CWC Update 4 March 2009

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Chris, visably and audibly seems torn after the outing of Julie, as he explains that he has been under a lot of stress. He tells his fans to not believe the trolls, and is not wearing his medallion, because it has been shoved up his ass (ssrsly). Chris says instead of the medallion, he will be wearing his high school ring, possibly ending the era of the Sonichu medallion as we know it. He also revokes an earlier decree proclaiming BILLY MAYS the mayor of Cwcville, BILLY is expected to contest this vigorously.



[Unintelligible] 2009.

[Chris gasps]

I have been under so much stress lately, and I've been suffering from a s-[jump cut] like a bug, you know? Anyway, uh, I have a couple of na-couple of corrections to make. Do not believe anything that the, uh, trolls say or, uh, talk about. That's uh...given [Chris' PS3 blutooth headset is knocked off his ear] oh, whoops.

[Jump cut]

That's a given right there, and uh, you notice I'm not wearing my medallion, I've uh, decided I'm setting a new tras-fashion trend. I'm wearing my high school ring [Chris shows ring to the camera], my high school ring in place of my medallion. It has ah-it has all the memories that have gone from medallion to medallion believe me. So my high school ring is forever from this point.

And uh, also, I, Christian Weston Chandler, am still the mayor of Cwcville...although rumors are fly-uh-have been flying around I've noticed about, uh, some guy named Billy Mays? I don't even know who the-that guy is. [Chris makes a dismissive hand gesture] So anyway, I'm still the mayor of Cwcville...until I say, in the comics, or in a video, otherwise.

So I leave you all with all that why still recover from my virus, have a good day.