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I SIGNED UP JUST TO EDIT MY OWN PAGE WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT oh god i'm such a faggot. Evang7 05:42, 14 April 2009 (CEST)

I sure do. Better be carefull, young man! :3 RachmaninovDESU 10:22, 14 April 2009 (CEST)
I don't even want to be here oh god i'm so embarassed Evang7 00:34, 15 April 2009 (CEST)
god damn rachmaninov, don't be such a faggot, evan opened the god damn pandora's box

also this is related:

Everything has its beginning...but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before chaos. The world was born...from zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two, two becomes 10, 10 becomes 100. Taking it all back to one solves nothing. So long as zero remains, one will eventually grow to 100 again. Clydec 05:29, 28 April 2009 (CEST)

also i want to say this:

It wasn't stripping him of his innocence. He was never innocent. It was ignorance that kept him "innocent". Ignorance is bliss they say, so true. So...true. Clydec 05:32, 28 April 2009 (CEST)

No, he certainly never was innocent, but he's certainly become a lot more disgusting due to the influence of SLATE AND HANDER from trolls. But really, right now he's the one hurting himself. Everything horrible to come about recently is just...stuff he released himself and it's hard to feel guilty for him because of that. I'm still sympathetic towards him to an extent, but he's...well, Chris-chan. I've never had a more muddled amount of thoughts over one person. He's too interesting to just stop following.
I guess I still do regret my role in all of this, but it's not like I could really do anything. The best I can do is sit back and tell Simonla to go forth and DO THE IMPOSSIBLE SEE THE INVISIBLE because I guess I am her father in Chris-chan world. Evang7 23:47, 28 April 2009 (CEST)
He's been warned of Julie (and I'm fucking surprised he believed it after MOLVANIA and the whole he's a fucking 13 year old.) He's been warned of Ivy. In fact, in the fucking beginning I warned him of Panda! I totally forgot I had done that. Well, fuck it. It doesn't matter. God damn. Just god damn it. Evan, if it makes you feel any better...if it wasn't you who had opened Pandora's Box, it could have been someone worse...Clydec 02:08, 29 April 2009 (CEST)
It's kinda funny how I can still vividly remember the events leading up to me sending the e-mails off. I guess part of that 15-year-old EPIC TROLL personality is still in me to take joy from reminiscing. I tell myself he would have certainly been "found" by the internet at large anyway, but thinking that I started this whole mess still sorta gets to me. I was just looking at the Patti Chandler article for something I was working on, and looking at images of that poor dog and realizing the last genuine happiness Chris-chan had pertained to that dog makes me feel like the most awful person alive. I don't want to justify being a giant faggot by passing it off as "SOMEONE ELSE WOULDA DONE IT" or "HE'S A HORRIBLE FAGGOT WHO DESERVES IT", even though both of those statements are very true. It just makes me feel like I'm making excuses. The reason I didn't really like having an article here was more or less because it just made me out to be the EPIC TROLL WHO STARTED IT ALL when really I was just some friendless 14-year-old trying to fit in at /v/ by starting his very own EPIC MEEM.
But whether I like it or not I am a necessary source on how this whole mess started. When I get the chance tomorrow I will post my awful final e-mail to Chris-chan where I sent him a drawing of me as Pokey and Mary Lee Walsh as Gigyas with what basically equated to a glorified ANON IS LEGION!!! speech for that reason. There's a more personal reason that I wish I didn't send those e-mails, and it's because of what an embarrassing person I was. I can't believe I was really 14 when I sent those to him. What the fuck. Evang7 06:07, 30 April 2009 (CEST)
EDITOR'S NOTE: I added things up wrong, I was actually 15, but that hardly makes it any better Evang7 06:10, 30 April 2009 (CEST)
If it's any consolation, you've helped start a community where all people regardless of race, color, or creed can join hands and work together towards a common goal of sending an autistic manchild to the funny farm where he'll truly be happy and we can get closure. --Champthom 16:32, 30 April 2009 (CEST)