LoveYouLongTime E-mails, 2009

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The Gal Pal E-mails are a set of emails exchanged between Chris and an anonymous female friend. They were leaked onto the Kiwi Forums gradually beginning in late January 2015. The names of several innocents have been hidden.

More leaks may or may not be forthcoming in the future.

Hey, [redacted]. I'm sorry for not picking up. I was busy with a project Monday night, then I fell asleep later on. Confidentially, Sunday after awaking at 6 PM (I think I told you about what happened; missed church with wrong AM/PM setting, and slept in some more), I stayed awake for over 24 hours, then I fell asleep this morning during 1 AM. I had a busy day yesterday, between my meeting with Rocky, going out for breakfast with my mother, picking up a perscription, thinking further about the LittleBiGPlanet level (I've made up a set of 8 Sonichu/Rosechu Dolls; they're cute), and other things I can't remember at the moment. Anyway, after falling asleep this morning, I didn't feel like much, so I took a day off; I fed my cats though. I got up a short while ago at about 11 PM.

I know, I know; my biological clock reverted back to a messed-up status. Which is one reason I need an in-person girlfriend/sweetheart; to encourage me to "Come to Bed" and nudge me and stayed until I was fully awake, at more appropriate times. *sigh* I'm only human.

Anyway, I've received your voicemail, and that is good you got my YouTube back. Thank you, [redacted] (if I may call you that). :) I'll ask you to hold onto the password and spell it out for me, letter/number by letter/number, tomorrow night in your call. I promise to leave my phone on Loud and Pick Up. I set my phone to silent when asleep, but the Alarm is still loud always.

I'll likely go for a walk at the Mall this coming afternoon; other things that come up may come up.

But all in all, I am still healthy and okay. :) Thank you for your concern, and I aplogize for any bother I may have caused you.

Send my kind regards to [redacted] and [redacted] for me. You all take care, and I'll talk to you later.

Love and Peace,

Christian C.

I'm sorry I didn't pick up earlier; I drifted off at about 6:30 PM. I had a day. I awoke 6 AM; fed my cats, had breakfast and whanot. Later went with my father to Burger King; I only had a cup of coffee. I confided in my father about my drinking; he was not as cool as I thought he was going to be. Still, he taught me about his vast knowledge of liqour, wine and beer. We stopped by the nearby ABC and Food Lion on the way home for him to show me the varieties from his P.O.V.

He has sampled a lot of varieties in his lifetime. He would love to sit out on his outdoor swing and have a Miller or a Micolobe (mom too), but they both take a LOT of medications, so they can't drink alcohol, cause mixed with their medications in their bodies could kill them. I was hoping he would not tell mom about it, but he said he HAD to tell her. She gave me 2 minutes of her emotions, compressed into a few I statements and telling me what she is limiting in her things for me; food and gas money. But I'm sure she'll be over it soon and it will go back to normal. It's not like I drink everyday, although I did for a short while, then I had a short dry spell.

My family is also concerned about my health, because I'm taking one medication for my stress-management, as well as an imitation of Lipitor. I have an appointment with my doctor this afternoon, so I'll ask him about that (upon my mother's suggestion).

Later on, at about 2, I went downtown with my father to the Shell at Pantops for their Hot Dogs (He liked their cole slaw and BBQ meat they had before on their Hot Dog fixings bar, as well as the old deal they had on their dogs; 2 for something inexpensive. But the price rose, they no longer had the cole slaw and BBQ, and while we still had two dogs there, he's crossed that location off his list of good places to eat. Then he went to the nearby CVS for motion sickness pills, the C'Ville Market for Tomatoes, then the nearby Goodwill upon my request (I've bought a denim jacket). Then we got back home about 4:30.

I put the jacket in with a load of laundry, then I watched the X-Play reruns my DVR recorded for me from today. They replayed their 1 hour special on the MMO Gameplay. It was interesting; they also had shots from Second Life among the MMO games. Then I felt like turning on an episode of Monty Python on my PS3, and I was debating on heading out tonight, or where I could go right now to flirt with women before the Baja. I was left feeling drowzy, and I fell asleep.

Aside from my day, my father told me the fate of those bottles of wine we had that I mentioned before. They got lost in the movings from house-to-house during my Middle and High School years (from among 4 houses in all), and the wine rack they were housed in was donated to a Goodwill.

Also, I looked up your YouTube account from my new account last morning. I thought I asked you not to upload any new videos you shot of me. No hard feelings, but I respectfully ask you to refrain from Uploading any more in the future, please. Lord knows how many trolls have mocked me from the footage, even to Mirror the videos for their personal use.

And after awakening from my nap a few minutes ago, I had a thought from asking [redacted] to create a Balloon Sneaker for the balloon mouse to live in. With my mind as creative as a CADD program, I had imagined how a 3-dimensional sneaker could be made from 2 or 3 inflated white balloons and 2 uninflated gray balloons (for sneaker laces), even to expand it to be a boot (so he can pretend he caught a boot instead of a fish).

Then I had the idea, [redacted] is THAT GOOD at Balloon Art; I'm going to look up a Balloon Art Convention (for in case he does not know of any) for him, and I am confident in his ability to put together the BIGGEST thing he'd like to create from balloons; he could create a human-size Statue of Liberty if he wanted to.

Aside form my doctor's appointment this afternoon, I also have a meeting with Rocky. I'm also going to hang at the mall to flirt with the ladies; may as well Strike while my confidence is HOT.

I'll TTYL. Take care and Stay safe.

Love and Peace,

Christian C.


What are your thoughts about the sex-challenge I was thrusted with?

In my sarch on Craigslist, the ONLY women who left a phone number on their Ad were under "Adult Services", which they would have wanted money. I tried calling one, learned she wanted a hundred, then in the middle of telling my story about Jack and my PSN account recovery with a Sex video, she hung up on me. :(

I will get the pages rolling soon within the week.

Also, thank you for the Otakon info. $65 sounds affordable, but I'm not sure I could afford the other essentials like gas, souvineres and whatnot. If [redacted] is cool, I can share a ride with you two on the trip, and I'll sleep in the Lounge area. I could fend for myself at McDonalds or somewhere inexpensive like that. But I'll let you and [redacted] discuss that. If it is cool, I would pay my $65 for the Otakon.

Also, I did something completely different today, this morning, while my father was reading his paper at the Burger King in Ruckersville, I snuck over to the nearby ABC store (telling him I was going to the Pawn Shop), and not only did I find the Jack Daniels, But I found some pre-made Long Island Tea in a Bottle for $10. So after gathering the funds, I returned later for that, a Sweet & Sour Mix, two Lemons and a 2-Liter Coca Cola. I've filled 5 12oz bottles from Mike's Hard Cranberry/Lemonade; I had one earlier. I have expierenced the tipsy feeling, and then some, in my bedroom. I played the "Roy Rogers McFreely" episode of "American Dad" on my PS3, mainly to learn what it was mixed with a cold Coke to make a Roy Rogers; GRENEDINE! :D I'll try that in a week or so. Also, I was soo tipsy, after Hayley exposed her painted breasts, I paused, founced over to my HDTV and try to feel her breasts. Soo Silly. :)

Before today, [redacted] told me they didn't sell Long island in bottles; I've just proved him wrong. F.Y.I., the mix was a "Barton" Brand, and it was located under "Mixes" at the ABC.

Another note, I want [redacted] I pray she'll give me some time over the Killzone 2 Extra.


Love and Peace,

Christian C.

Thank you for informing me about this person, and I understand the message you relayed from [redacted]. Please see what else you can learn about "Shmion Sonozaki"; where he/she lives for one thing.

Also, about that Cwcville Site; it is Blasphemous how far they took the Billy Mays lie. Upon further consideration, I would say Cwcville is more of a King/Queen type of politic, since I would not want anyone else taking over my city and whatnot. Still, as you know I run it with a firm hand, and keep it in a healthy state. I also with to contact the webmaster of that site and tell him myself about his erroneous statements, and also make it Clear that Billy was NEVER Mayor. *sigh* *What a headache*

Also, I remembered what I wanted to let you know about last night; I've found the Complete DVD set of the anime, "Shuffle", at Best Buy yesterday for $49.99 (plus tax). I have downloaded the entire 24-episode series from the Playstation Store for $1.99 per episode. At 1.99 X 24 = 47.76, it was obvious that downloading the episodes was the Better Bargin there. That's a Plus for Sony.

I've just read an e-mail from [redacted]. I'll forward it to you to let you know what he said. At least we all can still meet up at the Downtown Mall Friday to hang out; please let me know if [redacted] can join us.

I'll TTYL,


Christian C.

I've given it more thought and calmed down a bit as well. You may inform [redacted] about me being the creator of Sonichu and Rosechu, and that I have Fans and Trolls who have been contacting/troubling me. Show her some of my art if possible. And let her know about my PSN account; that the Trolls have hacked into it twice before and they've gotten into it again, and I've been troubled with recovering that. About that much to let her be informed about is cool.

If you feel it advisable to let her know about Jack and his challenge for my out-of-country and second US account, you may tell her about that.

I feel it best if she does know about some to all of the stories/situations, so she doesn't have to feel out of the loop of knowledge. I would feel better if when she agrees to the sex, she has a general understanding and cares enough about me to help.

Thank you for listening, [redacted].

Love and Peace,

Christian C.