Talk:The Wall of Originals

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Revision as of 15:33, 20 October 2009 by Cogsdev (talk | contribs) (maybe looks a little better... won't look right until the text is removed, though)
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The Wall of Originals Gallery Project

I have an idea - see this pic? Let's try and identify every card from there, find it, and then post it into a gallery so we sort of have a virtual Wall of Originals that you can see. --Champthom 18:50, 20 October 2009 (CEST)

Also, to do

I think in the Kacey call, Chris babbles on about this and is fucking ecstatic that a woman cares about his shitty homemade cards. --Champthom 18:52, 20 October 2009 (CEST)

The collection Go!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A Luigi2.gif Espan.gif 332-Espanolic.jpg Vega.gif 333-Vegaton.jpg Blue.gif Baniru.gif Togepi.gif Dhct.gif Missin.gif Bush.gif 334-Bushwacked.jpg
B Koffin.gif 335-Koffingroo.jpg Drum.gif 336-Drummor.jpg Cym.gif 337-Cymbolic.jpg Flashb.gif 338-Flashbulb.jpg Coon.gif 339-Coonbulb.jpg Bugz.gif 340-Bugzapp.jpg
C 341-CWCsFlashbulb.jpg 342-CWCsCoonbulb.jpg 343-CWCsBugzapp.jpg Weeler.gif 344-Weeler.jpg Hotfin.gif 345-Hotfinish.jpg Strgtre.gif 346-Strongtire1.jpg 347-Strongtire2.jpg 348-CWCsWeeler.jpg 349-CWCsHotfinish.jpg
D 350-CWCsStrongtire.jpg Comfrg.gif 351-Compufrog.jpg Snuble.gif Marril.gif Yoshi.gif Plautistic.gif 352-Plautistic.jpg Donphan.gif ? SonchuC.jpg 168-SchuCard2.jpg
E ? CwcsonC.jpg ? DrksonC.jpg SrfsonC.jpg SnwsonC.jpg 173-CWCsSchu2.jpg 174-SchuCard3.jpg 175-SchuBday.jpg 176-SchuCard4.jpg 177-RaceSchu.jpg 178-ShineSchu.jpg
F 180-SchuRchu.jpg 181-SchuCard5.jpg 182-SchuCard6.jpg 183-SchuCard7.jpg 184-SonichuEX.jpg Free Space! 250-BlachuCard1.jpg 251-GiosBchu.jpg 252-BlachuCard2.jpg 259-WildCard.jpg 274PunchyCard.jpg 279-MagiCard.jpg
G 209-Metonic1.jpg 210-Metonic2.jpg 216-UltSchu.jpg 217-UltSchuEX.jpg 166-SoneeCard.jpg 234-RchuCard1.jpg 235-RchuCard2.jpg 236-RchuCard3.jpg 264-BubblesCard.jpg 269-AngelicaCard.jpg 245-VamprosaCard.jpg 233-RoseyCard.jpg
H ? 353-Kelbie.jpg ? 354-Annchop.jpg ? 355-Kixfairy.jpg 356-CWCsKelbie.jpg 357-CWCsAnnchop.jpg 358-CWCsKixfairy.jpg 099-CWCsCWC.jpg 100-DarkCWC.jpg 098-CWCCard1.jpg
I 359-Chicachu.jpg 360-Maychu.jpg CwcchiC.jpg CwcmayC.jpg 363-Evails1.jpg 364-Evails2.jpg 365-Supreon.jpg 366-Armat1.jpg 367-Armat2.jpg 368-Steeline.jpg 369-DSteeline.jpg 370-Techti.jpg
J 371-Cytiger.jpg 372-Booloon.jpg 373-Squirskun.jpg 256-EvilEnergy.jpg SonTrn.gif 376-STHTrainer.jpg CWCtrn.jpg 101-ChristianC.jpg ? 158-Cwc City Gym.jpg 150-MTS.jpg 377-TurboRainbow.jpg
L 378-Whammy.jpg 225-SchuBall1.jpg 374-ChaosEmerald.jpg 379-Bulk.jpg 224-SchuZord.jpg 380-ShineyStadium.jpg 102-HookedOnSonichu1.jpg 103-CWCsMaint.jpg 186-edgehogsInLove.jpg Cwcdex.gif Free Space! Free Space!

notes: there are many duplicate cards (hand drawn/computerized) and there's an entire column cut off from the picture (checked either by file name or looking at the bra pic and comparing the cards. ell o ell) Clydec 20:18, 20 October 2009 (CEST)