Talk:Friend zone

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Revision as of 15:22, 18 January 2010 by Dkaien (talk | contribs)
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Unfortunately, the thing that inspired this whole talk of "The Friend Zone" is not public and won't be public for some time. However, I think this article is somewhat decent in light of what we do have publicly. The application with Megan isn't what inspired it but it's still relevant though since it's the same sort of situation, though Megan may not have used the term "friend zone" explicitly. In general, this article can also point out why Chris's concept of "sweetheart from the ground up" is doomed to fail, mostly because any woman he becomes friends with will find that he's too much of a good friend that a serious relationship would ruin the good thing they already have. --Champthom 18:55, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Would I be wrong if I assumed it has anything to do with "Kim"?--Beat 19:07, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
See, I would say that the sweetheart-from-the-ground-up notion is doomed to fail because any woman, aside from a troll like Kacey or Emily, who spent more than maybe 30 seconds in Chris's company nowadays would run away in disgust and scream for the cops. But then I'm not in on all the inside info. Dkaien 19:22, 18 January 2010 (UTC)