Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 1

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Revision as of 01:50, 10 February 2010 by Clydec (talk | contribs)
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Alec: Hi, is this... is this, uh, Christian Weston Chandler?

Chris: Yeah, this is Christian, may I help you?

Alec: Hi Chris, um... this is Alec Benson Leary. Is it-Is it okay if we talk?

Chris: Oh yes. Uh... Sure. yes. So uh...

Alec: Good. Well, uh, there's a couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. Um, first of all, uh... Well I understand you've got... you've got a problem with the ads that are on Cwcipedia? Can you... Can you tell me a little more about um... I kinda want to have, you know, get a compromise and settle this 'cause... 'cause I don't... I don't want anybody to be angry.

Chris: Okay yeah. I'll let you have your ads on the Cwcipedia but don't make them too big, and uh, leave 'em in the side bar.

Alec: Okay... um...

Chris: (interrupts) I don't want-I don't want-I do not want them in-I do not want them c... c... covering over... the introductory box or any-or anything else where I have to scroll down even to edit the pages. Or even to log in.