Talk:Cleveland Show Voice Rant

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Revision as of 23:14, 22 March 2010 by Clydec (talk | contribs)
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Transcribing. BubblegumPinkButler 03:32, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Transcribed. This was my first transcription, so any pointers would help if I ballsed anything up. BubblegumPinkButler 03:48, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, He's back... He certainly held out long, didn't he? SargentPickles 23:39, 22 March 2010 (EST)

  • Hypocrisy in action in its finest indeed.--UJ1A1985 03:50, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

Food for thought

Stolen from family guy and he missed the meaning of it,considering this video is just a rant, a poorly thought rant.Basgon 04:06, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

  • Um, what? That's been a common phrase in the English language for forever. --Anaconda 04:10, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

spioler alart

Chris realized that no one he knows outside his mom and dad give a shit about sonichu Clydec 04:14, 23 March 2010 (UTC)