Savannah Chandler

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Chris' niece and daughter of David Alan Chandler (Chris' half-brother).

Virtually zero information on her exists other than the was eight years old as of 2004 (making her date of birth: 1996 - and current age (as of 2009) to be twelve or thirteen).

Its assumed that Chris has never met Savannah, as he has never provided any further information about her since his January 6, 2004 blog entry about him discovering that she existed.

January 6 2004 blog entry

January. 2004:

Today, I had an appointment with my optometrist, and big half-brother, Dr. David Alan Chandler, for an Eye-Exam. I needed new lenses, but I can keep my current frames. But apparently, he has an 8-year-old daughter, Savannah. So for about 8 years, I’ve been an uncle and didn’t know it. Of course, this also makes my parents into grandparents as well. Needless to say, we were happy to know about that.
Christian Weston Chandler