John's Custom Gundam: Sisterly Rescue

From CWCki
Revision as of 01:18, 25 September 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (Altered the opening of the middle paragraph (mostly wording) added MS related comment to end of the paragraph, made the "features" into a list format and edited comments on such and added some links.)
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Not only does he butcher Gundam, Chris also drags Megan's family into his crap!
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Back cover

John's Custom Gundam: Sisterly Rescue is another one of Chris's shitty game ideas, this time mixing in elements from his Sonichu comic series, Megan Schroeder's family, and elements from the animu mecha series, Mobile Suit Gundam. Not much is known about the game, like the rest of Chris' ideas, beyond the mock cover. Interestingly, this piece (according to the "copyright" data) was done sometime in 2008, which probably means that this was done before the ShecameforCWC.jpg picture was posted.

The most notable aspect of this game is that someone other than Chris or Sonichu is the protagonist, instead John Schroeder, Megan's brother, is. The picture states that John is to pilot a custom-built Gundam (out of Legos, perhaps) to rescue Megan from Mary Lee Walsh and her "overgrown army", the Jerkops, Dr. Eggman, and some random units from the original anime's antagonists, the Principality of Zeon.(most likely Zaku spam)

The reverse side of the box makes reference to several "features".

  • Hi-Res 3D Graphics!
  • HEWLY animated scenes!
  • Earn the right to play Chris-chan's Side of The Story! (because Chris refuses to create a game where he isn't featured)
  • Help John Schroeder be a darn good Big Brother!

It is also set to feature his and Megan's voices (an unlikely prospect given the events surrounding ShecameforCWC.jpg)

It is more than likely that Chris copied most of this off from the cover to the PS2 game Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo, but it's currently unknown at this time.