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Chris's initial reaction
...I have later decided to go into the Twitter Fad and add a small Feed under the C-Log Box.
Chris turns his coat much faster than good ol' Machiavelli
Chris's first tweet tells us exactly what he really thinks

Twitter is a popular social networking and microblogging service where people can post messages that are up to 140 characters in length. While Twitter has proven that it is a very useful website for many causes, it still could perhaps be described as a fad that is here to stay; there's no denying that there's probably something fad-like about it if even Chris thinks Twitter is a fad.

Chris was inspired to register his own Twitter account, CWCSonichu, when the CWCipedia administrator insisted on adding a live Sonichu Twitter feed on the CWCipedia Mailbag page, and later the CWCipedia front page. The live feed was promptly overrun by trolls, so Chris was compelled to write his own updates to drown out all of the gay allegations that were flying around.

The reason why Chris prefixes his tweets with "C.C. Sonichu says:" is that the Sonichu Twitter feed picks up all mentions of the word "Sonichu". (Go on! Try it out!)

Chris's Twitter ramblings

Text Time
SHUT UP! 27 December 2009, 03:26 UTC
I, Christian Weston Chandler, DO NOT SUPPORT GAY LIFE WHATSOEVER! 27 December 2009, 03:27 UTC
Listen to me, Clyde Cash and Jack Thadius are BOTH GOD DAMN TROLLS! DO NOT LISTEN TO EITHER OF THEM! 27 December 2009, 03:27 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: This is a test for the Twitter Feed on the Cwcipedia. 28 December 2009, 17:49 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I apologize for uploading late; fell asleep early; plan to adjust upload time accordingly; it's all cool. 28 December 2009, 17:56 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I will answer mailbag later today; had to shovel snow; have more chores to do; stay safe, well and straight. 28 December 2009, 17:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have just replied to the set of letters in the 23rd mailbag; I detest the homos and all people who continue to lable me 29 December 2009, 00:58 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I, Christian Weston Chandler, am Straight, and I will remain as such FOREVER; Quit Mislabeling ME and my characters! 29 December 2009, 01:00 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I am very sick and tired having to deal with any letters and discussions from people who are GROSSLY In Error on the fact 29 December 2009, 01:01 UTC
C.C. Sonichu Says: I had to CORRECT one whole letter, sending the wrong original into the Reject Mailbag. DO NOT MAKE ME HAVE TO DEAL... 29 December 2009, 01:02 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...WITH THAT GOD DAMN CRAP! 29 December 2009, 01:02 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: *taking deep breaths* 29 December 2009, 01:03 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I'm going to answer the Common Questions now; afterwards, if you have any questions, you may check for it being answered 29 December 2009, 01:04 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: And if your question is not there, then you may ask it in your letter; I do not like to repeat myself, that is my... 29 December 2009, 01:05 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...Father's Job; repeating himself in speech. UGH!!!! 29 December 2009, 01:05 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I've just finished the Common Questions. To answer a Tweeted Question, Minute Maid Lemonade or Coca Cola. 29 December 2009, 01:34 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Recent Cwcipedia Updates: Answered two mailbags; Started Community Link List; Adjusting schedule for biological clock fix 30 December 2009, 01:55 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I am coloring in the current pair of pages; one of which along with a few future pages will have real-life me within... 30 December 2009, 21:38 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: After coloring is completed, I will log in, answer more letters and a couple of other updates. Thank you for paitience. 30 December 2009, 21:41 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I am up-to-date now on all of the mailbags; I also added a new featured video I feel teaches a most important lesson. 31 December 2009, 03:18 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have completed and uploaded two new pages for Book 10; I will answer another mailbag later this afternoon... 31 December 2009, 17:04 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: NO ADVERTISEMENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE INTRODUCTION BOX, and as Captain of this Cwcipedia, I will be respetected. 31 December 2009, 17:06 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I answered another mailbag; I answered more Common Questions for the F.A.Q.; feeling tired, will rest then start next... 31 December 2009, 23:23 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...pages. 31 December 2009, 23:23 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have completed my updates for the day; 2 more pages for 10th book; another mailbag and more F.A.Q.s answered... 02 January 2010, 02:11 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says:...and I assert my right as Captain of Cwcipedia with My Own Ads around the site that I FULLY SUPPORT... 02 January 2010, 02:12 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says:...Removal of Any of ALL of MY Ads is consider Mutiny, and Mutiny will not be tolerated. Stay Safe, and have a good day. 02 January 2010, 02:12 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have just noticed the Cwcipedia is back up; I was in middle of drawing a 6th page; decided to take a break and check... 05 January 2010, 01:22 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I will answer two mailbags tonight; I will upload the 6 pages from today and the past weekend tomorrow around noon, EST. 05 January 2010, 01:23 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have learned from my mistake; I promise not to dwell on Jack's Ads (at least they're non-offensive right now)... 05 January 2010, 01:26 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: And the Cwcipedia has some money to last for months to years anyway; I will not repeat the mistake I have made recently. 05 January 2010, 01:27 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I apologize for the downtime, and I appreciate all of y'all's loyalty and patience; Stay Safe, and have a good day. 05 January 2010, 01:28 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Minor setback, I am having trouble logging in; I'm looking into it with the SysOp; If I don't update tonight... 05 January 2010, 02:00 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says:...I will definitely update tomorrow. 05 January 2010, 02:00 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Good evening; I apologize for being late; had a trip with family and chores to do earlier... 06 January 2010, 03:24 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Anyway, I have 5 more pages to be uploaded shortly; will answer another mailbag after uploading. 06 January 2010, 03:25 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: will have another pair of pages tomorrow as usual. Enjoy the set of pages for now... 06 January 2010, 03:26 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...and I hope Clyde and Jack get the MESSAGE of if they do not make ammends for their misdeeds, devils will gnash theirs. 06 January 2010, 03:27 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have another pair of pages; I will answer another mailbag; not much else at the moment; Stay Safe. 07 January 2010, 03:03 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: I have two more pages; expect a few fun moments the next few pages leading from P 38; since ad in intro box is gone... 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: With current log-in troubles, I do have announcements to make within the next bunch of Tweets, so Pleas Pay Attention!!! 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Firstly, I am decreeing that homosexuals will have equal relationship rights within Cwcville, yet gay marriage is still.. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: .Illegal and Wrong. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Second, I am aware of the reasons of the Trio of individuals who are behind the Hideous Asperpedia of WHY they are... 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...tormenting me like this. If they will Read the following, or if anyone will relay, I will make amends towards them 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: To Alec: You have NO RIGHT in drawing MY characters in your comics, because I have specifically spoke AGAINST IT,... 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: ...and you DARE to copy and paste my response and STRIKE AND ADD IN ONLY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR! I admit I have done that 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: in some Mailbag letters, and I apologize for that, but I did that sometimes, because I felt offended by some of their 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: content. I would appreciate it if you would just give up your game, remove all the ads on MY Cwcipedia, and just move on 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: YOU HAVE your own life in Minnesota at your Amtrak; Quit Messing Up My Life, or I WILL come after you. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: To Evan George: I offered to make Simonchu and Simonla Brother and Sister, yet you continue on to give me grief and hate 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: The offer was reasonable, so the two can be Separate, Individual Characters. I would appreciate it if you quit hating 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: me, accept the brother/sister plan, and Let It Go. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: To Sean: Your comic strips are only an extension to WHAT YOU THINK are characters who are Underappreciated, when they 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: are not, and I have plans for them in future tales. Firstly, METAL SONICHU is NOT a secondary character; HE will be 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: making his return as a MAJOR VILLIAN after Book 11 Possessed by the soul of Count Graduon. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Bill is still working within Giovanni's Laboratory, I am working on a plan on including him in a future episode around 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Blake. The WAILORD who dropped the rock onto the mother Swampert and the Squirtle who Yawned are ONLY Individual 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: characters who I originally had NO plans on putting into future stories, so ASSUME that the two were BOTH caught by 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Pok'emon Trainers in Pok'e Balls and now the two are fighting with their trainers in Pok'emon Battles. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: And to all those who I offended about the talk with Aspergers, I apologize. I have nothing AGAINST any individual with 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Aspergers, and I promise to not be mean, but nice, to them and all other individuals. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: So, Please, to everyone, let's move on peacefully and live our lives well. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC
C.C. Sonichu says: Thank you. 08 January 2010, 02:57 UTC

External links