14 Branchland Court
14 Branchland Court is the domain of the Chandlers. It is a pink wooden framed, two story, three bedroomed house in Ruckersville, VA. As of March 2009, all space that isn't used for walking or for sleeping seems to be packed full with junk. On earlier pictures however, for instance those of Chris's 20th birthday, it shows that the house once was actually quite tidy. In his tour of the house, Chris also keeps referring to the fact that "things got cluttered", suggesting that the house has grown fuller and fuller over the past decade.
The Tour
If you would like to send a letter to Christian, or perhaps mail his parents some of the many NOODZ he has posted on the internets in recent times, you can contact him at:
Christian Weston Chandler,
14 Branchland Court,
VA 22966-9545,
United States of America