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A Hike is a rare video that takes place both during the day and out of doors. The video is broken up into small chunks with Chris alternating between hiking and filming, presumably the exertion from walking up a slight grade requires all the energy he can muster. He is immediately out of breath after the first cut and continues to deteriorate from that point.
'''A Hike''' is a rare video that takes place both during the day and outdoors. The video is broken up into small chunks with [[Chris]] alternating between hiking and filming, [[Chris and health|presumably the exertion from walking up a slight grade requires all the energy he can muster]]. He is immediately out of breath after the first cut and continues to deteriorate from that point.

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| shirt          = {{VertBlueGrayShirt|text}}
| shirt          = {{VertBlueGrayShirt|text}}
| previous      = [[ECV 00001]]
| previous      = [[ECV 00001]]
| next          = TBA
| next          = Current

Revision as of 22:46, 9 October 2010

A Hike is a rare video that takes place both during the day and outdoors. The video is broken up into small chunks with Chris alternating between hiking and filming, presumably the exertion from walking up a slight grade requires all the energy he can muster. He is immediately out of breath after the first cut and continues to deteriorate from that point.


A Hike
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 9 October 2010
Subject Matter PowerPower Power
Shirt Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt The Napoleon
ECV 00001