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CHRIS: Uhm, so yeah, she's got a really...sens-se g-bot-c-spot, because apparently I don't believe her, idonbelieve he could, Mr. C, any of her past boyfriends and husbands, they haven't really reached, err, hit her G-spot really-

BELLA: [Interrupts Chris] Right.

CHRIS: -with their dicks.

BELLA: Right.

CHRIS: They haven't, they ha-they wer-were focused on-

BELLA: [Loud cough]

CHRIS: -pleasurin' themselves really, as opposed to focusing on her, which that's my focus.

BELLA: Right...[Unintelligible, followed by an inhalation] true, um, for like the convention make sure to have a, a lot of fun ys-make sure to have a, y'know, especially with [the Suitress] have a lot of fun with her, right? Because uh-

CHRIS: [Interrupts Bella] Obviously.

BELLA: -Yeah, because now you're doing this for your mom...yea-uh-make sure I'll be there, I'll be there watching us making sure that nobody is tryna-[Inhalation followed by a cough] sorry butmythroat [Another cough] nobody's trying to hurt you, do anything, I'll take photos of you two, I'll have, I'll have just a screenshot y'know, like a slideshow of romantic stuff between you guys, ar-though the dance will be awesome, we could take turns-

CHRIS: [Interrupts Bella] Yeah.

BELLA: -I'd like to dance with her too, and then you guys could take the slow dance and whatever, and uh-

CHRIS: [Interrupts Bella] Yeah, we'll see wha-well we'll see what we can arrange, because she obv-she only has the hotel room for the friday night, and-

BELLA: [Interrupts Chris] Right.

CHRIS: -she will want to get home as-get home as quickly as possible as she's already make that agreement with her parents, and I don't wanna-

BELLA: [Loud cough, talks over Chris] Yeah, her mom is pretty strict about it, yeah...[Supressed cough]

CHRIS: -yeah, but I mean obviously if uh, if uh she ends obviously she is likely to uh, head back home before the Grand Galloping Gala-

BELLA: Oh, is she? Oh, no! I wanted to- I wanted to dance with her! Because I thought it'd be- Because I thought it'd be so cute! Because- since I'm there to protect you guys, right? I obviously, I'm gonna be enjoying the festivities with you two, but I wanted to take like um, I wanted to make a uh oh like slideshow, and like memory thingy. Of you guys together.

CHRIS: Yeah well and all the other [Unintelligible]-

BELLA: [Interrupts Chris] Yeah!

CHRIS: -[Unintelligible] paying for the convention as well.

BELLA: But how are you feeling, Christine? How are you feeling? Because I know there's a lot of societal pressure on you about like um, this thing with Barbara. A lot of societal pressure and a lot of people, you know, consciously who judge, like would judge, and you know, there is a lot of eyes on you. It must be very stressful.

CHRIS: Yeah, it is.

BELLA: Yeah, I can imagine. I'm so sorry about all that stuff, yeah.

CHRIS: Well, still [inaudible] we still have Magi-chan and Cryzel to dance with.

BELLA: You always have --

[Cut in the audio.]

BELLA: I- I- I appreciate that you like um, the idea of um, open relationships, right? But, if, uh, [the Suitress] really wants to like, commit and settle down with you would you take that seriously and stop having open relationships?

CHRIS: Well, I- I would consider... I really would wish I could consider [Bella coughs] I did, obviously.

[Cut in the audio.]

BELLA: What if, uhm [Cough] in like ten years, after she's done with college, and you still have a good relationship, and she's grown to be a beautiful woman, and y'know, everything, she says, Christine, I really really really want to settle down with you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. What would you do?

CHRIS: Well, okay well, after she's done with college and she's got herself organized, uh, on the highly highly unlikely event... for this timeline that she doesn't meet her long-term sweetheart-

BELLA: Right.

CHRIS: -who will be better for her, then I would definitely be up for considering.

BELLA: Why do you think that she has somebody else that's better for her?

CHRIS: Well, I mean, I can't reveal too many details, I just, um, can only say that- say that she's got...

BELLA: Oh, is this some kind of psychic thingie? Did you look into the future?

CHRIS: Yeah, that's-

BELLA: Oh, okay.

[Cut in the audio.]

CHRIS: Incest fanfics that come true and shit.

BELLA: I didn't even know there was such a thing! I didn't even know there was incest fanficsh- were there about you and Barbara? I can't believe that. I didn't even think that I- I knew that you guys had a good relationship, but I always thought- 'cause I'm not huge on Christory, and y'know, whatever, I just thought that the whole Sonichu franchise was very interesting, and that's how I- I got into you when I was younger, right? But I had- I didn't have any idea that Barbara was, um, that Barbara and you had that sort of relationship. I never got any of those, uh, vibes. But, um, how did you approach her?

CHRIS: [stress sigh] I approached her with care and caution. And... it was a timed approach. So I just, gave her comfort, to talked with her, and we just branched out slow and steady, and that night I encouraged her positively, let her make the first move, 'cause she wanted to do it an'...

BELLA: [Interrupts chris] Oh, she did? Really? She made the first move?

CHRIS: Yeah.

BELLA: Oh. Oh, really? Wow, Barbara, ha ha! How- how did she do, if you don't mind me asking? What was the first move?

CHRIS: [stress sigh] Uh, I don't remember exact- well, that was her first move but my approach was... Hm. Well, I forgot exactly what it- what terminology approach I used but, care and caution.

BELLA: That's good.

CHRIS: And I was... I was most, I was direct and upfront with her for the most part.

BELLA: That's good. And how did she respond when you, uh, when you, um, approached her? What did she say?

CHRIS: I don't, I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was kind of, I think, she was partially confused at one point but, but then she came around, obviously, with the more approaching, with the more approaching that I was doing with her along the way.

BELLA: Right, so she... so she got into it. How was the first kiss? You kissed her? How did that feel? Having known this woman for your whole life, how did that feel?

CHRIS: Oh, yeah, I mean, it was simple, uh, lip, lip lock, lip-to-lip kiss, but yeah. It was actually good. It felt right.

BELLA: When did you start having feelings for Barbara?

CHRIS: Well, obviously for, well, for a long time, I mean, I remember even mentioning some time ago in one of my videos that I even had dreams where I had, I had sex with her, obviously. So...

BELLA: Really, yeah? Is that, um, I- I- I've heard of- I don't know what it is, per, uh, per se, but, is that what Oh-dipus complex is called, is when, uh, um, is when, you like your mother? Is that what it's called, I don't know what it means, though, I just thought, I thought, I just thought might be.

CHRIS: Yeah, the uh, that's right, the Oedipus complex.

BELLA: Oh, Oedipus, that's right, yeah. Yeah, that's right, ennh... how, how if you don't mind me asking it, I know it's probably personal, you don't have to answer, but... how is the sex?

CHRIS: Uh, I'd say it was satisfactory, it took a while, took a few tries to...

BELLA: It took a few tries? Yeah... she is o- she is older...

CHRIS: Yeah, plus, uh, also she's very understanding about the whole thing as well, I was direct with her, still direct and honest with her, made sure that I, yeah, obviously, I'm never gonna propose marriage to her at all 'cause we're already daughter and... mom...

BELLA: Yeah, mother and daughter. You know, they say there's no, there's no stronger bond than a mother and her daughter.

[Cut in the audio.]

BELLA: Sorry?

CHRIS: We've been doing it every third night, and the first might be on June 27th.

BELLA: Oh, you have a routine? Huh.

CHRIS: Yeah.

BELLA: Well, at least you have a stable, you have a stable relationship because you know it's not going to end if anything happened. You'd still be, you'd still be, you know, you'd still be mother and daughter. It's not going to like, be an explosive break up, right? That's, at least that's comforting.

CHRIS: Yeah.

BELLA: Yeah. So you said since June, June?

CHRIS: Yeah it, It took us a few nights to, it took us a few nights to figure, figure out what made, what felt right and what didn't feel right, and...

BELLA: Does your mother enjoy it?

CHRIS: Yeah. She's having, yeah she's having a good time, literally.

BELLA: She is? She's having a good time?

CHRIS: She'll -- Yes, sh -- well, we're, we figured it out.

BELLA: That's great to hear. Do you guys act more like mother and daughter, or do you guys act more like, you know, lovers, when.... Like say, you come home from, you know, the supermarket and you see Barbara. Uh, would you say 'Hey sweetheart' or do you say 'Hi mom?'

CHRIS: Yeah I'm, I'm, I haven't called her 'mom' in quite some time now.

BELLA: Oh, really?

CHRIS: So, yeah, I'm, I'm more often calling her 'love' at this point.

BELLA: But you recently started dating the Suitress, isn't that, that's true, right? An open relationship?

CHRIS: Yeah it, it's, it's, yeah between Barbara and I it is an open relationship and I made that very clear with her.

BELLA: Right. Is Barbara dating anybody else?

CHRIS: Well, uh, she's not.

BELLA: No? But she's fine with you dating other people, right?

CHRIS: Yeah, she's okay.

BELLA: Do you guys go on any dates or anything romantic like that?

CHRIS: Mm, well, I'll be, well not anything extravagant but we do, uh, as often as possible, eat at the dinner table together.

BELLA: Yeah.

CHRIS: We haven't been able to picnic much lately because I've had to switch to a soup diet becau -- after getting the crown...

BELLA: Uh-huh.

CHRIS: tooth.

BELLA: Oh, did you?

CHRIS: Yeah. It feels right to remember her inner child [inaudible].

BELLA: Right. That's true, yeah.

CHRIS: [inaudible] As well. But I, but I'm encouraging her towards the possibi-, towards the positives and, you know, be my homemaker.

BELLA: Yeah. Yeah knowing, knowing you Christine, I think that, uh, because you, I, I know, I noticed that she was mature, you know, and she's mature and she's wise. She's wise in her ways and um, you know, she has experience and she loves you, and you two have a great relationship. But wouldn't you want somebody who's younger? Right? To keep up more with your energy?

CHRIS: Obviously.

CHRIS: Uh, yeah, obviously, but, y'know, obviously, if I could find some...

BELLA: There's [the Suitress]! [The Suitress]'s very interested in you! [The Suitress]- yeah, [The Suitress]'s very interested in you! She's a super-girl. Yeah.

CHRIS: I have foreseen- I have lived in the future, and I know she's gonna find her better, long-term sweetheart.

BELLA: [The Suitress]?

CHRIS: On campus.

BELLA: Are you sure?

CHRIS: Yeah.

BELLA: Because [the Suitress]- [the Suitress] talks to me, saying how great you are, and how much she loves you, right? Maybe 'cause the future can change, with fate?

CHRIS: Um, it's a possibility, but it's-

BELLA: Why don't you try for her? Because- y'know- 'cause [stammers] [the Suitress] consented [?] to having an open relationship, right? I'm sure she's- you're fine, with, uh, both of them now. But, over time, [the Suitress] really, really, really adores you. And she's a wonderful girl. I text her a lot, we chat. We, um- She has never said a single negative thing about you. She- She adores you, like, and- She'll be more open to stuff like, you know, having spa days, getting pizza, going out together, you know, and, she's um, she's probably newer in the bedroom, but she's willing to do it. She's willing to have fun with you.

CHRIS: Yes, I agree. And I appreciate all that, yeah, I'm making the uh, short time, as a short time, count, as best as I can with her.

[Cut in the audio.]

BELLA: And plus, she's young! She has a lot of time to, um, she has a lot of time to travel, visit you, I mean- You've done long distance before, haven't you?

CHRIS: Uh, yeah, a long-distance relationships, but- [Bella coughs loudly]

BELLA: Oh, yeah, they suck. I know they suck, but what's important is that you make, uh, you make a relationship with her now, and that way, it'll stay, like, forever! And she'll come back to you, like she'll come back to you, I'm sure!

CHRIS: Yes, it is a possibility, but I am more- I am more open. I'm thinking more on the higher-likelihood outcomes for this timeline, obviously-

BELLA: I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get adjusted-

[Cut in the audio.]

BELLA: Yeah. A lot of time with your mom, like whatever you have left with her, that makes sense. Because, you know, you don't know how, how long she has left so you just wanna, you just don't want her to be lonely or anything, right?

CHRIS: Yeah, obviously. But yeah, still uh, would want somebody who was younger than, who is younger or close to my age, obviously, I don't know, maybe.

BELLA: You don't want anyone who's younger?

CHRIS: Um, not too many, not too many other at this, at this time. But, I mean, obviously uh, with my affirmations on, on attracting my twin flame, we, we proceed towards it more slowly.

BELLA: Mhm. Sorry, I'm tuning the volume, for my, I can't, I have a really bad ear because I just, I got sick, like, you can hear it in my voice. It's hard to hear anything at all. But I can hear you now. Go ahead.

CHRIS: Alright. So anyway, um, every -- with the, with the events and everything and I was feeling like, I really needed a sexual release, and...


CHRIS: Not too many, not too many individuals on this side of the iron curtain were coming up to play right, right down there, so...

BELLA: Right.

CHRIS: And then the everything was coming into good alignment and it was good [inaudible] Emmanuel, you know, God. Just said that it was okay and managed to guide me towards...

BELLA: God said this was okay? Yeah, then you don't have anything to worry about if God himself said 'This is fine.'

CHRIS: Yeah. And uh, so yeah. I gave it a lot of thought myself and I was like 'Okay, so I'll take a dive for it,' so...

BELLA: But how did this happen? How did this come about?

CHRIS: Well, among which just mainly I'm just, really, really horny and I needed a true and honest, uh, relationship to come about, so... Obviously, this was one of the best way to do it despite it being with uh... I don't want to believe in labels at all but I mean obviously...