Kacey Call 4

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28 August 2009

  • Chris begins the call by asking Kacey if she has an STD (!)
  • Kacey received a lot of awards during her high school graduation, Chris is jealous
  • Chris likes Sudoku
  • Chris suggests talking about political issues even though he has nothing to say about political issues
  • Kacey asks Chris about things she found on the ED page
  • Chris totally doesn't drink cum anymore
  • Chris totally doesn't shit himself anymore
  • Chris totally isn't gullible anymore
  • Chris lies the last time he shat himself was THREE YEARS AGO
  • Chris tries to explain why he has so many fucking video game accounts
  • Chris whines that he only gets 200 out of his 800 a month, and spends 150 on video games
  • Chris was going to call someone about getting a job, "but then stress happened"
  • Chris used credit cards to buy thousands of video games, parents are paying the bills
  • Chris doesn't know why he got a CADD degree, "I feel more comfortable with drawing da comics than with da buildings and da computers"
  • Chris is sending printed-out Sonichu comics to Marvel, DC and Dark Horse; thinks they will hire him because he's "very popular"
  • Mary Lee Walsh caused all of his problems
  • Chris is capable of surviving, cooking and doing laundry
  • Chris can't look for a job on the internet because he "doesn't know what to put into a search term"
  • Kacey says Sonichu is fanfiction, Chris says it's parody
  • Chris lies that he'll look for a job where he works 10 hours a week, Kacey wants him to work 20, eventually he says okay to shut her up
  • Kacey tells him not to wear his medallion to the job interview and not to draw on the applications; Chris sadly agrees that he won't
  • Chris thanks Kacey for yelling at him.