Women Only Need Apply - No STD's

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Women Only Need Apply - No STD's is a leaked video posted by the presumed terminated YouTube channel 'TheCWCvilleLibrary'. The video itself is slightly over 2 minutes long and entails Chris offering sex to women of any orientation for ludicrous fees. Claiming that a hug would cost $50 and $100 would get them "just about anything" "besides anal". Why Chris thinks that his 'services' would be worth that amount is anyone's guess. Chris gives his prostitute name as "Stephanie Bustcakes," and left a new e-mail at the end of the video: "stephanie.bustcakes@gmail.com".


06 22 2016 Leaked Video - Women Only Need To Apply - No STD's
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Stardate 22 June 2016
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Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Blue TomgirlBlue tomgirl.png Blue Tomgirl
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked
Reading "Unicorns, Rainbows, and a Bluebird of Happiness" Chapter 2


This is the CWCville Library - Christino, solicits for money. $50 gets you cuddles and $100 gets you pretty much anything else, Cradles his new Wiffuu as he obviously thought shaving this morning might be an a bit inconvenient. Video smuggled out by the CWC secret police (CWCSP) from unclassified sources - honest
