For J-R's Eyes Only.MOV

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Revision as of 01:29, 22 April 2010 by Caboose -1 (talk | contribs)
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For J-R's Eyes Only.MOV is a video leaked 22 April 2010 for Jackie in which Chris demonstrates how he would pleasure her orally and reveals his sports bra.

In this video Chris shows off his creepiness on a level not seen since the Ivy Saga. Chris, in a surprising move, does not upload the video to youtube but instead uses mediafire. He believes this will keep anyone from getting a hold of the video, neglecting the idea that Jackie herself would circulate it.

Chris begins by apologizing to Jackie for introducing her to the Cwcki (perhaps seeking to avoid another Wallflower incident) and trying to explain what he believes happened with Ivy and Vanessa Huggins. Chris attempts to sounds sincere but fails miserably.

Things only go from bad to worse as Chris demonstrates how he would "pleasure" her orally; Chris's voice gets noticeably more excited as he explains this. He even goes so far as to show how he would use his tongue as well. This, unfortunately, goes on for a good minute. Afterwards, Chris seems to forget who he's talking to and says Ivy instead of Jackie.

Chris ends the video by explaining how he has man-boobs and reveals that he wears a sports bra. This is made more pathetic because Chris actually fills in the bra.


For J-R's Eyes Only.MOV
Stardate 22 April 2010
Subject Matter SexSex Sex
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Shirt Mount And Do MeMountAndDoMe.png Mount and Do Me
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked
Michael Snyder is
ColdHearted and Mean


Hey Jackie, it's me Christain. I'm doing this video for you for upload to the MediaFire. Hopefully uh, trolls will not get that to there. I mean yeah I have not tried MediaFire before. But yeah I do have a friend that reccomends it as well so, for you I'll try it.

[Removes glasses, rubs the bridge of his nose]

Well first half of the video though, yeah, let me apologize for uh, yeah, that thing I- for even leading you to the CWCki. I just wanted to let you know bout what happened to me before. I just felt concerned about that, but- and then with that reading what you read on Ivy's page, yeah, I was wrong. I forgot one detail of that- that detail. Yeah It was- supposedly I was talking to uh, this Vanessa Hudgens, who was like coming onto me really- really well online and I had- I held in with my self-restraint as best as I could. For a long time. and then she's kinda, talked me into it a little bit.

[Chris's cell phone rings] Ignore that. [Gets up and turns it off, returns to chair] Eh, that's my cell phone. Hmm. Let me just talk care of that real quick. [holds up cell phone, apparently silences or turns it off] Anyway uh, yeah. I did make a video apologizing to Ivy for that, at least, you know, I could man up and admit when I made such a mistake as that. And that was in the past. And I'm sorry- did not mean to- I did not mean to lie to you, I swear. I just forgot that one detail.

Anyway, as for that the quote-unquote Vanessa Hudgens actually this- was actually in reality this uh Spanish dude I know, Joshua Martinez. Yeah, just- he was just basically he was- he was pretending to be Vanessa that whole time and [sigh, Chris's face becomes noticeably distraught] he ticks me off that guy. Ehh, nother-nother- that's another story for another day though. Hmm. But anyway with that put aside uh [perks up a little] I'm gonna show you- I'm gonna show you some ways on how I can pleasure you [eyes widen] orally, mmkay?

CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

See Also

Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean Chris's videos Current