User talk:Anaxis/The Case Against the Suitress Policy

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This summarises the situation pretty well, but I'd like to add that even after The Suitress Policy was made, Fiona publically went and said her real name on Reddit. That's probably the biggest reason I dislike the policy, she actively does not seem to want protection and is fine with her real name being publicised Cereally (talk) 22:04, 11 September 2023 (EDT)

Double Standards

Yeah, I strongly disagree with the Suitress policy and the weird double standards it shows. If Megan's real name—someone who never could have known what she was getting into, and has wanted absolutely nothing to do with Chris as soon as he started showing his true colours—is out there, then why should Fiona's name get censored? She's shown repeatedly that she doesn't even seem to care whether her name is publicized...