Talk:IRC (16 October 2008)

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I can't really tell if the "later" log actually came after the fist log or not, can anyone check on that? --Tumbleweed 23:37, 2 November 2009 (CET)

Is this just a browser thing?

The text in this doesn't ever go down to the next line for me. It just keeps going on until the next person talks. My screen is absolutely tiny, so that means lots and lots of horizontal scrolling, which is very annoying!

I suck at wiki, so I have no idea how this could possibly be fixed. Anybody care to tell me? --Beat 02:17, 2 December 2009 (CET)

The lines aren't wrapped and the log is shown as preformatted text, so I suppose it's pretty much unreadable for everyone... but never worry, someone was working on more elegant IRC log formatting thingy, I believe. --wwwwolf (wake me when you need me) 02:57, 2 December 2009 (CET)