SingStar Challenge

From CWCki
Revision as of 04:53, 1 August 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (transcription atempt 1, also, I don't know Spanish, did the best I could on the last line there.)
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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

CWC Challenge is a video competition between Chris and CChanSonichuCWC to determine who is the better CWC.

Judges are composed of a neutral panel of Chris's friends.

Da Rules

Because it's totally fair that Chris gets to set the rules to a competition he's competing in without even asking his opponent if the terms are acceptable, Chris laid out in great detail the rules of engagement:

Rules between The Original, Patriotic C.W.C. and the Brown-Striped Impostor C.W.C.

-One Song At A Time from our individual Playlists.
-Sing Without Printed Lyrics or Karaoke Equipment..
-Original MP3s must be played in background at appropriate audible volume..
-NO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, real or Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Rock Revolution, etc is to be visible in ANY VIDEO.
. -No Requests will be made from one Singer to the other BEFORE the 5th Song. After the Brown One sings Song 4, he may choose the Encore Track for me to sing, then I will choose his Encore Track for him to sing..
-Deadline for Each Player: 24 Hours from one Singer's Uploading of their Singing Video (After August 5, 2009 at Noon EST). If I upload on 12:30 PM Monday the 3rd, the deadline for the Brown One will be 12:30 PM Tuesday the 4th, and vice-versa. .
-Use of any MP3 Players Fully Encouraged for playing the Tracks. .
-NO IMPORTED TRACKS (No Japanese, Spanish, German, etc Tracks)..
-NO Christian Weston Chandler Tracks, such as "So Need A Cute Girl", "Yellow Is A Mellow Color", etc. .
-Once a Song, of that Title from That Artist has been sung, it Can Not be sung again by Either Player for the remainder of the Competition. My First Track is "Sonic Boom" from Pastiche; it is forbidden for it to be sung again by either Me or the Brown One for the remainder of the competition..
-NO Visual/Audio Video Edits for ALL SONG VIDEOS. No Dubbing Pre-recorded Audio over Video; ONLY Smooth Video One-Take Recordings Count (multiple takes towards final video are acceptable)..

***Failure to comply by ANY of these Rules at ANY time during the competition shall be Disqualified, and the Last Player Sung shall be Named the Winner Forever..
***All Scores shall be tallied from accuracy of Lyric-Matching and praise from the watching audience, Officially by Judges that myself, and the Impostor will select THREE Close People, NO MORE THAN THREE FOR EACH OF US, on YouTube..

My List of Judges will be Noted by their YouTube Handle on My First Song for the Competition; I ask the man in brown to list his Judges' Handles on his First Video..

The DEADLINE for His First Video and Judge Selection will be Wednesday, August 5 at 12:00 NOON, EST..

Game On!



CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Hi, Christian, Mr. Brown-Striped-Impostor, since you have been able to accept and complete my question challenges, it is time to issue a new challenge. I challenge you in a SingStar competition. The rules are simple. We are to each pick one song out of our libraries, our own playlists, and sing them verbatim with out any printed lyrics and with out any karaoke. 'Quipment. (picks up camera) And I will show you right now how fair I am. My room lay out. (pans around his overstuffed with junk room) No karaoke equipment what so ever. (sigh) And if it-and also we must have the mp3s played behind us, so therefore no musical instruments its so-what so ever in any video. And... only... in song number five, no song before, we (sigh) will allow each other to pick one song and challenge the other with that song. And the deadline for each uh, up, each uploaded song is etsa-approximately 24 hours from the previous one. So your song number one will, the deadline for that will be 24 hours after I upload and p-start my first st-song. (sigh) So, with that we will soon be commencing with the first track, "Sonic Boom" (holds up "Sonic CD" cover). (jump cut) And with that I will be showing you my lil lay out (camera once again turns to Chris's crap laden room) my speakers over there, (camera moves to show some Lego bricks) my camera will sit here (camera moves back to Chris) the only thing that I ask anotherly, anotherly in this, no separate microphones but only the microphones on our webcamps. (holds up a mirror to reflect the camera). (jump cut) (Chris sets down camera facing his bed and sits down into show) (jump cut) (Chris is once again holding the camera on himself making the last jump cut meaningless) Oh, I forgot one thing, you may use your mp3 player of choice. My PSP is mine, attached to my speakers. (Chris once again sets down the camera) You may show me yours in your first video, Mr. Christian. (jump cut) Any mutiny against the rules I have set forth in this video will be (sigh) (removes glasses) not countable. And you will have to do it all over again. (jump cut) (Chris throws his glasses) And so with that (jump cut) (removes vest, throws it behind him) (starts to remove square medalion) Ow! (removes square medalion, holds it up to the camera to read: The Good Life) (starts to shave goatee dry) (after 11 seconds the head comes off the razor, Chris reattaches it and continues shaving then sets razor down) (jump cut) (one second into new scene razor head falls off again, Chris reattaches again and continues to shave until goatee is mostly gone) (jump cut) (jump cut) (Fir)st thing, no imported music. Which means no Japanese, no Spanish, no German, no odd country language. Only English. Shame, would loved to play "Sailor Star" or "Flame Sniper" (makes motion as if getting ready to fire an arrow from a bow) (jump cut) And also, once a song hass been sung, of that specific title, from that specific band, it will not be reusable in a future song. Neither by you, neither by me. Abide by the rules. (jump cut) (Chris is once again holding the razor) Game on. Abrey la contesta!

Song 1/5 Sonic Boom Pastiche

The first part of the challenge was issued on 31 July 2009.
