal Witch in 1218; that'll be major." "Mama being approached by the head of mall security and personally attacked. First debut transformation for Christine Chan." "Again, in a shopping mall, wherein not many people are hanging out at, and Mama's still legally banned from Fashion Square." "Book 1: my DNA makes Blake Sonichu." Today at 19:03 "We've witnessed heavy Team Rocket activity around here; Giovanni has made three clones of Mama." "If we see a steroid filled, testosterone-heavy Christian walking about, that'll be another obvious clue." "Next thing, that'll be the day, I cross paths with this horny clone, while still in Mama's body." "Two robotic heavy IQ scientists get together to make the Robot version of me in my visage." Today at 19:07 What's all this? Today at 19:08 Cwc tells me about dreams and he went through his own lore from Sonichus pov day at 19:09 Oh Today at 19:09 "Good grief on that." "If you want to count the add-on "retcon" of Sylvana spying on me and Rosey as Sonic and Amy (at different times), then an increase in spy count and activity in 1218. Freaking Government." "Mama and Christine Chan went on a Meetup date with their respective Hannah at the Starbucks in the mall. Heart shatters from the grave disappointment." "Email of complaint to Hannah was typed up." "Fuck. The aches from the CWC-Sense in the Heart and Sacral Chakras." "Not grieving from the past memories, I can personally vouch for that." Coday at 19:21 "The origin of Christine Chan's upgrading her medallion is told, and subsequently the awakening of Sarah Hammer and Wes Isley of their Rosechu and Sonichu forms, respectively." "Heated guy takes revenge and angst against Christine Chan for breaking up the ship between him and Sarah, as well as being destined rivals." "OMCC! That "But back in the Stone Age..." line as Wes makes a flaming homing attack attempt on Christine a Chan." "The coming together of those three half-Sonichus, and half-Rosechu, to take down a gigantic rock, monster controlled by Walsh and Graduon destroying the city." "Gonna go ahead and just say on that Walsh wanted to abolish True Love and Relationships in Virginia." "That will be majorly sad if that literally happened, here." oday at 19:25 "Simply confronting the witch in her home quarters, retold and expanded." "Gonna also comment that Mama's vivid photographic memory is helping in this as well." "Book 3:" "Mama expanded on the effects of the Chaotic Rainbow with the spawning of the thousands of Sonee and Rosey eggs that spanned not only in C-197's Earth, but throughout the farthest reaches of time, space, Dimensions, and so on, and she introduced Wild, Bubbles, Angelica, Punchy and Magi-Chan." "Blake was tasked by Giovanni to steal the Master Sunstone from Flame's island, risking nature havoc in the process." "The five of them, Flame, and I got together and stopped Blake and retrieved the Master Sunstone." Today at 19:29 "Yeah, I'd say the Nature order has been a bit out of whack in 1218 for a while now." "The two-part Sub-Episode of Christine Chan and Mama's troubled time at a McDonald's in Wal-Mart." "Christine Chan summoned her twin sister from the alternate dimension where she literally did have one. Meanwhile, Crystal's dimension went downhill even before she left." "Trouble at the Mall; corrupted cops were arranged into a set of bowling pins and got knocked over by their corrupted leader (rolled up like a bowling ball), after attacking Christine Chan, while she and Crystal were just doing some normal shopping at the mall that day." "That time at Target where in both dimensions, Christine Chan and Mama were with their Sweetheart Search signage and drawing up pages for one of the books."
