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OK, what is this then?

Basically, I got the not-so-bright idea to hand-pick all pictures from the slideshow that appeared to have any text in them and fed them through an OCR program. Mix with a bit of scripting, HTML conversion, and voila! Not bad for 10 minutes of work. The results were not always pretty, but still better than nothing. This may help people transcribe the rest of them. Or it might not. Do your worst.


From Christian Weston Chand|er.. Cute Little Boys and Girls grow up, and I was no exception. Before moving from Ruckersville to Richmond, In December of1989, my family and I were watching the Regency Square Bear Band perform. When the Conductor asked me my name, I told him, "Christopher', but apparently he was english, since he misunderstood me and called me "Christian". The name change settled in. Originally when Iwas born, my father wanted to name me Christian, but he chickened out and named me Christopher.


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. First, we lived in the Cloverleaf Lakes Apartments from September, 1992 to Mid-Summer, 1995, with a duck pond in the back yard. We've often seen Whooping Cranes standing in the water as well. Then for one year, we've lived in a house in the Surryvvood subdivision. During the time in early 1996, my mother retired from Secretarial Services with Virginia Power, and ther was a nice party, which |'ve attended with her and my father. lastly, during my entire High School Life, we've resided in a townehouse in the Newberry Towne Subdivision. Some of the neighbors spread rumors of my family; I didn't care much ado about it, but my parents couIdn‘t take it sitting down.


From Chrsitian Weston Chandler; I would like to take this moment to mention that there are few people who I could not Hnd photos of, nor remembered their names. And for that, I sincerely apologize. Also, I would like to apologize to Kellie Andes (if she is reading this) for losing touch with her in 2001; I was afraid that you may have moved on to someone who you may have called your sweetheart. l\/lore pictures coming up. . .>>>>


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Dr. Gary Krapf, Srhvul Ps!/chulugzs!


Administrative Staff li I , Seated, Dr john Galloway, Principal Standing on left, Ms Eileen Ford, Assistant ' ‘ Principal ya ·_ A Standing on tight, M1. Gabe Pascarella, S l, ; M ‘ * s ff a ‘ ~ Asuslam lmacl al, P or oallanay las tlrc ulumalc lespaaslr gi 3 r (E, " V ' · bility of the whole school. l·le is also involved in PTA activities, the School Council, public { _' { “" ralalslms, cumailar planning, start aecclcpr mcnt, and several county coiimlltlees * » l Mc malls i·cspo¤al»lll¤le§ tn the school include student evaluation, lookem, teacher `U aides, zlsscmbly programs, fund raising, subr stltute teachers, student handbook reuslon and working with the sixth grade students, ;_ __’*‘ "’ Mr. I’ascarella's duties include atlllcllcs, s v “"’“ realmlcs, caaslllalc leaclwcrc, atleaaaace student transportation, flclcl trips, buildings and grounds, security, lockers, and cafctcria All administrators can be sven at many after school events

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While the cast of Snoopy, ends a show, they give big smiles for the camera. Congratulations to Beth Mercer (Snoopy), John Cichocki (Charlie Brown), and the rest ofthe cast on a great performance. " ,—,>, , ~ —» " i` , ' M »i{1». • » ’ ’ 7 t w ia i- ,


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From Christian Weston ChandIer.. During my freshman year at Manchester High School, I was approached by someone during my history class with Mrs. Kara Chaconas who introduced me to Coach McCouIl; I was to become one ofthe two "Managers" of the Varsity Basketball team (the term "Water Boy" was more appropriate). But I've had help from my good ol' buddy, Joseph Herring; he was in his Junior Year then He was a good man, yet he got a bum steer from this girl he was dating... Lindsay was her name, I think Anyway, I've condoned him and listened attentively I also remember the time when for one game, the buses couIdn't make it, so the whole team had to play follow-the-leader to the opposing High School. I rode with Joe in his Jeep; itwas a fun ride. Also, that was the time I've had a crush on cheerleader Laura Dorazio. It lasted for only a year, though, and nothing happened; I've learned that she was in a later grade than I. >> > >


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. According to the yearbooks, that was a big lie, as a matter of fact she was also in Providence Middle School during the same three years I was, and she was a Freshman while I was a Freshman. Although for some odd reason, Laura skipped her Junior year and became a Seinor while I was Juinor. Also, one day during B—Ball practice, I was randomly thinking... with a picture of Mighty the Armadillo (of Knuck|es' Chaotix (32X)) leaning against one of a bunch of tall lockers in my head, when suddendly the door behind him opened up, and out popped this Orange Hedgehog with a Basketball. So I drew and colored him on paper immediately; Bionic the Hedgehog (Sonic's Long-Lost Brother) was born.


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It is with pride thm mis ueriitimtc of mmgnitémm is 01 A presented m ._CbCi%’fjQn_,.-Q9n§\e;,. who has nraadc am mnsaifish mmtxibutimn mf athletic skills in and imxlzudc ihis imiividmal mnmag ihc many F / Hemi Fu·:k4;!1 -5@r¤i&y_- 5Q&k¢t\;¤\.l . 15!9g£1 .. V*/ERD 5clK°té }C=*’d`€}HH£{ to bib KBHSWQ/fi TEMEE fr¢*1 m¢m?:&@@&$T@22x m:ms¢¤t2x@2&2—a~%

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From Christian Weston ChandIer.. Over the years after that, I've made great friends with some of the sweetest gals there. Kellie Andes was a treasure, and I grew fond of her since I've first met her in my Sophmore year. We‘ve kept in touch up to mid-2001; I feared that she might have moved on to someone who she was to refer to as her Sweetheart. Next, Tiffany Gowen; she was really good to me. She reminded me of Peanuts character, Peppermint Patty, and she and I were closegret seperate, like Patty and Charlie Brown. he also danced with me at the Seinor Prom (I was there with my mother, and I was naive on the subject of dating and re|ationships... unlike most ofthe other students, |'m certain); It was so nice and fun; |'|| never forget that dance. :) >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. Then there was the Iovey couple, Sarah Bevel and Brian Smart. It was fun just to watch them flirt with each other; l've couId've learned from that but my Autism and normal social phobias held me back then. Last l've recently heard, they broke up some time ago... such a shame, really. Molly Quarles was a happy, giggly kind-of gal, and she was fun to be around. Funny Story.. during my Freshman year in February, I filled in my info for the "Data 'Love' Match"; it paired me up with Molly. l've first met Miranda Mitchell during Science Class in my Juinor year; Kellie was in that class as well. In most of the projects, I got paired up with one or both of Kellie and Miranda (mostly both). >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. Upon retrospect, one might say I was similar to Casanova; Au contrair, I just get along A LOT BETTER with girls/women than I do with. those of my gender (it was found out among my early testings for my Autism). Seriously, I was one real Lucky Duck, and with friends like these, I cou|dn't help but feel the emotional support that I needed to get me out of my Autistic shell, and have some ofthe happiest years of my life. :)


Lauri Jones

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bc scared to death to confront Doing so gained him the Vx orld one ofthese ferocious animals. record for the longest hear but one ofotir fearless leaders wrestle. Since then, he°s never sure isn’t. Who`d hax e thought quite been able to live down the that at the age of 23, assistant nickname (`BSHIX`) These days piincipal Don Skeeh wrestled a Mr. Skeen still manages to keep live bear? He wasn’ttrying to that excitement in his life hy escape death though, he did it catching the snakes that invaded all hccausc of at dare! With the our school this fall. We should bear standing 6’6" tall and be glad to have such a weighing in at 370 lbs., Mr. courageous guy on our side. Skcen managed R, my in the ring by rt mm, M. ttatssim. ami img


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A Day m the Lie 0f. . . Ki K t Hg OS (-3

tudents often wonder what it would be like to b: principal of a school as large as Manchester Pets Koste, administrator extraordinaire? could certainly

tell them. Everyday Mr Koste comes to school with th sole purpose of helping the kids at Manchester becom better peoples l-le comes to school events, rooting for hi favorite teams He listens to studenm with the talents ol` botjn a guidance counselor and an administrator In addition t his public duties, Mx Koste iuns the school both tinanciall and administratively. What a lot to dol Still, some studen speculate about what goes on behind closed doors in th

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From Christian Weston ChandIer.. During my Seinor Year, I've taken a lot of photographs for my Photography class with l\/lr. Allen Bayuk. And among them, I've made a book with ones I took on one of the final weeks of my High School Life. And in my Computer Graphics class with IV|s. Noelle Chalifoux (who got married mid—year; I didn't memorize her married name), among the projects, I had to design a CD insert (front and back). Along with the made-up Pok'emon characters, I wanted to include Sonic and Pikachu, but previously copyrighted caracters weren't allowed. And later from the bIue... Sonic plus Pikachu.. >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. Sonichu! So I drew up many of the early drawings for him. And |'ve later given him his Heartsweet, Rosechu, and his own origin, stories and persona|ity... HE IS NOT JUST A POLYMERIZED pair of Game characters; He is his own Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon Self, and I have my own circled "C" on him, so there.


1 rzvimg around in 2; gdfca rt, Tw{&mN Gowin had {hs E y cpportumiyt0SpendS€¤1¤>· Lsadcnshwp DayvviUw1\¤\r.L&Pra;\a The Leadcrshzp Day was 21 great opp¤r€un1ty{¤rtHe scmmsfo GXPCHSDCC (515 {cbs O{V3YLOL,15 éawlvy members. phnm bv .·\mbc·r M Vaughn 7 j%‘2 4 ‘*_ ?*§%¤¤ ` ,_Q? ” *

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Paul Creasman and Sarah B¤v¤[


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gluvpnsed, Kcllm L. Andes watks ‘ to herspot mths (mnt ofthe a uc1rt<mum,a{ta·r acqcptmg her Dxstwgunshed mncmwm Tm lmtmgwslued lgmccrawards were presented to setected students whe actw2!yp2,rt1c1patc¤.\ and mms A dxgerencc m the sched pmt, ». ¤e€m..¤»


From Christian Weston Chandler; The Graduation Ceremony at Manchester High was not very swift for me. First off, During the early Awards Ceremony, I was a LITTLE thrilled to get a star for my grades. But then I find out that I am outshined in my creative skills, because those people did not appreciate the time and effort I took into making my Star Rainbow Coil Pot, or the Computer Graphics Poster I put toet Hot Dog Sonic the Hedgehog Happy gher, or my ceramic Mea , or the Lounging Autistic Student Sculpture. Even my two strong characters were both born at MHS; Bionic the Hedgehog, and Sonichu and Rosechu. So while I sit there and feel happy for my friends who got something, I was feelling so %$@# JEALOUS. I was a High-Functioning Autistic Boy who came WAAAAAAAAAY BEYOND OUT OF HIS SOCIAL SHELL, only to get ZILCH, NADA, ZIP; A BIG FAT ZERO! I felt so Devistated and Out Of Sync. :'( C0ntinue...>>>>


From Christian Weston Chandler; Secondly, it was a dark, rainy day on the Graduation Ceremony Day.. And thirdly, I was leaving my happy days and my friends at ll/IHS. Vlhth ALL THAT (mostly the Award thing), I ended up doing whatl did when I went up there to accept the diploma; NO HANDSHAKE, TEARS, AND RUNNING AWAY TO HIDE. They don't even have any pictures of that in the Y2K Yearbook; the caption could have read, "Student Christian Chandler is Depressed and Sad for some reasons. His response is tears and fri ht." Even now as I type this, I am still *&$°2¤"#@ Angry that I didn‘t get anything for the things I've poured my heart, soul and hand —work into, nor emerged as a friend to quite a few, nor developing a positive social behavior similar to Red Skelton. And I cry from the sad Graduation Day, and leaving MHS. :'( Continue. . .>>>>


From Christian Weston Chandler; Although, I truly appreciated the concern I received from my mother, Barbara Anne Weston Chandler, my friend and fellow Class of Y2K student, Tiffany Gowen, as they both found me alone at a table after having ran away after getting my diploma and condoned/comforted me; I felt a little better later. I also

would like to mention Nlrs. Judy Johnson who also expressed sympathy for me as I made my way up the aisle; she did not follow. The only thing that could have made a differenoe for the better would have been receiving during the Hrst Awards Ceremonyjust one Framed Award of some kind commerating my creativity, my mind and my shared friendship. *sigh* MOVE pICtUl'€S COITIIHQ l'1€Xt. . .>>>>


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From Christian Weston Chandler. My 21st should have been as nice as my 18th or Sweet 16, right? WRONG!!! I was attending an English Class at PVCC, with this Old Male Teacher (I don't remember the son-of-a-&"%#$'s name) Anyway, ON FEBRUARY 24, 2003, THE DAY OF MY 21st Birthday, he had the NERVE to KICK ME OUT OF HIS CLASS, just because of my Dog—Gone Autism. Ifl could do it over, I'd give him a swift l<ick... but then I might have

gotten kicked out of PVCC, and VIOLENCE is rarely the answer, anyway. Still, though, HE WRECKED MY TURNING 21!!! >8(


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. During my Enduring Love Quest, I've made a couple of friends: Anna McLerran and Linnea to name the top two of that small circle. They've helped me feel better while I searched in the Fashion Square Shopping Center (they both worked at the Pacific Sunwear store there). But in Mid-March, 2005, I got kicked out from the Shopping Center by the Evil Scottpillazzo and His Squad of Jerkops led by their big, fat, African- Americanish Jerkief Leader. And their top soldier of darkness, Bagget. In the months that followed, I got kicked out of the C-Ville.. >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. ..WaI-Mart for over a year by the "Un-Merry Seinor Comic, Kirby McDerbie" and his Goldaresque Bodyguard, as well as the W-M-Manajerk. And lastly I had a One—Day stand at the newly built Target.. The Manajerks there instituted the "Virginia is for Virgins" law against me. But I blew them off. Then in my quake, the Jerkop Soldier, Bagget caught wind and intercepted me. The battle was great, and the chips blew in his favor. And eventuaIIy... he grabbed me by my pants‘ rear beltline, pinned me on the floor,. >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. .hog-tied me and scraped the forhead above the left side of my left eye against the rough carpet and I was wounded with frictional burn, tears and blood. They dragged me to their vehicle, and drove me to their hideout by the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens. Iwas stewing above a hot pot of boiling shame and Ionliness, when my family came in to rescue me. Later, Iwas issued a rematch against Bagget, and with strong words of Voluntarity and Valour, and some Psychic Punches to his gut and jaw, I won that battle against that Jerkop of all Jerkops. >>>>


From Christian Weston ChandIer.. Why do I have to endure such toiturejust to search and find a Boyfriend-Free Girl to make into a Sweetheart from the Ground-Up?!!! Then eventually in August's begining, Anna had her 20th Birthday, and she was moving to Utah, so we, her friends and I, got together to make a surprise party for Anna; I picked out and bought the cake for her. It was a nice party.


Student featured in "/\/intende Power"

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From Christian Weston Chandler This Vlhtch is none other than that... whatchamacaII... "Dean of Student Serveces" at Piedmont Virginia Community College, Mary Lee Walsh. I had only reoently started my Enduring Love Quest for an 18- (My CurrentAge)—Year Old, Boyfriend-Free, Caring, Smoke —Free, Non—A|coho|ic White Girl to make into a Sweetheart! Soulmate from the Ground—up, when this ancient female dog shows up and tears up my original sign right in front of me.. THAT *&$%# SHATTERED MY HEART She and a bunch of GOOD-FOR-NOTHING, CRACKER- BADGE WEARING, BROWN, WHITE AND RED-WEARING POLICEMEN IMPERSONATORS, THE JERKOPS HAVE INTRUDED IN MY LOVE QUEST, AND SPELLED IT OUT SO CLEARLY THAT IT WAS ILLEGAL TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND IN VIRGINIA.. "VIRGINIA IS FOR VIRGINS, NOT LOVERSI" That's the impresion I got from those *&%$ punks.


{E5 = EIEEIB SEWEEE 1 recenrly purchased a Nincerrdo DS and a copy of Sprung. I originally buugl-rr nhe game because I needed some lessons on whar ro say ro, or do for, a girl. Tu ruake a long srory shon, Ideveloped a Fear char all the pretty girls are already paired up with a boyfriend. I've dubbed rhis social phobia Noiephobia, after the Spanish word for boylzriend. Anyway, before Sprung, 1 was afraid ru approach rnosr women (FYI, I'n1 zz years old). I rried ro silently autract a boyfriend-free girl,


mostly with signs, for oyet one year and four months. Then Sprung [provided ine] with generd things to say and do, so I felt more tonfident. When I tried my newr found expressions from the dating simur lator, I fotgot my fear of the infinitely high boyfriend factor, and I met a couple of lady friends with whom I feel more comfortable. So thank you, Nintendo and Ubisoft, for the dadng advice that this & virgin needed. Chnlstimi C.

via the Imemez

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From Christian Weston ChandIer.. During the late summer months, I've picked up and started playing the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (it was around the time the movie came into theaters). One Saturday at the Game Place (Where I was also going for Pokemon TCG on Fridays), I met Megan and John Schroeder. At first I thought they were a couple, but they were just Sister and Brother. Overthe months of getting to know Megan, I grew fond of her. Although at that time, and up to now, she wasn‘t interested in a Iovey relationship. |'ve bided to her wishes and requests. I am still truly fond of her, and I hope she will have a change of heart soon. She'|| be turing 21 on July 23rd, 2007.


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Architectural Glumputcr-Aihch Emitting amh Ensign

curriculum smh is ahaurhch the Qlairccr §:»tuhi2¤ Qlcrtificcitctugctlqcc with all uf the rights mib privileges appcrminiug tlicrctuz (|Biuvu ut (Ulpxrluhcahillc, Qiircgiuix, this tiuclfttg Img uf giqug, Ginn iliuuzurzh smb aix. y , /WM/Z. J ’ gb ?£ ic@Q@·Y my4’nig;.§@K¤.¤a¢i_/c¤r¤.§»§i;¤i»... Grim, mugr “gB¤¤¤t·


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