Talk:Chris and sex

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Revision as of 18:26, 9 January 2010 by CWCAttack (talk | contribs)
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Actually, so far so good, but I'm wondering - should we include Chris's views on women in a separate article (like how they're "so sweet" and such) or should we include it here? --Champthom 05:11, 28 January 2009 (CET)

It could go under "Knowledge of Sex and Gender." It'd only be a paragraph or so.~User:gourmetpickle

"he didn't understand sex until watch softcore porn on HBO around age 16)" < Fixed it to "he didn't understand sex until he watched softcore porn on HBO around age 16)". Was a glaring error; Though it was understandable to read through. IJustDontCareAnymore 00:13, 18 April 2009 (CEST)

I added the asexuality section to here, I totally forgot about this article when I originally wrote it. -- Needlepants 09:13, 6 August 2009 (CEST)

While I don't subscribe to the idea he's asexual, you present a great case for the idea. Personally, I'm of the belief Chris has the mentality of a spoiled 9-year-old who wants to play with his toys and video games 24/7, but who also wants in on the fun parts of being "grown up" without really understanding their implications. Ensign disposable 10:06, 8 August 2009 (CEST)

Is that conversation between Chris and Panda about her getting raped recorded somewhere? That is fucking beyond belief and I need to see it. Bunsteaks 21:04, 18 August 2009 (CEST)

Chris and Incest

Shouldn't there be a section on this page that displays Chris' thoughts on incest? As I recall, Chris and a troll talked about it back a long time ago in one of the earliest Mumble chats. Let's also not forget what was implied between Sonichu and Rosechu in episode 9 of the audiobooks. What do you think? --EdtheHedgehog1894 12:39. 29 September 2009

I think your furriness masks your intelligence, kid. Good Idea.--Jump 20:51, 29 September 2009 (CEST)

Rape split

Given the stuff about Panda particularly and the fact that rape is a frequent thing when it comes to Chris, anyone think that perhaps the rape section could be split off into its own article? Thoughts? --Champthom 08:01, 3 October 2009 (CEST)

  • Sounds like a good idea to me. A lot could be written about that subject.

It'll probably be the creepiest article on this site, though. *shudder* --Lime Madotsuki.png 08:11, 3 October 2009 (CEST)

Prostitution quote

Where did the quote from the prostitution thing come from? that seems like a conversation or e-mail worth reading.--Beat 21:44, 24 November 2009 (CET)

Chris's penis

Could someone find a pic of a seven inch erect penis in flaccid state, to compare to Chris's flaccid penis? The one from the shower vid definitely can't be seven inches, because it's about the same size as mine and I'm sure as hell not seven inches. --Champthom 01:58, 30 November 2009 (CET)

Turgid size doesn't always correlate perfectly with flaccid size. Kajillion 06:26, 17 December 2009 (CET)

Another point; Chris's obesity is not helping his manhood's size. The layers of fat around the base of his penis might artificially shrinks it. Besides, I wonder why we are talking about this. Chris got the habit to make false claims. In fact, I took the time to download and watch his "Mass-Debate" videos and I refuse to believe that his unit measure seven inches. He might make the number by adding his scrotum but I bet he's not longer than five. Griffintown 07:44, 17 December 2009 (CET)

Speaking of which, would it be possible to move that lower in the page, maybe put it under a spoiler tag? I and maybe a few others would rather not be scarred for life any further by it showing up the first second we glance our eyes onto the page. --CWCAttack 22:26, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Coping Methods

Would anyone happen to exactly know how Chris's coping methods are unhealthy? I kind of know about the sex change, but what about his other methods? --CWCAttack 21:10, 14 March 2009 (GMT)

  • They're explained pretty well here. He wants to, at least mentally, punish himself for having homoerotic thoughts. He wants to ban gay people from reality so that he never has to have those thoughts again. He's so convinced, for whatever reason, that homosexuality is just plain wrong, that he can't even allow himself to have these thoughts, let alone accept them. It's no healthier than reparative therapy is. also why does your sig say it's March? --sonichuis44 05:25, 9 December 2009 (CET)
    • This goes beyond homosexuality. Chris is taking great length to not mention anything remotely sexualized. His use of the terms "Pickle", "China" "Mass Debating" and "Hanky-Panky" instead of the proper terms for genitals, masturbation and sexual relations shows us what kind of cluster-fuck Chris's psyche really is. He's still in the stage where using or not using a "Magical Mantra" can give you free stuff and avoid taking responsibilities. Quite immature but oh-so autistic if you ask me. Griffintown 21:07, 28 December 2009 (CET)