Z-Ring Fun Extra

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Z-Ring Fun Extra
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Stardate 30 December 2016
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Something else you can do with your Z-Ring bracelet to make it more fun and functional.


Hello, everybody, this is Christine Weston Chandler coming to you live from home once again, and over the Christmas holiday, I've, uh, I'm just getting myself my own Z-Ring bracelet! And of course, um, before the month came- before the month came in, I had traded many games, got my copies of Pokémon Sun and Moon. Of course you all know from everybody on the Internet what this thing does. [Chris points to the Z-Ring bracelet on his arm] [unintelligible] Pokémon Sun and Moon, which I'm gonna demonstrate for you in a little bit with my... favorite- with a- [Chris opens his 3DS] with my female Primarina Ariel.