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Dramatic irony, a literary device by which the audience’s or reader’s understanding of events or individuals in a work surpasses that of its characters. Essentially a joke in a play in which the audience knows or will learn something the characters are unaware of. Chris being Chris continually makes rather dubious claims, and outright lies, as well as refuses to learn from his mistakes, leaving him in a state of perpetual catharsis, like some demented character from a greek play.

List of ironies

The following is a list of instances of unintended irony created by Chris, likely coming from his complete tone-deafness regarding logic and social norms. The list is not complete, nor will it likely ever be.

  • Chris spent much of his time refuting the presidency of pmurt, while his county actually came out pretty far in his favor, (interestingly Charlottesville, the equivalent of CWCville came out blue).
  • Chris claims his blood contains the materials necessary for making the homo vaccine to save us all from the dreaded homo virus, in an effort to assert that he is straight. Chris evidently, oblivious to the function of a vaccine has instead asserted that his blood contains a sample of the dreaded homo-strain.