Talk:F Abstinance

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let me have a whack at transcribing something Clydec 23:13, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

jesus christ now i know how you guys feel Clydec 23:31, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Good luck making a summary of this one. He's raging about kids learning abstinence because he's a virgin, then goes on to say that the comics are bad but a small thing like a backpack is fine (even though he's not getting a dime). Great.... --Caboose -1 23:36, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

What's the source for the quote at the top of the page about the LBP costumes? --Hatredy 00:31, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
It's what Chris put in the description box on youtube. --Caboose -1 00:35, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Still thinks he's in High School

His mentioning getting up during an assembly makes me think we can confirm the theory he never left high school mentally. Shawths

You just figured that out? --Exemplary 04:33, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Oh I knew that just wanted to make a suggestion for some more evidence we can provide. Shawths

Every time I am hearing the term "Assembly", it is somewhat linked to a church. Just sayin' Griffintown 05:40, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

  • I thought that myself. That suggests he recently had a sermon on abstinance. In this case it probably wasn't refering to the abstinance of priests, but trying to suggest to young people that it is a valid alternative to being sexually active. Which might explain Chris' rage, anyone suggesting to young women that NOT having sex is a good idea would be HIS ENEMY. -- Borednewb 06:08, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Sunday is video day.

He's been making a lot of videos on Sundays. I think last week someone at his church told him to leave the internet and this week someone at church told him to stop trying to rape people and to practice abstinence. I bet he just learned the word today.DamianAntaria

Either that or a girl just used it as an excuse to flee his presence recently. Kazmeyer 01:17, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I also have the feeling that someone is preaching to our Chris. Is Rocky losing her grip on our favorite tub of lard? Griffintown 02:41, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
It doesn't really read to me like something from church. He's actively mad at the concept of abstinence, which leads me to believe that he feels like the concept cost him a shot at some china recently. Maybe that was the Wallflower's final excuse as to why she didn't want to give it up to him, or he tried to make a move on another girl and she explained that she'd taken a pledge or something. Either way, I think if he'd just been preached abstinence he might make a video about opposing it, but I doubt he'd sound so angry about it. Kazmeyer 03:05, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
This recent episode of The Simpsons may have something to do with it, though he's also probably still pissed about the Wallflower incident. --T K 19 04:28, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
  • It'd be interesting to get some statistics on Chris's videos - average length, the days he uploads videos on, time of day, that sort of thing. --Champthom 00:12, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
  • Yeah, that'd be a table worth putting together. A lot of them, it would be hard to peg what time of day they went up now because we're down to the CWCVille Library copies, but the rest of the data could be interesting. As for abstinence, just going on pure irrational bias about the content of sex education courses in semi-rural Virginia, he probably got an earful about it in high school, but he was also probably too busy reading Goosebumps to get too wound up about it at the time. Dkaien 00:16, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
  • Could this be next month's project then? --Caboose -1 00:28, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Ok, CWC has made 32 videos in 2010. 4 on Mondays, 4 on Tuesdays, 6 on Wednesdays, 3 on Thursdays, 5 on Fridays, 7 on Saturdays and only 3 on Sundays. So Saturdays seem to be the days Chris is most willing to make a fool of himself. DamianAntaria

Another reason why I hate this mother fucker.

Seriously? He now wants people to rise up against abstinence? *Facepalm* If a girl doesn't want to have sex, then she doesn't want to have sex. It's a simple concept. He's just jealous that you can't get any china. Besides, any girl would want to proclaim abstinence around a creepy obese, greasy, sweaty, smelly stalking rapist like himself.

Ugh... I don't want to talk any more about this. I hope he gets pepper sprayed one day, though.

--Noel Ari Paige 03:45, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

  • I can't wait to see what two words get mashed together to describe that incident. "Jerk" don't really portmanteau with "girl" the way it does with "cop" and "manager." -- Revolver Octopus 04:29, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
    • Abstigirl? Bitchstinance? -- Borednewb 06:08, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
      • Bitchstinance. I love it. Ronichu 09:27, 29 March 2010 (UTC)