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#redirect [[December 2023 livestreams#Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots]]
'''Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots''' is a two-part livestream which took place on 14 [[December 2023]]. It was apparently split due to technical difficulties near the end of the first part which resulted in muted audio; the issue was fixed for the second part.
In the videos, Chris reads "fan" mail received at his [[Lynchburg and Big Island, VA#P.O. Box|P.O. box]], shows off his painted [[Transformers]] figures (twice, due to the audio issues the first time), and attempts to read a Sonichu/Transformers crossover story he wrote, while getting constantly interrupted by questions from [[Weening|weens]] and [[enablers]] making donations.  His frustration is evident throughout the second part of the stream, indicating he now sees the Q&A livestreams as a [[Chris and work|chore]].
==Part One==
| name          = Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|PBAJUcJF5U8}}
| stardate      = 14 [[December 2023]]
| subject        =
| style          =
| saga          = {{Revelations|text}}
| shirt          = {{ManchildMeldownShirt|text}}
| previous      =
| next          =
===Raw captions===
{{collapsible|Text from YouTube's captions|good evening everybody this is Christy W
CH Prime here so try spot it
up very much so all right so as the
title of the I was able to edit before
get the stream started States actually
going to be reading some fan mail
because I did receive some recently so
let's get the obvious elephant in the
room is is relevant in regards to the
tweet I posted earlier
today if it's a gift that you would give
to yourself genuinely deeply
authentically something you would really
like for yourself that's a good gift to
give to me obviously just obviously stay
away from anything that involves the uh
smoking and alcohol and stay away from
just jokeful items I mean do you would
you really want one of those for
yourself ask yourself that before you
order it anyway so yeah got this from
the PO boots he look at me have a pickle
pickle pickle yeah there you go there's
that so yeah I did I did ship my PO Boot
and we got a few kind letters at in that
one package and one another joke present
so just going to go through a few of
these and
uh I'm not going to dce anybody I'm not
going to read any names and I'm not
reading any addresses because that's not
a cool thing to do all right so anyway
with that being
said h
dear Chine Weston Chandler how are you I
hope that you are
well has been crazy since I learned of
you I'm a recent fan and so you have a
poot so I felt I had to write to you
this letter won't be long as I don't
have too much to say I already did to
introduce myself let me just have to
skip the introduction because I don't
want do this
guy he introduces himself and that let's
see what all right so El so I listened
to videos and that's how I found you how
Isabelle was a truly terrible person
aside from this yeah this okay so this
guy I'm like a lot y'all he's a gamer
and he likes reading fanfit [ __ ] so
that's a good thing all right I don't
know what else to write if you want feel
free to uh oh thank you very much zor
Day Z day it is not be
dad feel free to write back I would like
to hear from you personally have you
watched the new movies 30 TV
shows f it up of course I watched Scott
Pilgrim takes off that's a really good
anime and I've watched a few other
movies and shows I just can't name on
top of my head right now cuz I'm focus
on this but if I think anything I'll get
back to anyway what about books so re
rereading B of song birds
and what say to read snakes though that
a looks like a lyric too as I read again
I see so many of the
snow did or influence once the original
trilogy at H supposed to happen timeline
wise oh and I did like the WX seal this
came with a couple of these layers
including this one they came with the w
seal very very I like I like w seals
they're very
nice all right so that's one L Dan let's
read a few more I like that layer that's
this is lovely family so this will
confirm oh tell you what I'm going to
explain this once my hands are covering
the return address so if youall are
looking to send an fan mail to me that's
Poots it's on my Twitter posted pined
tweet there so feel free to send me and
the nice kind gifts or fan mail and like
I said
just if you if you a joke gift if it's
something you would not really want for
yourself seriously
then just not not my way okay all right
anyway we'll just go look at this one
it's a lovely little Christmas card
looks like they made themselves oh even
feels like there's like a DOT of paint
there it's a lovely little card
anyway they misspell my name so it's
like hi chistine happy holidays my
husband and I been long fans of your
content when I saw you were accepting
fan mail I was ecstatic please do not
listen to the you are amazing we are so
happy you overcame the jail
Fiasco I have I have only played a
little bit of the original Kingdom
Hearts I had that on play on the
PlayStation 2 despite me being late to
the party there anyway we knew you would
I'm happy to see you making more content
and art you are an inspiration am why
you send you a card to show support
again I hope you have a wonderful time
on Christmas and I hope you have great
Thanksgiving keep going you God
bless anyway so obviously this guy um
I'm not going to say but this her
husband or their
husband they cover songs so they just
clue me into what they're doing so let's
just let you
know your friend is
blessed all right so let's
look in another letter I'm just going to
make sure this is one because a couple
of them oh
congratulations you both are very much
blessed thank you all right let's say
just making sure I got
this all right all right let skipping
any skip any specific details so
hi I was want to give you want to be pen
pal I hope this letter finds you well I
want to take a moment to express my
admiration of your incredible
creativity your work never fails to
Captivate and inspire me and I believe
it is important to let you know just how
much it means to me your Creations are
like little bursts of magic in the
mundane World bringing joy and wonder to
those fortunate enough to experience
them better it's your beautiful work
your imaginative storytelling your
unique fashion
sense everything you create is a
testament to your talent and Imagination
your art speaks value
oh your Mark speaks volumes about your
ability to see the beauty in the
everyday and your attention to detail is
truly commendable every stroke of your
brush your pen every carefully chosen
color or composition comes together to
create a visual Feast for the eyes your
talent for bringing characters and
stories to life is
extraordinary thank
you I bring oh they seem to leap off the
pit draw the viewer in into their en
enchanting World beyond your Artistic
Endeavors your creativity expands to
your sense of style as well I am
constantly amazed by your ability to
effortlessly put together outfits that
are both bold and elegant mixing parents
and texures in the way that only you can
p off is a true Testament to your vision
and fearless approach to
self-expression thank you but what truly
sets you apart is the passion and
authenticity that shines through in
everything you do you approach each new
project with unwavering enthusiasm
pouring your heart
out well that depends is your uh is your
friend I just pausing on this I'm
hitting the pause button on this layer
so that depends on how your friend
really feels feels about the job
deeply but I'd say uh it needs to I
would say recommend weighing the options
if he uh feels like it's really not
benefiting him then
uh yeah if it's not really benefiting
him at all then I pray for that he finds
a better job other than that unless he
really needs to keep at the job really
needs some money really needs to stay on
with this job despite the thing I say
tough it out guy you tough it out and
you continue to do your best thank you
and yay thank you all right
your work never feels contrived by
whether a genuine reflection of who you
are as an artist and as a person I want
you to know that your creativity has had
a profound impact on
me we are not
stuck okay it's still in progress is
on the ultimate Miracles broadcast is is
manifesting I have not heard of that
book and I don't know if I ever would
considering that it might potentially be
meme tastic since you just cited
it I've heard of one piece I have not
watched the anime I've seen a little bit
it I'd say comparable to like having the
Guess The Guest The Crossover with Goku
I've heard about that from watch
anyway watch you know your creativity
has a profound hat on me it has inspired
me to embrace my own artistic passion
and to fly express myself without
reservation your ability to take risk
has put boundaries motivates me to do
the same to step out of my comfort zone
and explore new artistic
territories happy
you got blessing and Merry Christmas
you your abil need to take risks and
push boundaries at least within
reason motivates be do saying step out
my cfort zone explore new artistic
territories thank you for create for
sharing your incredible creativity with
the world your art has brought joy to so
many and I can I hope that you continue
to inspire others as you has inspired me
your talent and determination are
totally exception and I am grateful for
the opportunity to witness your artistic
Journey Keep creating keep J you know
what your creativity is cherished and
celeb thank
you um love crafty and beings I'm taking
it you mean to Minecraft Minecraft is a
whole different dimension period so I'm
going say initially unless I'm Lear
oh wait I just remember the series
Lovecraft there is a series called
Lovecraft um you know what I may change
my answer just let me meditate on that
as we proceed and let me just few a
couple more letters go through our
lovely little mail
bag I have seen a Tetris movie I thought
it was a pretty good thing a decent
representation on the one hand of how uh
closed off Russia is and just how uh bad
life the guy that created the guy that
actually originated the Tetris game hard
hard he had it but still yeah I thought
it was a decently good movie fairly
accurate portra
fairly all
right all right so I'm just going to
read this later so dear Christine I'm
writing to you for advice on how to see
through the Iron Curtain is coming to my
attention there is so much I don't know
about reality I think you could teach me
I watch want to know about the dimension
merge healing and psychic
abilities I make go I'm the podcast I
believe I know what you're talking about
the uh low cal that's a possibility I'm
still meditating on it still to be
anyway and oh and I am aware about their
history but I have also made set
boundaries about you know if I am to go
on at if if when I do go on that show it
will be quite where it's positive and
more focused on my present and future
tense things details so that's just let
y'all know and Merry Christmas
to that guy that guy name just left
Christmas okay thank you thank
anyway Al obviously me being got me
being pretty much on God level just it's
well supered president
yeah well I don't know who W is so I
don't know if I can necessarily say I
like him but I can reflect and
appreciate that you appreciate
re I
just K you are
blessed I blessed him I blessed you
thank you right so let's see I know you
probably get lots of mails so in the
small chance you are reading this I ask
that you please respond but anything
that may be of help all right so on the
website that we are making we're going
to be we went to specific details about
what the demension merge and the
ultimate Miracle is but yeah long story
short just the Earth was divied back in
the back in 1389 ad where the magic went
on the C1 i7 half for just everything
else because neurotypical individuals
including King Arthur himself couldn't
handle it it's just everything original
fishal cartoon characters and mythical
creatures and individuals they end up on
the SE when I and half and so on so
forth been there for the entire time and
continuing in and living and manifesting
over the over the centuries yeah
centuries that's right word because
that's hundreds not thousand anyway and
essentially the demension merges the
reunion the full reunion of the two
Earth has coming together as they were
divided from the whole universe in the
center to see when I said half has been
there since 2006 with the events of
pycho sit and our 128 half is just
breaching through the veil into the
whole on devide universe and recombining
with the C1 ISO and
half the Veo has been quite the problem
with us but we are dividing but we are
getting rid of that Veil we are
undivided the veil uh but as far as it
seems to the our current goes you can do
that by essentially meditating on it
open your mind as B said
says anyway so he got
that my brain went blank for a
moment oh that's okay
anyway now yeah open your mind and uh
meditate it's like you can open your
vision to see through the ve so
essentially that IM that imaginary
friend you had not imaginary they'd be
living on a c197 half this entire typ if
you had imaginary friend as a child hood
you can get you can type back into that
and see into the C1
i72 simple as that simple as that just
like essentially it could be simple as
yeah reconnecting with your imaginary
friend okay all right so I'm just
tucking this layer away we have one more
from the mailbag and then we'll get to
our n fed
yeah this guy he
could qu a drawing
just it's a short one so yeah dear
chistine i' like your OC's and
explaining autism on the Little Big
Plant video cuz I have autism as well
I've made OC's myself I would like be an
honor if I asked if you had signed an
autograph on my drawing I love my f in
the but you know what just going to show
off the drawing really quick but
covering up the name of it there oh yeah
that's right did you a little
carry yeah any right okay so I'm really
quick really quick I'll
oh little
girl G just gonna go enjoy her beats in
the headphones for a little while but
yeah there you go that's uh that's a lot
in the mail
bag and it was a lovely B mail so let's
expand further on the Autobots of
now youall become aware of this from the
expansion pack I made for secret ship f
folder which of course features Al but
Sonu and uh and
Fowler bumba lumba which uh we're
getting the figure shortly enough so I
can manifest them it's essentially going
to be the the Legacy anime bumblebee
total recolor and alterations and all
that may give it give him a new head
head sculp but it's all different thing
and of course armor rats rocking the uh
guitar which he
has I'd say at this point San Prime is
not as overpowered as Goku I mean shoot
not Li individuals could even match CL
Kent so
yeah flat
they are going through their tough times
as they need to be right now cuz in
Divine timing everything shall clear up
enough attempts were made but obviously
the better attempts but better chances
be done after getting
out thank you very much thank
you anyway
so I've meditated on and uh written down
further about about the all box of quick
fil so i' so written down further
backstory and
uh details
so just like I want to just essentially
initially read this to you but yeah I'm
going to just
uh all right so I got my little camera
camera secondary camera set up here so
you can look at this table I got on this
Bri right
here I'm just going to switch over to
that camera
==Part Two==
| name          = Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots Part 2
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|jzcD3dMFpF4}}
| stardate      = 14 [[December 2023]]
| subject        =
| style          =
| saga          = {{Revelations|text}}
| shirt          = {{ManchildMeldownShirt|text}}
| previous      = [[Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots#Part One|Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots Part 1]]
| next          = [[Transformers - Past Ideas Reemerging|Transformers - Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 1]]
===Raw captions===
{{collapsible|Text from YouTube's captions|hey everybody sorry about that just
technical difficulties I was made aware
that I was made aware that the audio was
not coming into to the other
camera um but okay all right so may a
bit okay well let's just try this again
all right so I'm just going to read
through it so obviously so y'all were
able to see the previous camera so yeah
we got rung and I about Christian they
both they both work together long time
ago all right so that was why I had the
table because it's just okay so you know
what table's in view I
just all right tables in there that
makes it a little bit easier that does
make it a lot easier all right all right
so I'll just uh start I'll just start
again my my bad my mistake technical
difficulties please continue with the
donations and everything H anyway uh so
initially as early as 1980 magic Chan
Soni Prime personally trained and
evolved a lot of alaz Sams and other
psychics and VAR other psychic and
various Pokemon for the initial defenses
and evolved enforcements he had also
selected a trained a number of psychic
and fairy type of special and regular
sanis and Rose chews with increasing
numbers of the species after the chaos
rainbow of February February 1st 2003
these overleveled hypert trained and
mega vable Pokemon were the earliest
defense groups Robert Franco Chandler Jr
of the same i7 half he also contacted
Optimus Prime of the aots personally not
the figure just the actual Optimus Prime
anyway and he acquired of any able
Autobots to help defend the city
fortunately a team of five cybertronian
Autobots been personally designed
manifested and train to Voyage your
ranks even though they're Delux siiz
robots I'm just going put I'm put on you
right here don't
size sorry that's not for
sale I'm sorry that's not for sale and
my apologies for anybody that
uh didn't any pay comments that didn't
it I've learned the further I've learned
my my psychic powers a lot better for
one thing I meditated a lot so
I've really F opened my mind let's just
leave it that I'm focus on I'm focusing
on to talk about the autobot a quickfill
here anyway
I even though they theux size robots and
manifested in train to V and son and
and the cat is blessed thank you
boy yes thank
you well there's a that was a
blooper all right f i off
again everybody okay just make sure I
can see all right H all right
Sonu as their
Leader by Ala chrisan
herself and rung her or as I wrot it her
rung friend and links with the ancient
histories and wisdoms on of Cybertron
Earth and and everything else throughout
the Multiverse literally local universe
and all that
but that's more on their story later the
alliance with the aots was made also a
project you are blessed on your path to
that high level in the fortnite video
game single layer single
bed I was isolated so I was not in any
bunk beds period And I had no and I had
no salm
mates oh so to get my hair back to back
to being blue I use we use Splash from
Walmart complete with the bleach and
then after that after I was able to get
skip my tubes from home and restocking
that restocking that went back to over I
went back to overturn the further firm
the blue and we're considering that we
might give our headset but that's to be
confirmed later on we're still figuring
we're still doing all this
anyway have a
little I
Dr wait you gave to much
sance as I mentioned earlier I don't
know about that book so rather I read it
or not that's a whole different Kett of
fish and I I don't know let me actually
find it for myself and think about
it yeah I haven't even gone
beyond I have not honestly on Scarlet
Viet I have not gone beyond making it to
the school building at best just making
it to the building the entrance had not
even g into the school building
it's a whole pause on all that until
Pokemon Light Diva and Barry charge Bo
versions are personally manifested by me
and Nintendo and Sega and everybody else
and all
that I don't know who that was and I
feel sorry for them all
right oh fortnite is a different is a
different dimension outside of C1 I 7
half the
Earths oh pardon
me now may I continue
okay and I know I'm light up from the
top I would not crash through it as com
as comedically portrayed
in I like a lot of those
figures I I'm h of course I'm I Weare
has SL
Unicron but
anyway all right firstly um I'm going to
say don't do the sign that's considered
solicitation and set your priorities
make it firm and know what you want in
partner you both are blessed thank
you make sure what you want know what
you know when your partner and know
about know yourself set your priorities
boundaries and make sure Aura is
to all that to all that and then you'll
be a attract the right individual
because if you don't you're just likely
to attract a bunch of randos and toxic
individuals that you would not want on a
typical day thank you and the previous
individual that paid you are blessed as
well all
I was close to the end of this starting
paragraph all right so I was okay ah all
right so I did finish the first
paragraph all right so we have our
various teams to defend defend defend
depending on the severity of the
offenses and
size essentially setto Kaiba is your Wu
so technically
you're not the only one that's married
that's married to settle
Kaiba so yeah don't expect in the actual
engagement rings on S kaiba's ring on
this hand don't spent any such many
rings on his hand that were honored in
your to you in that yeah anyway sorry
that's the truth
anyway Megatron or Galvatron had
attempted to harness energy from Quick
Fields resources as well as the Sanu and
Roose chees a few times but he was thed
and repelled by Sanu and his team with
backup you know I'm just going to put
the rest of his team and show them on as
well so here's at
Selena very much update from that movie
figure the rest of the team there so
some she's essentially short and of
course here's Prowler complete with the
armor that becomes a side car
that's to be confirmed I answered that
question earlier I'm meditating on
that and of course let see in sanu's
hand is his shield and wolf and wolf
partner since you know he lost his roof
Shield after becoming going from Fort
the uh Ford
Escort car to
for to the
Ford Ford Ford Focus
Fusion to the Ford Focus yeah I get up
with a partner his partner that
transforms into a wolf his name is
silver but we'll be getting on that
later in the later part of this thing
that previously
written and of course
finally armor ATS and it it completes
with speakers and he actually has has
his roof for a shield
that's possible I don't know stop asking
about the collab
with the those
guys that doesn't surprise me that
doesn't surprise me but anyway
yeah nope no he did not he's still alive
I don't you dare say that to me say that
again he's alive he's still alive and so
is the Earth the AL team and also he has
risen like Optimus Prime did he did once
though the prman said your friend is
blessed maybe I just start doing these
like chill streams like MGO
that's not true it's still incompletion
nobody is stuck nobody is left behind
right now
okay all right
anyway uh oh uh no I haven't watched
that copper cab sorry about that I've
been busy with all the other things that
are more important anyway so we got the
rest of Sonu team minus of course
Bumble lumba but this which is at this
point represent with the card since we
don't have a figure for Bumble lumba
yet oh no h he was he was destroyed but
the soul is obviously in between
Dimensions literally just as
chronicled strap between
Dimensions it's a knowledge I've seen
it as I mentioned before I'm not doing
any sh shout outs okay I'm not doing any
shout outs anyway
now I don't know how to respond to that
leave at that
anyway all right now
now his team but back
the I don't know about your individual I
feel like you're making a meme out of
that says you're making a meme out of
that yeah guns don't necessarily get
blessed they get they don't get blessed
by me
taxi bless me excuse me
H I drew it out I drew it out on the
wall they did appreciate they don't like
writing on the wall
period I don't know I don't know how to
answer that
question chill live stream okay even a
number of
attacks Mary Poppins even a number of
attacks by the piled V cards of merily
Wal gradu and robot mechanical oversized
menes could not stand easily against
quick bill Autobots Power Rangers thank
you very much and the SES and Roose
shoes of the psy Squadron and the
specials of the SES and Roes of the
state of quickfi
now but now
let's now let's talk about this
acknowledge I mean go mod it into the
game or something I don't know I don't
know how did program it consciously and
I got a lot of things going on but now
let's talk about our cybertronian te and
story your friend is
blessed cybertronian team which starts
with Alla Chris Chan my my Cybertron is
so now on Cybertron in our universe 1
987 the wars between the Autobots and
Decepticons with the Ali Guardians and
renegades of the of gobl Tron on
Cybertron as well they did rage on they
did wage on FR on from time to time and
there war have reached Earth time and
again as chronicled of generation one
and upgrade over the years on Cybertron
there are the creators and scientists
who help make heal and restore their
fellow Bots be they in the same Alliance
or different of course we have the 13
prime incling soless
prime one a that was manifested from SE
Vector Sigma with it Cybertron Primus
that also had direct link with the
universe's core and Matrix was a bright
blue and pink female Autobot that
started out with an all form of a
microscope if you want to say it to my
Poots I would be good that's all
different cish
anyway it started out with the all form
of microsof who had a welcome with the
what maybe place with the Avatar
insights and for knowledge and from that
dumbed herself the Avatar of Cybertron
as opposed to Avatar of all existence
right here Gino
Samuel is blessed he's a good individual
and you know kind of a Gest but still
just like I feel like play certificate
authenticity that's a whole ner thing I
know it's being funny and all but I
don't know now I'm
confronted a pen a
pen it it manifest it and T they come
out of that portal and into the portal
and so on and so
nope it gets the lotion on his skin and
no she love
your nope just no to all on the rest of
now she dubbed herself the one Avatar of
Cybertron with her name of Chris Chan
being linked to me okay Chris Chan All
About Chris
had developed and learned from her
studies and meditations of
Cybertron I
get yeah nope I can hear myself I can
see on the thing in the bar below that
y'all are not able to see that the audio
input capture device is capturing the
sound I don't know who opian probe is I
know who sons of undertale is that's a
death B you can ask on the death bell
Channel formerly known as screw attack
maybe wizard Boomstick will actually
that very humbled and appreciated and
grateful thank
you that was a weird way of saying that
Christian she is
blessed Christian developed and learned
from her studies and meditations of
Cybertron her race and the entire
universe in her own spirituality with
her spark she had observed all mechanics
of the other bots of various sizes
Origins combination abilities Headmaster
weaponmaster minons micromaster
transitors and typ Bots primas Ukon so
on that was a dumb thing to say that was
a dumb thing to say
Christian developed her own be
to yeah that's this is start new
paragraphs chisan had developed her own
unique Technologies of her spiritual and
multiversal Explorations there was a
time when she had fly Fallen then was
resurrected by the universe
core will you hold
that your wife is
CH all about Christian developed her own
unique Technologies from her spiritual
and multiversal Explorations there was a
time when she had faintly fallen de was
resurrected by the universe core and
matri I wipe to answer that question
wipe and wash with soap and
water okay
I will not take personal detailed
questions like
that the Space Needle is indeed a lovely
Monument within Seattle Washington no
please your friend is
resurrected with by the universe core
and Primus but with a great Immortal
benefit during her downtime her spark
how she know what that's
actually s o n IU s o n IU go go go born
from energies of extreme power runs wild
free fast the speed of
sound oh okay I that's my first time
consciously hearing about that but I'd
say that's a good deal I'd say that is a
deal it's essentially an arch a big arch
it was taller than me I was I would I've
been able to go through it physically
it's big enough
me I'm doing a thing here I'm doing a
thing I'm trying to do a
thing let do it thing
okay just
that he needs more than pizza but he is
blessed okay
now where was I there was a time
falling it never happened so there The
Immortal benefit during her downtime her
spark had tra traveled to an alternate
universe where her self counterpart
there was indeed a prime
hello hello to you and I see the joke
you're doing there that's a meme yeah
that's that's going beyond that I'm not
saying it oh wait you know what I'm
going to make the
reference please read from sheet I am I
am selfa King sua King we Todd Ed no P
very fast please I am we
tired you said funny thing there now if
I'm may move
her to her where her her spark had
traveled to an all Universe where her
self counterart there was indeed a
prime parts of it have already been
written within my gu lot of pages and
more it will be writing along along the
way and there's still a lot boor to go a
manifestation other people have to
witness I appreciate and feel the
spiritual energy and all
that I conscious know who that who that
is and I'm very I feel like that was his
so well they are blessed in their own
already or indeed a prime she Dawn and
possessed the Matrix of a leadership on
behalf of Rodimus Prime after he had
inherited from Optimus Prime that Chris
Chan Prime
I sense the name is a meme but your wife
is blessed
anyway she don't Chris champ that Chris
champ Prim was in an alter
Universe I know that is I'm not going to
collaborate with that guy
period that Chris CH Prim was in an
alternate universe that was slated to be
lost to become a void by Will of a
certain dark evil sorcerer
who had slain the one Avatar there when
that Universe was lost so was that so
was that Chris CH Prime so was that
Chris Chan prime or was she back of
Cybertron in our universe 1 c21
197 I'll definitely consider that I'll
definitely consider
that back on cyberon universe2 197 about
3 days after her father
no I do not have a Tik Tok and I'm not
considering Tik Tok at all it's just too
too much right now I'm focusing on
YouTube I have to do videos every day so
I don't take I feel like it wouldn't
constitute Tik Tok so
there your
friend is blessed and shall heal quickly
enough and move forward
no Chris ala Christian was alive and
fully restored as she was without any
loss of memory or
data Melissa there's a call coming from
inside the
apartment when that you where was I on
thing I'm not I'm not
necessarily I'm not necessarily going to
answer the question of anyone who uses
my name in
yeah yeah thank you fair just leave at
that fair I'm not I know the joke 200
2000 2007
I didn't even answer the question was it
to say
best I can't stand off the top of my
head maybe I'll get back to that
question about 200 2008 memory can we
please move forward uh should I read a
story all right anyway
so all she has quite all right so Chris
CH PR so she had quite the
souvenir in her core The Matrix of
leadership from the Lost universe so now
she literally became a prime while the
Matrix remained well the Matrix of our
universe remain in Optimus Prime The
Matrix was now imported from that
it's just
dark perceptor anyway she had the Matrix
and her face got updated from past
to present version simple as that all
right that so that's the simple that's
the thing about that
now and from her
leader from and from her later creation
she created her life-giving partner
rungap with a bit energy from her Matrix
which rungap would
be the little pink guy rung it's
obviously just yeah it's another It's
Kind it's an alter very a wrong base in
a way just leave it at
that people with red hair and freckles
they do have souls just like other
so don't diss them like that they're
good individual just as you or me or
anybody else and they relatively bless
way and individual is an individual as
long as they follow the light power and
are good and rightous okay now moving
forward was this
thing I will also let you all know that
all that transpire
why I'll also let you all know all that
had transpired within the past over
1,000 Earth years
and I'm taking you mean Sonic Superstars
is a good game Sonic Superstars is a
good game
and at this point now it had become
within the Earth's 1739 ad
year nope not that just say nope to that
period period continuing in her Pursuits
she had manifested and gave life to a
number of other Autobots while also
upgrading you all are blessed you all
other allots will also upgrading her
fellow bots on Cybertron as well she
made she made it gave life to a yellow
blue aot and upon completion she had
vision of sonicu Prime from Earth's
future so she dubbed this allot Sonu
with glory and and pride Chris champ
Prime had appreciated her me her
microscope and tank form and original
body yes I will save you with all the
other godges I will save you it is good
it is good
no more crazier than I was back in
Jerusalem C centuries
millennio please I'm no bigger
than no I'm not the biggest I'm not low
cal and I do not fight fight I do not
appreciate being called low cal all
right yeah you bring got yeah
essentially that's one detail you you
make yourself aware that there is the
Matrix that there is an outsides The
Matrix I don't know it personally I have
not watched his content but I know he's
too much very bad near toxic level
individual chrisan Prime had appreciated
her micros scope in tank form and
original body but as a PR she felt it
was time for an upgrade of her
own if I would say not that great 3D
printed as opposed to handcrafted it's
better handcrafted there's more Sol
vibrant energy in there it's more
authentic that way now let me
think she had she tried an upgrade of
her own so if rops helped she create a
trans centor that took the form of a
lovely stylish car and she created the
body to migrate her head onto and Chris
CH Prim became a
Headmaster but she didn't stop there so
she also gave her new body
combin that's where the alternate figure
coming in so you got Chris champ r on
this figure and then we have this
alternate figure of her that has the
capability in which obviously she can
become a leg or an arm but more often
she becomes right arm so she could be
like right handed God level and wield
The Sword and combine
boat hello
hello there they got their
hello I'm going to put
the out of
and I'm putting that back
into or put back back into her longer
lasting body and when she upgraded she
was able to take her microscope Canon
with her cuz she
would no
not speak for
why the pepper spray T the pepper
H there that that would made me laugh
it's enough
say all right
she oh and she created the body to M
head onto and Chris CH Prim became
became a head M Headmaster but she
didn't comat
Soundwave Soundwave Superior starcream
inferior there I
said nope not this
one you can have one of the replicas you
can buy one of the replicas that's easy
enough the ones that personally
handcrafted and made that
side it's very good available on Etsy
Shop well my milkshake brings on the
boys and girls that yarn they're like
it's better than
yours like in so she can better and
I'm not even going to comment on that
anyway n sorry nope that guy did too
wrong and he's not open to me anyway so
there she still has
her because it never happened that's why
now she still has her original body
reformed into a trans setor but her
weapon Choice remains her scope
Cannon yes I like Britney Spears very
cool I still have the playlist in my
phone the guy's all right he has
redeemed himself for his sins and move
forward let's leave it at that
anyway parisel is not perfect um I'd say
she's somewhere in the neutral neutral
bad at least she's not totally toxic as
isager stively portrayal s
far no respond to
Chris CH Al about Chris Chan Prime had
best has bested the Decepticons
including Shockwave megatronic Galvatron
time and
again no I have not seen that I have not
seen that movie alone and alongside her
team as well as Optimus Prime and
rabus themselves now I can find [ __ ]
down Israel Palestine there have too
many demons and Devils over there
so he cleanse them by cleansing Israel
asra with
that simple and done that helps end the
war there's nothing to admit because it
never happened in this time it never
happened in this timeline or in any
local timeline
now if I every time I say now
something your friend
I you specifically you don't have one
you just have your senior one7
counterpart who's just a typical
background human individual
period yeah that's never happened it's
not likely to happen but but just
to gunu there you go Goku nitu we'll
just leave it at
that I don't do shout outs but happy
birthday fix G
anels now Autobot Sonu since his
creation and spark giving activation by
Chris CH Pim and rung
did y'all never watch DEATH BATTLE
between Goku and Superman if you watch
either if you watch any of those three
G5 is just not supposed to exist in this
timeline it's not a matter of me hating
it it just is a matter of not existing
in this timeline it's premature it
doesn't even know what it needs to be
which that definitely further and
affirms itself especially
considering no not that one Noe which
further affirms and confirms the detail
and fact of that especially considering
Hasbro is doing the layoff and closing
their one office that would never happen
if they they continue G4 but they still
have time to save themselves by resuming
G4 and canceling and Shelby G5
now sanio sanio how about
you are
now Sonu learned of the history and the
future of his creator and fellow iot and
Sonu listed
for thank you and suu enlisted for
combat train with this with All About
Chris Chan taking part as well they met
and became friends with Autobots ET
Selena Bumble lumba Prowler and armat
among other Bots they all trained fought
hard and tough and survived for many of
Years byebye miss American by drove my
Chevy through the
ly the ly was
dry I have no thoughts about it because
I have not I have not even made it
beyond the first initial point of
scarlet and bolet I've imagine that
question earlier I've answered that
Al Crossing New Horizon is a good
um I'd say more or less a secret what it
is available presently and contined
improvements as what will it's all
good he does love me I am not a horrible
monster what I did well what you saying
I did never happened in this
timeline it never happened I never
happened I'm not going to respond to any
more messages like that
now you know I'm just not going to say
the word now
anymore he's blessed his own way
already I'll put an additional blessing
in the air just to be
safe there
I don't care much for
wrestling I'm not I'm not much of a
sports fan I'm it's been exposed to
sports I've seen Sports on television
and all that I appreciate to an extent
but I'm not a sports fan of course iuds
personally so
there all
right been holding this thing
long minute all
the guy's blessed is on way he shall
recover shortly
anyway s how about
Christian among other Bots they all
train for hard and St and survived for
many Earth's years
bu now come 1993 after Optimus Prime
talked with mayor Robert Franklin chanon
Jr of the city quickfield
Optimus I've already responded to a
similar comment before Optimus Conta to
the autobot Brigade and a lead for a
team of Autobots to come to
I'm at least acknowledging by giving
giving them the look okay so
chill I'm answering the questions when
they are
good the email is is pinned on my
Twitter account that would be quickvu
gmail.com Robert Chandler quick Ville B
Robert Chandler
nope Robert Chandler May Robert Chandler
quickfield conted Optimus
Prime Optimus contacted Optimus
contacted the aade an elite for team of
a to come to Virginia for defense
Services alakai responded and elected
Sonu and his
Common Sense things are good things are
light powered good
okay thank you yes thank you
anyway chis champ responded elected Sonu
and his team she showed Optimus their
earned ranks and marks and he agreed so
Sanu exela Bumble lumba Prower and
armest took a space bridge and arrived
in quickfield Virginia on Earth greeted
and welcome by Robert and
magican not in this one
and a distant alternate universe it's
not in this
one Goku and San they do not cross pass
at off because Goku is in Japan San
Prime is in
America I don't know what that
is my sense I don't want to
know qu on Earth great welcome by Robert
Robert and Magic
chant and the hots a quick fail Heen and
continue to rescue and earner keep and
arn Dy events with idea in 2017 and 2018
Sonu had lost his body but Chris champ
Prime had foreseen this and built a new
transor and CED it to Earth and upgrade
sanu's head to be a Headmaster for
it there was also a time where Chris
Chan's Matrix needed to be safeguarded
transferred I don't know who that
is not don't consciously know who that
guy is by since MIT bag about
him there's
also there was also a time where Chris
Chan Matrix needed to be safeguarded and
transferred and Sonu was entrusted with
the task and
succeeded the central base of the
Quick's alots is just outside the city
of quickill to the Northwest and not far
from the ger electric pant Optimus Prime
ratchet field Jack with a construction
box imported restored parts from a
destroyed space shuttle to make what
they needed and where to store energ
on nope he's dead he's dead this guy
that guy he's dead period he's not
alive I saw that
personally I witnessed it and every last
trace of his
I don't need to elaborate
further because I've already explained
it further in the previous video where I
was actually up after midnight I was
very directed Sy about
that I never ever ever ever with Barbara
period And dagnab
it and we leave at that no more
questions about that I'm not responding
to any more comments or questions about
now ah
J store air John maybe I'll consider it
but that's to be conf confirmed later on
I don't have your friend
code primed help to provide at times as
well as where I person
personally I don't know that
song but
boops really por
jumper where to store a and as well I
instantly manifest up to a year Supply
at time with my godly power
in addition here we go in addition to
the five aut boss four others later came
into to work at the Bas as help
I everybody gets equally blessed it just
depends on them rather they follow the
path of right they follow the path of
Life power good and righteousness or not
okay they could be open to it they had
the outd right to not be open for
it and I I'm taking any you meain
jail the had the time it took me to
meditate and progress further with
myself my soul
searching finally no comment thank you
all right a medic who transforms into a
helicopter by the name of
a Voyer size Warrior gal who transforms
into a fighter jet called
wave a rescue
bot I am reading about the Autobots of
quickfill and their back stories and
expanding further on those that were
originally previously established and
talked about
beforehand I have not played that game
I've heard good things about the
original game
now a rescue bot who transforms into an
artillery vehicle with a Canon that not
only can
blast that not only can blast debris and
Decepticons but also can shoot out water
and Flame diffusing liquid they call him
shot on the first day of Christmas but
you look to me I jump put these
transistor G
B you are
blessed thank
you fire
shot thank
and and ATT teack an intelligent Savvy
Jeep bot who maintains the
equipment with ararat's help and he
keeps track of all incoming and in city
in City threats good
old roll out he's green there's a lot of
green he's green I can't help the green
screen but yeah there's about roll out I
to put a PCT put a photograph of him on
now and then as I just I wrote in the
back of that I WR I will write more
about them tomorrow which I
unfortunately do so now we can continue
story what's there let's play If you
ever watched if you never watched any of
the death Batts between Superman and
Goku there's a third
one I
might I
might just Superman's too powerful even
against Sonic the Hedgehog himself
period they both actually went to the
Multiverse ah now that's a question I
can answer well I felt like it was very
well balanced and whatnot um I don't
care much about frieza's details and
such but yeah it's just I felt like
Megatron was a bit overwhelmed I felt
like it was fair
though excuse
me your friend is
blessed now I need
water I don't know
what back in the early days the four
Cent garbage building and the really bad
toxic evil trolls in
there they wouldn't be opened at the
alternative and deposit they wouldn't
change their way so yeah of course boom
goost dynamite and reive
on yeah
now and of course I'll write more about
the allots defense team
I've already given her a Christmas
brain why you
anyway Rosie set it's a good
personing this is what happened this is
one thing that happens when I feel
overwhelmed I tend to get to belches it
can't be helped I'm certain of y'all all
of y'all burp or belch when you're
feeling overwhelmed or you just feel
gassy excuse me I'd like to
resume now I wrote more about the aot
defense team of quickfi for starters the
team named Samurai Pizza
Bots there were only two bots in the
team who actually knew the and Samurai
ARS defenses which that would be at
Selena and Prowler right over here over
here back up right
there the team name had been thought up
by punchi son also known as Punchy
Sonu later on after his arrival at the
quickfield meeting
Prowler but I like the reference so I
chronicled it as such in Sonu book
number nine which I shall update and
clear that in the HD version of that
book later
on one de there you are blessed all
right than that what would you do for
I responded to that
question anyway also s you at
Selena I know that joke I'm not even
going to acknowledge it Sonu and Selena
Bumble buba and armat each had a human
F human have Sonu with Christian for son
so yeah Sonu have my c17 self
counterpart all right the and the three
human Partners have worked at the pizza
places around the city I know I roll my
eyes as well as
that your stupid
fetishes one
it's all you get one foot I'm not
putting up the other
foot I know this bite rather not be a
genuine or not but anyway that's
possible I don't know I think about that
question who would good fit for against
son you and death batt because there's a
lot more details into it and all that
and I didn't get that question I'm sorry
if you want to donate a dollar dollar to
repeat that question that'd be all right
now no I have not seen that
movie now the team also had outsourced
and made trips to other parts of
Virginia quick go their wheels to other
parts of the Earth with an alasam for
each venturing bought thank you thank
you very
much Garfield what's his lasagna there
that was I went for to talk of each
Autobot a better introduction of
your friend is blessed thank you now
son thank
you now Sonu takes its samples of
leadership from Optimus
Prime All About Chris Chan Prime uh see
when I S Chris Chan
Sonu R chance Soni Prime and even Soni
Prime and
bumbleby in later years as he developed
and progressed he places Safety and
Security over everyone else as well as
himself in a good velour and mindset he
had taken the form of the vehicle I was
driving the Ford Escort before that
vehicle came in around 2000 Sonu had
taken the form of a Chevrolet imp in
blue and after becoming a Headmaster in
2018 Sanu took the form of a 2017 Ford
Fusion in blue and in losing his shield
from his previous body and
form Chris chire had given Sanu a
partner that transforms into a shield
his name is silver now I'm going to just
take this out of his hand because
there's more further details into that
your friend is blessed thank
you anyway I'm just going to I'm going
to put silver here into his my mode to
emphasize the commit Point that's but I
because I'll be talking about silver and
the N little get on all for us here
we don't do shout outs but thank you
very much for your kindness and support
you so we're right over here for the
moment's right
there I don't say names out loud but
your friend is
blessed okay silver just Lion now Sai
would keep Christian Safeguard on his
stps to charfield and back or on other
road trips from time to time Sanu also
would meditate and connect with the
Sparks of the Cyber chians before
him you know what no you got one foot
that's all you're getting I'm not going
beyond that I set the
boundary was this
you will meditate and connect with the
Sparks of cyber tonians before him and
in appreciation of his own spirituality
and the universe he even connected with
the Sparks of fector Sigma Alpha
Trion Christian Prime Primus the and
others and get around and get sound
advice wisdoms and
insights furries are good they are
really good individuals I love like the
fures I appreciate the furry
community I would very much attend a
Convention Sparks vetor Sigma Alpha Tron
Christian Prim private and others to get
that's to be confirmed I cannot say
specifically right
now your friend is
blessed okay thank you thank you now
uh and others to get and get sound
advice wisdoms and insights that will
keep him better motivated
Focus during the breaks and down times I
saw that okay during the breaks and down
times he keeps his mind sharpened and
focused with routine physical combat and
tactic practices as well as the mentally
stimulating simulations from Cybertron
as well as the Earth games like Tetris
trivia and word number games and other
puzzles he also appreciates the natural
amenities of Earth Sanu remains open
sharp focused and mindful to anything
that could be a
silver silver is a loyal lot lionbot
with excellent animal bot instincts and
intelligence that can be easily rival
silver silver can also eject
it pain in the you got
plugs your
friend is blessed just leave
it everybody is blessed when they are
open for it otherwise if they are not
open for it and they go or they just
revert to their back their past
ways like a certain paner Griffin
did does and excuse
me then that makes it tougher that makes
it tougher to buch them and then I just
feel sorry for them as well as
disappointed all right now silver can
also eject himself as a
Headmaster and man a fe man a free
transceptor as needed while his body
remains well at least is this body
anyway I'm going to put this back in
here in the
meantime yeah yeah great flation there I
don't even know
you anyway just putting that back in the
shield form to emphasize as like before
this upgrade he continued to have that
Shield form but he has been upgraded
since and
this is silver
nowadays I more comparison your he is
with well Silver
Shield you both are blessed thank
you go silver
Lon okay Guardians the barrier they Val
band just leave it at
that whether they're good or bad or
indifferent I just say it once might be
done the merge is still in progress
nobody has been
failed so there we're just transforming
this spot the robot transforming this
the robot
mode because silver now has a robot
platform despite this
being the trans a mo despite this
transor being a mate of wolfwire and
Wolf come
on and these things like the pop off but
Le this step back
place these things are really tight my
cool and
there silver and Sanu side by side and
yet just for thing to put the to store
the store the old body and Shi form
there and it's not ironic he could hold
his his like the figure could hold his
own former his own former body as well
but it's like a size conversion and
changing in that part when you think
about it
that was easy enough now page all
right P
up front here F happy birthday G thank
you for letting me know good guy good
decent man is yes all right ET
Selena she may look like an RC clone and
while they have may have shared a body
mode for a
time and ET Elena is anything but a
low-level fbot during her combat
training with Sonu and the others ET
Selena exhibited board Grace tenacity
and quick
instincts similar to wind blade if you
want to compare Her fting Style with
anyone though it would have to be
another chle of Street fir flame I his
vehicle form his a stylish motorcycle
and went on a move she projects a
hologram of a driver in his seat what
also she's able to actually convert
herself a little bit so she can also
become a combiner limb as well so here's
ultimate figure
fora to emphasize that combiner
ability and she's also shared a a a
fascination of science with her oh I
skipped a
part you both are very blessed thank you
all right now meet at Selina's human
partner saketh born on quickfi on
Saturday April 25th
1975 she has had the fascination with
the midst martial arts math and sciences
she took a job at a Pizza Hut in the
Southeast segment of the city of
quickvid for further college tuitions
she loved her Suzuki motorik Flor bike
for five years but it was Finding
challenges of its own in 1993 then pared
not far from the college dorm a certain
dark pink motorcycle was chilling and on
patrol socket marveled at the mot cycle
until when she spoke
back yes I do not like P Griffin that
much he disappoints me I would
appreciate it bear if he
actually maintained what he actually
knew instead just rting back every
time no comment
a present no
Comet okay I know who you're talking
about and
I that defends of better
he I know yeah I dare say he's not
closeted or anything like that he's out
open as he is he's a generally decent
he's a general decent individual
despite his criticisms and all that
now there's your response to that
satisfied until Sak marveled at the
motorcycle until when the motorcycle
spill back one thing to to know
and the spine Decepticon nearby got
suspicious so edelina told Sak to hako n
Jo off edelina also shared a fasc
fascination of science with
saketh I paid those personally I painted
them down to the detail I
did armor is tough and durable no I
going move him to the front now that
we're talking about him right now
now all right armorettes
armat is tough and durable bit hard head
yet lovable bot who loves to jam with
the beats and tunes with his custom
Cybertron guitar also can also transform
into a bird bird partner I haven't
gotten the name
jet the guitar bot's name is jet just
leave it that I'm going to write that
down me write that down let me write
that down it's
named jet
okay with this custom cyberonic guitar
that doubles and also instead addition
transform do it bird it also it doubles
as an air joh charge blade ATS and a
machine shot rifle for gunning down
Decepticons you think about that for a
moment anyway his personality is a
combination of good old Jazz as well as
bulkhead his vehicle form is a soup up
cube truck with 11 dbel cranking
speakers and sub whoopers he'll Jam in
the off time but he can he can and likes
to lift steel GS like dumbbell whites
with concrete slabs on either end ah his
human partner Jeremiah but you can call
him jth is a bulky black man for the
streets who carried a big old beatbot
stereo on his shoulder cring up the
beats and jams a duonic [ __ ]
thank you you all are
yeah I in this paragraph you think I
don't know what I'm talking about well
he didn't either with the BBS of the
north segment of quickfi rocking 23 and
93 he met Ararat the at a rage of a
party outside the building Jal was
jamming on his own beats and armor could
not help but join in and invite him to
cruise the streets with speak pots
hooked up to his wolfers that was a wild
night3 all right and guys I don't have a
fig I don't have a figure of him yet I'm
just going to hold up the card for a
moment close to the camera let you see
picture up the picture up Bumble Lumber
it's the best we got for Bumble Lumber
right now until I get that Legacy
animated bumblebee figure I pre-ordered
anyway okay now Bumble lumba may be M
mates with Bumblebee and cliff jumper as
well as wasp but considering
Animated he's actually more like gears
without his circuit card but not his
Dosa the Scout will zap it up almost
like a Sonu with Rain Dance turned on
his sporty Coupe video vehicle mode and
short stature allows him to be Hot
Wheels fast and stealthy when it comes
to oh thank you happy birthday
H there you
go how feels fast and stealthy when it
comes to in person or form
a that's a nice
name it is a very good name milet is a
very good
uh stealthy to be Hot Wheels fast and
stealthy when it comes to inperson or
from a distance spy on an enemy with
their hard drives he spies well on
missions upon Decepticons Team Rocket
robotnick and so on his 10K volt
stingers and Blaster will disable a
heavy enough mechanical
foe his partner Raven L is a major spy
lover and active be knowledge type with
Punk style and the car and loving heart
and soul she haralds within the suburbs
of quickfi she found Bumble lumo's lime
green Sheen listening on the on break at
a quickfi shopping at the quickfi
shopping mall he was spying on the spies
spying on mayor Robert Chandler Raven
helped bumba confirm and bust the spies
that day Raven was
19 in
Prowler hit silver there for a moment
Prowler was a soloette with high spark
spirituality and a Mastery of the
Samurai martial arts but he still worked
well with his teammate
I'm not saying he's a copy paste of
Transformers Animated
proud Mo made aside his personality is
more like drift like from his Spotlight
comic book with the dash of G1 proud he
prefers his motorcycle with S car op
mode is disguise Blen really had to
contend with prow at times yet blon
always lost prow found a common interest
magic chance Sonu and Punchy Sonu and
The Humbling meditations and finding the
Aon on various in the various te's he
found Anon in
te's happy birthday happy birthday guy
you when things started to heat up in
1995 with crash dumy on the prow against
the Power Rangers of quickfield a few
more aots had to be sent to Earth in the
rescues that's
it would if the Holocaust the second
Holocaust would not happen for
those now here's it will not happen for
those that get to continue on in other
words just only those that are in the
minority are toxic evil darkest sending
they're the ones that get
segregated they essentially get instant
teleported from this
timeline in a timeline split where they
are divided away from us the majority of
us as we complete in dimension M so only
those the toxic G darkest s
ones uh fair but unfortunately I'm not
seeing money from that that's the respon
to that question anyway so they get they
get that while we continue on with no
Holocaust or
you are
yeah oh I felt good pardon
me I have heard of that game done to
death the movie's out now big
now the medic bot chapper always sought
the aid and rescues of the civilians and
his fellow Bots he could be compared to
first aid and personality but with the
expertise and knowledge like ratchet on
the move he swoops in as a
the modly hotheaded yet levelheaded
Warrior the lovely wave will fly in and
take down all the deceptic Clones cons
and large foes in her wake with as much
caution as possible she is always on
Target and with Precision a few times as
a 70 a few times as a 70 plus story was
falling down like a tree wave swooped in
transformed into her jet mode
and no transer into a bot B mode from a
jet mode and held the F structure in
place until the civilians were cleared
away her MOX speed jet form cannot out
paste most son shoes or Rose shoes but
you can always count on her to save
today and hit the
mark next next
fire shot takes a pagean personality
from Inferno of generation one but on
the battlefield he's more like hot shot
from Armada the extending Cannon of his
the extending Cannon of it the extending
Cannon of
his this
cannon the Cannabis can almost rival
Megatron but is used to help civilians
trapped in
fire your friend is blessed thank
you is used to help civilian distracted
fire with the powered flow of water or
[ __ ] foam and his Cannon can extend
to very high stories like a ladder to
climb down and up on despite
the get your brain out of the G if
you're thinking
that his armored vehicle mode may seem
spacey but it is tough like iron
hide on
steroids and please I know he's
green please pardon the green screen
detail but the technician and
intelligence data bot roll
that depends did you start the
fight or did you stumble in everything
was it your conscious choice to get
drunk or were you forced into
it youth meditate on
that anyway the technician and
intelligence databot roll out maintains
the equipment at the base but with
chapper also creates a number of
technological Marvels that even
Wheeljack would applaud he can also
holograms for camouflage and
spy and and for camouflage on spy and
Battlefield work his ATV Jeep form suits
well now I just read this next part but
then thinkig fun I'm slide
this this
way okay now before leaving Cybertron
all by Chris Chan Prime upgrade armat
and etena so they can be combined limbs
limb or Limbs and wave chaper fire sh
and Roa are four fifths of a full
combiner team when Chris champ Prime is
with them her ability to become God
level right hand with a
sword I'll reveal the name in just a
moment but
no do it that's right I got to get
the combiner
pieces uh fun time I'm going to read out
questions definitely during this
moment ones that are generally good and
safe for work so
there see I'm going do this on screen on
camera 3D printed
your friend is blessed I appreciate that
I'm afraid I'm already
taken one two three
4 random
oops s b
there was that random enough for
go wa so but chaper and arm put for one
no I'm to do armor
next time is good F guitar
out thank you ciner Wars and power to
primes I feel like despite the feet
conne despite the feet connections I
feel like they has but really hit the
mark with the
combiners with how combiner pots work
and form in that the hands from power to
perfect the feet from power to primes an
improve a fast improvement over that
from comir Wars anyway
so leave Jet over here on the table for
a little while
anyway there's a there's another hand
that's going to reflect that like a meme
that repeating my head for a little
while but then will be replaced by
else thank you thank you coming on
anyway I'm just doing a little
transformation so we can make this
one de combiner bot a quick
feel oh yeah I like I like if you want
to send me snacks from CRE from from
over there that's okay if you can do
that that'd be appreciated thank
you as long as they're like you know
just good snacks you know
I got my I got I got other things going
up but they are but they are blessed
anyway and
they're right they are
blessed and there's a little cocky
accent for you for you are
there's one
foot and I caught that at the right
time I got to put this
I no it's green so don't cheapen
um I'm not exactly a random hats this
humor permit cheap uh trick
individual that the randomness typically
happens when I'm feeling really
tired it sensibly fatigued or even
potentially just overwhelmed and I feel
less overwhelmed right now I feel more
so boy I'm certainly glad I paint some
silver that roll out has
silver I still need to watch episode 70
to present the last episode I saw of
this series Still
Remains the joke aside get your minds
out of the
gutter episode
well that's on your part you just pretty
much did that for yourself by saying all
that any there you
a Japanese transister radio it's a
akuba it's a mar model that's one been
discontinued it comes in a letter case
that with the one end it comes in a l
case with holes in it you can hear
through it and it comes with a wire with
one end you stick in your ear but you
can't the other end you can't stick
anywhere because guess what it's
p I can't open it I can't I can't
but I'm giving you random just whatever
comes to mind I'm just essentially
relatively calm and energized right now
so it's not like I can actually call
oh I don't know but we'll consider that
later I can't make any promises right
now but perhaps we could have a talk
later through email but that's a whole
different Cowfish right there but anyway
I am so busy I mean a lot of individuals
everybody there's a little bit of
Randomness right there are you happy are
you satisfied now with that oh wait a
minute here you go my name is Jus Christ
CH you prime I'm here bless the world
and and pretty much help in clearing
away every single toxic evil darkest
sting individual is everybody listening
do you believe
me but seriously I am doing that along
with the other gods and goddesses I am
that and I'm not going to end that
because everybody should have faith and
be satisfied it is good all right I just
got to put the finishing
I cannot totally clear him of autism but
he is
blessed I bless him anyway and actually
autism is not so much of a curse in fact
it's a blessing you can actually you
could typically stereo typically
stereotype someone with
autism at least
uh mild or high functioning autism
varying levels on that but everybody
individual but everyone has them
nonetheless but autistic individuals
essentially have a greater sense of
autistic powers and
abilities they just don't really see
that appreciate consciously not all the
anyway meditate on that that's enough
said all
right huh I don't think it
is I don't think it is it is not muted I
can hear myself I can see the way I can
see the thing I am not
muted and also just I can't the
blessings are happening right now that
we haven't had too many interruptions
aside from the
one yeah that is a thing maybe they
could improve on just the connections of
the port on the
back a little
bit hold that please thank you all right
um put that down
right Oh's
face H goodine robot
big and I'm just going to just put that
behind right there for right now but she
can't build that the goodine robot can't
feel that anyway I present to
you the combine for the combined robot
Metatron m e d a t r o
n and of course about Chris CH Prim
being uh acting as right hand on the
combined bot there this God level right
hand and with the sword gives betatron a
real Edge against the kiju size
foes although that's not necessarily an
option because she got they got she got
overused yes overshoot over got the big
cannons right there they got those two
cannons right there and then they can
wield armor ats's
ATS and of course
yeah and
when and Christian Nat's right hand on
there they can wield the sword they can
wield the sword oh it's a just a bigger
version of that half but just works not
uh that was just a previous request from
somebody the app on a
paid comment simple as that no big
deal what time is it
um all
um I give you something
better believe it or not Joe isn't at
home please leave a message at the beat
I must be up or to pick up the phone
where could I be believe or not I'm not
home yes thank you very much
it's the
one I tell well now we got the expanded
Back stories and introductions of our
aots a quick fill out of the way I shall
bless you all let me see if I can do
this in the right am of time yeah yeah
two and a half pages is good all right
so I will give you all the benefits of
all they need do is just open their
minds outside of the common religions
and everything because the truth
is all the good religions the ones that
are absolutely non demonic absolutely
nons satanic absolutely light powerered
and good and of course that incl of
uh they just all the good religions of
course Christianity even Muslim
Judaism and all sorts along with all
that good along with the good things and
all that and also even the Chinese
zodiac that's a good that is a good
thing and the and
the astrological an animals you know
here the rabbit here the dragon all that
that's that's good as well because
essentially all the good religions and
all the various scriptures all around
the world and everything past present
future manifesting in present as is in
process in
progress individual pieces of the
complet puzzle and
fats all right
now give you all the back story and I'll
tell yall read yall the first time that
Megatron actually invaded the C of
quickfill and the sign to ro two species
and then at this point I let you have
your fan fictions though they may or may
not necessarily be
cannon with the in general present
timeline that Hasbro had originally
stepped upon and chronicled well with
generation one the hasb and
Takara anyway it's Canon this is Canon
and all
that and yeah you know I guess I can't
say but still it's an alterate Dimension
but this is in
the general neutral
Dimension figure it out as you will all
right anyway I am going to read this to
you so got so this is a story
of when Megatron and Decepticons first
invaded the city of quickfield as well
as the state of Virginia the main attack
of the city happened on Sunday June 1st
June 12th 2005 but months ahead despies
incl laser beat and ratbat were on scalp
for data of energy sources and found the
entire state of Virginia have very
healthy population of the SAU and Ru
species and the very high electrical
power energy and MOX beat in high levels
come mid May Megatron star plans on
capturing a number of these Pokemon in
traps while taking their speed and
reaction times under consideration he
sent to construct the con to Eastern
Virginia to build a central speed trap
building with the conductor and the
stunticon sped around the state to
locate High population areas of the
species Megatron's plan was to caral as
many s and Ro into the Trap and drain
their power and energy with the
conductor mag Chan had taken observation
and consideration of prep works at the
right times for If he sent himself
Christian his train psychic Pokemon or
even the Autobots of quickfi or any of
the SAU or rues there to prevent the ACT
of construction at the least that would
be also running right into their midst
regardless of speed and Megatron had
equipped the cons he sent with psychic
Inhibitors so to be in close range and
teleport away was also
hindered you are blessed everybody
viewing this is blessed and everybody
has fast as viewed this and left they
all are blessed as as
well um I'm not presently reading
manga I am reading my little Point
Generations where they actually cross
over between G4 and G1 myguardian
gmail.com that's on my Twitter pinned on
the top
tweet thank
you but he for new sabotage and car
measures needed to happen the Trap was
on the
out thank you very much the Trap was on
the outskirts of the Met of the
Metropolis of Richmond and had been
designed to look like a typical
skyscraper building on the
outside uh
anyway the clearing and opening would be
around completion of the construction
where Megatron Soundwave and The Seekers
would be present in the out in the
outskirts of quickfield magic Chan Chris
and Sanu were in talks with Optimus
Prime include them in on the details the
alots made their drive and Rendevous
trip on June 10th the conductor had a
limited range of up to 50 mil in
diameter Autobot teams were set and made
their waiting game on the outskirts of
quickfi shville DC the highways closest
to S and Road stre Village that's
actually there if I remember correctly
oh yeah just um it's sou it's about
Southwest of quickfill number of
miles very quick to get to and quite the
short distance if you're a mock speed
Runner obviously but
anyway ston Fredericksburg and the
colony Northwest of Harrisonburg to
intercept the incoming
been a long time but i' I've played it a
little bit I've been Morey busy with a
lot of the other more important details
and things
anyway and when the constructed conduit
was least occupied and guarded by shock
wave and the constructive cons the
structure would be attached from the
skies by aerial Bots and On The Ground
by Prime Wheeljack and Chris champ Prime
with a few
Warriors the quickfi aots AR High BR
Bumblebee jumper and a few others along
with Christian magic chance Soni Rosie
RI Prime and the other local special
sanis rosi were poised to defend
quickfi it was meant to be so I need to
be segregated away from everything and
everyone all the just and I just need to
be imp pluged from technology for a
while I need to really connect with
everything and plus manifestations
needed to happen confirmation of details
along the way which I read about in the
newspaper and heard on the
radio incl World War
I anyway H where was
I uh the civilians had been evacuated
and secure just to the southwest of the
city Megatron starcream and The Seekers
and of the
stunticons we going in from the
Northwest and were a seted and
outnumbered the psychic Pokemon set
massive barriers and light screens were
set to redirect and counter incoming
fire and missiles away from the
buildings wave chapper and power glide
with mag Chan and jel and Christian flew
and outmaneuvered starcream and his crew
Chris in the s for even got the literal
drop of starcream by landing on his
right shoulder in Disguise ran from
shoulder to shoulder and taunted
starcream before hitting in death on
with a thunder from
above and a homing attack between the
eyes you know star scream I get you feel
under appreciate at times yet you are
among the top favorite Decepticons in
popularity thank
you but even I know the arrogance need
to be stowed and your deceptive tongue
humbled down and
disabled Sonu and some the Land
crew I a respond to that one that just
came by I saw it I read I leave at that
anyway Sonu and some of the Line crew
took on Megatron and the stuned conso
actually you know what I got something
for this I have anage for this this just
it's more than appropriate for
this here we
go that little later the point
comes I son some of his land took a
Megatron stunticons the stunticons
combined to form menur as starcream fell
and the Seekers were outmatch wave and
her team combined to form
Metatron and took on minaur with her
guns and sword Sanu stood Toe to Toe of
with Megatron see Ram old
Buckhead with his shield I put some
damage on Megatron's left arm in this
Fusion can with his unsh lightning
blade I felt that was a good time to
pull out this lovely secret ship F go
card so
good and yeah Megatron look like Beck
his head so he just like go do with and
yeah tell you a bucket head yeah you did
many times
even you WR oh yeah I did I go all
right know what
enough [ __ ] you think about
that put the helmet back on what no put
the helmet back on now you're going to
stop making fun of me no but see like
this is going to give me
nightmares and know was Rie from that
was a you have one of the uh third party
Megatron Masterpiece figures I forget
the name of that one but it's was really
that was a really good
anyway after mesur fail Megatron shouted
Retreat meanwhile the conductor the cons
were taken by mild surprise the sight of
the incoming Autobots Shockwave thought
to activate the conductor but by the
time he was about to activate from the
from the control room after programming
the restrictions of Decepticon energy
Mirage and Chris Chan Prim mared
themselves visible and shot at shock W's
one hand oh my one hand I got go bu with
the with the G my with you know how
Shockwave look I know how
Shockwave not physically is got the one
thing that's guns he got one
hand anyway Ultimus Prime his team and
the Oro box
combined Optimus Prime his team and the
aerial Bots combined took on Devastator
and Blasting the base of the conductor
before it could have been activated
marage and Christian work together to
out batch Shockwave and disable the
controls of the conductor as the
conductor started to shake Shockwave
made a strategical RTI with a blast
through the wall of the structure Mirage
and Chris Chan flew out after he
oh it's no different than my no
different than my I see no more
different than uh a voice The
Voice what's Rose bunny name for what's
the name for Rose bun name of voice
would be sound still just as sweet
what's the
voice what's in the past tense voice so
what's in the voice the present tense
keep Faith because it was meant to be as
divinely planned and
now Chris CH prim's new Superior would
need an edge against Devastator so she
swaps with the aerobot that made his
right armed and formed her famous
combiner form sword in the comb in her
combiner form's hand I like Amy S
Mercury I also like meiru s
Neptune I like intelligence and ins and
those are insightful and
genuine oh so she swwa with the ariot oh
yeah that made his right arm and she
formed her famous her famous confin form
sword in the
hand the combiner form
hand it's a
distraction and SL and uh and Chris
chant on on Superion slash Bone Crusher
off Devastator and forc the
Constructicons to to disassemble and
Retreat the other Decepticon teams were
intercepted and outmatched by the other
remain by teams and the conss retreated
abs absolutely no saes or roast shoes or
any animals outside the outskirts of
quickfi had to flee fight or get harmed
during the events of this attack on June
2005 and all the special s shes and most
shoes in quickfill were more than able
to disable Decepticons with their
respective attacks and defenses as well
SII Ros he were able to put a massive
dents in Megatron shins and with heling
attacks from them the pair even gave a
good look at the old Ron's eyes before
smacking him in the face hard with
electrical Thunder punches anyway
everyone was healed and restored by
Magic chance Angelica Chris's Powers
everyone on the good side the S and Roes
and the alots so on good stuff the
conductor fell for rubble and Scrat and
unusable remains were salvaged by the
Autobots by Sunset everyone returned
home to quickfield and it was quick to
recover and resume everything oh and
starscreen complained of him of being
smashed by a erodent and slammed by
overcharged lightning as he flew shakely
back to base with the others Megatron
fumed with how much he underestimate the
wheel defenses of one city and a bunch
of yellow and pink
overcharged overcharged
foes and that was the first time
Megatron to made to see a quick
though I hope you all enjoyed that it
was actually good to meditate and
actually a able to write that out
there's a lot more details that happen
from time to time that of course the a
Bo the quick F outsourced and went out
to other places worked with timus Prime
and neers and so on and so forth and it
was very good you know it's
going me the bit VI
yeah I do admit my time the time in jail
put quite the emotional paint on Barber
but she need to further develop as an
individual outside that it it's divinely
meant to be and she actually has
improved for herself on
that she may be mentally in quite
mentally unstable considering the age
but she's actually a lot stronger will
than that and she's actually done very
well I'm very pleased to say that she
has passed the test and so if everybody
among the good neutral good light power
and righteous and even neutrals that
been promoted to neutral good at the
least that pass the test throughout the
test of time but
between Late July
2021 to
present and then so on with all the
other tests from the Divine energies and
the gods and
that's a question that would not be
needed to be decided
so for to ask me that question is to ask
yourself would uh my past self hes
Christ or more commonly more pronounced
as Jesus
Christ Jesus Christ j you
pray the question
is for that Jesus have won the
battle a against Goku if Goku was in the
past or other
way oh yeah they're on to see when i7
have but they're just like I like yeah
they're essentially just background
individuals really like uh check
out lock
open there happy there there good
everybody happy now all right anyway um
unfortunately I don't have access to
that web page
where it lets me
know the history of any remaining paid
commentaries so I'm just going to go
ahead okay I can catch this
one I had played fortnite for a while
and it was actually good I played on
Nintendo switch and a little bit on the
PC anyway so I need so there will be no
refunds given and that's not challenge
orange so please don't even ask all
right leave it at that I appreciate
everybody's kindness and support thank
you all very much that's end of the
stream for now I hope you all have a
safe loveely and blessed
day and Merry Christmas all of you are
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Latest revision as of 12:40, 23 December 2023