User:Anaxis/Watchmen Source Leaks

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Revision as of 19:47, 15 June 2023 by Anaxis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page is a collection of screenshots and transcriptions of Discord chat logs, provided to me by anonymous sources from within the Watchmen after I was banned from the Place server. Most of them are of chats in the Place, though there are some others as well. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for The Lainchu Manifesto, and store the raw text of various chats. These leaks extend from my ban from the Place in February 2021, to the breakup of the Watchmen and c...")
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This page is a collection of screenshots and transcriptions of Discord chat logs, provided to me by anonymous sources from within the Watchmen after I was banned from the Place server. Most of them are of chats in the Place, though there are some others as well. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for The Lainchu Manifesto, and store the raw text of various chats. These leaks extend from my ban from the Place in February 2021, to the breakup of the Watchmen and creation of the Knights of CWC in June 2021.

Any case of text or usernames being censored is due to them being irrelevant to the main topic of each section.

Editors can feel free to use to this page as a resource. Enjoy.

February 2021

Alleged Leak

20 February 2021

Summary: After being banned from the Place, I ask my source for information, and they send me this exchange between MKR and Nova, in which the former alleges that I leaked information and might have been associated with some other groups (I didn't and I wasn't). She then claims that Naught told me to stop and that I was associated with Praetor due to the way I spoke about them, which Nova agrees was suspicious. MKR then calls me a "former mole," stating that they couldn't take any chances. Meanwhile, the WCT comes up with the idea of creating a shared Lainchu Discord account for general use among the Watchmen, and floats setting up a CWCki account as well.

MKR's lies are debunked here.

NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Just wondering what you knew about their discussion. This is them talking about the alleged leak after KND asked about it.
#findings (Second Layer, The Place)
He leaked shit about the watchmen and myself early on, to a man on the farms who anon said might be connected to the "mkr's bloody chunks" "delightful children" set of failtrolls
We're all ideas in the grand lore of things.
Why not set up a Lainchu account on discord that we can all share to Interact with Chris and have a CWCki account set up as well?
Anon told him to stop but I suspect he's still in cahoots with them as well as possibly Praetor. He always popped up specifically when we started speaking about them and attempted to downplay their actions, or steer the conversation away from them
That was pretty suspicious.
We can't take any chances

Especially on one we know was a former mole

Naught's Comments

20 February 2021

Summary: The source shares Naught's comments about me, claiming in both layers of the Place that I had told the WCT to add to MKR's Kiwi Farms thread.

Naught's lie is debunked here.

Comment from 2nd layer
Second Layer, The Place
Fuck anaxis, no sense of humour and he told @Kat to add to @MKR thread

From CWC layer

First Layer, The Place
[Quoting "What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?]

@Sonichu982 Lainchu tried to get @Kat too [sic] add to @MKR thread during the Vaughn incident,

The WCT Wants to Take Over the Lainchu Role

20 February 2021

Summary: The WCT floats the idea of himself taking over the Lainchu role, claiming that he is fit for the role since neither Klop nor Naught want to do it. Naught appears to agree.

NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The latest.
Second Layer, The Place
There's talk in this server about me potentially replacing Anaxis as Lainchu.
Seems like a natural progression
CatLoPez says he doesn't want to do it, and other than you, I think people in here I might be the next best thing.

Nova, MKR, I, and maybe you if you're interested are going to have an emergency VC meeting at 5 PM Pacific tomorrow night. (edited)


Chris Inquires About My Ban

20 February 2021

Summary: Chris asks about why I was banned in the first layer of the Place, and Nova claims that I was "unproductive at times," which Chris states is not a valid reason. Nova then says that I was a poor researcher, and when Chris asks what I was researching, Nova states that it was on "malevolent people" and that I was invariably "behind." Chris defends me, asking that Nova cut me some slack, but Nova insists that my banning was the right thing to do. Chris signs off by asking Nova to reconsider his decision.

Nova's lies are debunked here.

First Layer, The Place
Chris (as Sonichu)
What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?
I just found them unproductive at times.

If someone can be kept at a distance, as per their function, it would seem more apt to do so.

If you want something out, it'll be out, meantime, I'm personally none too sure.

Chris (as Sonichu)
At this point, especially with Lainchu's role, and compared to how often I type something on this server, being "unproductive at times" is not a valid reason.
Sporadically useful, they're a poor researcher and aren't to [sic] sure on their own ethical obligations considering.
Chris (as Sonichu)
What were you having them research?

And surely they could research other things as well.

General information on keeping abreast of whatever malevolent people were trying.

They were invariably a week behind anything I could prove and about a month behind on what I could hedge against.

Chris (as Sonichu)
They do work very hard on that research, and beyond the abuse upon Chris and I. There is a whole lot of effort that goes into waiting and observing input from others online of them being abused by some Hater or really bad individual.

Cut him a bit of slack, since I have been more focused locally and keeping private lately.

Plus, the freaking pandemic and shit.

All the better, his obligation to editorial standards mean that either reporting directly to him, or clearing information for use allows better security.
Chris (as Sonichu)
At the moment, I continue to work on the recovery of this body and brain from the recent realization of lack of cuddling and such, and even further its healing and re-energizing. And I'm fixing to hit the hay for the night (regardless of witching hours affecting this body, which during the time before falling asleep, I meditate).

Please consider letting Lainchu back into the server, Kyle.


Consider sure, as close as we can find advisable is a restricted role.

So, knowing what I know, say that.

Also: "Hi."

New Lainchu

21 February 2021

Summary: The source reports that there is a new Lainchu in the first layer, one which I knew was being puppeted by the WCT.

NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
They have a new Lainchu in CWC layer.
First Layer, The Place
[Quoting "What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?]

@Sonichu982 Lainchu tried to get @Kat too [sic] add to @MKR thread during the Vaughn incident,

He turned out to not be a very nice guy. But we have a new channler [sic] in place to communicate with the true oc lainchu and resume function of the job.

It's regrettable, but we don't want people saying mean things behind our backs on the farms and leaking sensitive information shared in confidence here.

Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Hey @Sonichu982 , I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. If you need anything, I'll be in DMs since I don't got much going on for me. 😇
Welcome lainchu~
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)