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<!--Arthur Spatchcock isn't real, he's KiwiFarms user Master Disaster, but we want to act like he is so Chris doesn't find out.!-->
#redirect [[Arthur Spatchcock Interviews‎#Interview 3]]
[[CatKnight Interview 2|After two other successful interviews]], [[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]] fan Arthur Spatchcock makes a glorious return with his greatest interview yet of the [[Honest Content|TRUE and HONEST]] Christine Weston Chandler on 2 February 2016.
== Highlights ==
Arthur Spatchcock questions Chris about some information about his past that Arthur and his associates found here on the CWCki, such as the [[BlueSpike]] incident, death of Chris's pet cat [[Chandler_Cats#Scamper|Scamper]], etc. Chris also performs his nightmare fuel [[Donald Duck impersonation]], and states he once received a Tupperware full of '''HORSE''' manure. The two then discuss a bit of business and Sir Arthur Spatchcock suggest Chris do a demonstration of his incredible voice acting with his [[Sonichu Amiibo|Sonichu Amiibo]] and himself.
[[Image:Horsemanure.png|240px|thumb| A theory on how Chris might have known it was horse shit in the container.]]
== Video ==
| name          = CatKnight Interview
| audio          = {{#ev:youtube|VuKNCoqd9t8}}
| Stardate      = 2 February 2016
| Featuring      = [[Chris]]; [[Trolls|CatKnight/Arthur Spatchcock]]
| previous      = [[CatKnight Interview 2]]
| next          = [[CatKnight Interview 4]]
== Audio ==
The audio is also available [https://soundcloud.com/cat-knight-430471584/interview3/s-U64WP here].
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Hello, Christine?<br/>
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes, hello Arthur.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh, how are you doing today?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm alright.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Fantastic—<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Al—alright—let's get down to the, uh, what are your new questions and inquiries?<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Well, yes, my associate has spent the last few days unfortunately looking over the C-W-C-I-K-I, what was it called again?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> The CWCki.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> The CWCki. I see. Yes, they were overlooking it and they came across a few more slightly less than appropriate things and they really wanted to get some clarification about those.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> I told them I'd contact you, and get the straight-and-narrow answers right from the horse's mouth.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. Alright, well, fire away.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright. Well, that's not all I have; I also have a few more Sonichu questions that are much more business-oriented, but let's get the ''horrible'' things out of the way first. How's that sound?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes, that sounds very good.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright. Well, we're gonna start off right with the biggest issue, I think, it's—I'm going to call it the BlueSpike incident.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh yes, the, uh, that was the uh, one of my theoretical ex-girlfriends, who turned out to be a, y—who turned out to be a troll, turned out to be an immature boy, I have no idea whether he's alive or not, whatever, still. B—but anyways, aside from that, and I—so I ended up making a drive all the way from Cleveland, Ohio, and uh... then I ended up with a fi—I ended up going to the address that was provided there, and, uh, d—and the p—em, BlueSpike was not there at all, just an old woman and the house looked run-down, nearly run down as well.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> That's just horrible, why would someone do that?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''[[sigh]]''] Well, they're either bored, jealous, immature, what have you, all the stereo—amongst the stereotypical reasons.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> I bet it was jealousy. Alright, now the next thing that falls into the same cate''gory'' is: did he actually have you—did y—I nee—I need to know if you faked this or not—did he actually have you insert broken pieces of your medallion into your rectum?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, unfortunately, that... is true.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> That's just horrible. How could that happen? That's—I can't believe it. Oh my god.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I believe a—I believe at that time my PlayStation Network account was being held hostage as well... if I remember correctly.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, okay, so he was holding your thing hostage, so you were just forced into a situation you didn't like. I could understand that.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, and then I—and then I—later on I finally realized that all the time I should have called Sony and actually had them, pa—re—patch up the password and that would have fixed it, I wouldn't have had to go through all that. So that's too—that's big lesson learned, and ingrained into my memory, against my will, pretty much.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Yes, it sounds horrible, I can't believe it myself, but it hurts me to think that happened to you.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> But enough about that, um, okay, we covered that, I'm glad we got that out of the way first and foremost, the um, the next thing is, um, it's not so much important, but they wanted to make sure because of, y'know, animal rights activists and whatnot, um, when your [[Destruction Of Chris's House|house burned down]], which by the way: I feel for you, it's a horrible thing to have happen to anybody—<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> even though it wasn't the whole thing, thankfully, but still, um, there were rumors being passed around the CWCki, as you called it, that one of your pets died.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, yes, one cat. His name was [[Chandler_Cats#Scamper|Scamper]]—the, uh, cleaners found his body behind the toilet upstairs and—died of smoke inh—inhalation.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh, that's horrible. My—my heart goes out to you.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Well, anyway, anyway—we buried his body in the back yard, and uh, and had a moment of silence there and all that.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> It's a horrible way to lose a pet, but, you know, I understand that hopefully he didn't die painfully.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''[[sigh]]''] Well, I wish I could have—wish I'd known that he was up there, I would've gotten him out when we were all getting out.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Well, at least you're alive, and that's what matters.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Now that we've covered that, I mean, I mean, we don't want the animal rights activists to come running forward and think that you didn't care enough, you just let the pet die.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh, yeah, I did care, and for a while we thought that he had gotten out, but we were not totally positive, but then we finally came to closure after the cleaners found the body, so—[''[[sigh]]''] my other cat Lucy missed him very much, but su—and, uh, recently we adopted another male cat from the SPCA, eh...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> It's always nice to adopt rather than get a new kitten. It's always nice to adopt.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. And m—and I wanted to make sure it was an adult cat though, I didn't want to go for a kitten at the time, and it was male, so—eeyel, he and Lucy are getting along fairly well.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright, now this is—this is a slight business question, but um, on the CWCki, it mentions something about you losing a job before, from terrifying a small child.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''[[sigh]]''] No, no—uh, y—uh, that, yeah that was, uh, someon—that was nearly the beginning of the decade, uh, well, millennium. Uh, when I had—when I was working at Wendy's for the few months, I did not terrif—there was a child crying, [[Chris and English|because child was tired]]; I had nothing to do with making that child cry. Had nothing to do with it whatsoever, and when I—and I was just, happened to be at the same table, nearby, when—as it was happening, and I went by there, an—ano—I wa—I wanted to help them be on their way, so I got—so I offered to get them a lid for their baked potato they were having, and I got them a lid for their baked potato.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> So it—'cause it says on the CWCki, it had something to do with Donald Duck.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''using [[Donald Duck impersonation]]''] I tried to—I tried to like, entertain the children with the Donald Duck voice. [''quacking noises'']<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''normal voice''] But yeah, that was not the case at that time.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> That was pretty good! I like that, that's nice. That completely caught me off guard. [''stilted laugh'']<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> That was funny.<br/>
[''brief silence'']<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> So he nothing to do with that. But nice to know, I just—still, it's nice to see—your voice acting's pretty impressive, 'cause I was actually going to ask you, later on, that um, we'll save it for the end though. Let's wait 'til we get near that first.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> I—I think you mean, if I'm to differentiate between my own voice and the voice of Sonichu, yeah, there will be a slight difference.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh, don't worry; I—I have an idea at the end, that I'd just love for you to do, but we'll save it for the end when we get near that.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>'Cause, after all, I wanna get these questions punched out, real quick-like, and then we can go on to a little business talk, and then I can share some more information with you.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [''[[sigh]]'']<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> But first, next question: uh, this one is the last, uh this is the last one from the CWCki, and the rest of it's business-associated-wise, really. Um, this question is, it has something to do with your church. We don't want religious people coming after us thinking you're anti-Semitic, or you're atheist, or something like that.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> I am none of those things.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> None of those things. So, it says on the CWCki you were kicked out of your previous church.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Um, yeah—that was—yeah, that was because the, uh, pa—because my past friend Joshua Martinez, uh, shi—uh, show, shared with the pastor of that church about, uh, my Faceb—about my My—not sure if it was my MySpace—yeah, I think it was my MySpace page that I used to have, um, yeah, I had, uh, there were a few images of, uh, women—of women on there, at the time, and, uh, he did not like that. And so he inform—he informed me that I was not welcome to his con—to his church there.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, okay. And—<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, so, it was just a—that was the only matter. It had nothing to do with [[Chris and English|Semitism]] or whatever, all of that. Nothing to do with any of that.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> And are you getting along with your current congregation?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. I'm—and I'm still walking to the ch—to my current church, I just have not been there in a long time.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Well, it's understandable, understandable, you don't make it every Sunday, after all.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, that's—that's like the last real, y'know, ''personal'' question in the sense of how deep you wanna go into the CWCki. Everything else is just based on everyday life. Like, for example, I have a few questions about Impulse. Impulse is a club, I believe?<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>Yes, it's a LGBTQ club in Charlottesville, Virginia, open on Fridays and Saturday—Friday and Saturday nights.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> And, do you go often?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, I have not been in a while, but I did go there about near every—about near ev—near every Saturday night for a while, I was looking to meet more women.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Ah, more women. It's a good place to go.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. Yeah.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> So it's it's-<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [interrupting Arthur] It was a good place.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> So, technically, going to  Impulse is an impulse for you.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Ha! [pause] Tha- That- That's a fairly good play on words there. Um, not really but it's- I do- I realize I- I give it a try after I figure myself out, uh, the couple of- The few- The couple of years ago. That was uh, lesbian trasformate.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, okay, because I saw that and I don't think that's going to be a big deal with this show. After all there's all kinds of, there's all kinds of people involved with entertainment these days that our transsexual or lesbian or gay, doesn't matter anymore. That's not a big thing. People won't worry about that.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> [interrupting Arthur] Right... Um yeah but I think uh I do understand that the uh general question um among which [pause] about the uh group, of women that usually went there... really big... and all that. Sorta like a name calling, but no, that was not the case, because uh, I did not know all their names... uh the manager had slipped- I taped a uh piece of paper onto the uh counter at the part... at the part side closet to the uh stage. Yeah. He called them the uh quote unquote, "Itty bitty titty per- parade". Sometin' like that.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> I think the terminology is "Itty Bitty Titty Committee".<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, that was it. But anyway, um, yeah because I did not know their names, that was just, I mean I didn't- it- it came to my mind, so that's, was just a... offhand reference. Had nothin' to do with my opinions, or anything- or what- or anything that- it- I was just borrowing the term.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, alright, understandable. Hey, we all say dumb things.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay! Last one, and then straight to Sonichu. It's gonna be perfect. Um, I noticed on the CWCki, it mentions that every once in a while, you get... gifts? And donations? From people, sometimes surprising, sometimes anticipated?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. Yes.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Wh-what kind of things do you get? I mean exactly, I mean I hope you're not getting, like, shoe boxes full of cat poop, or... You know...<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uhh, no no no, um, so that does not happen, very often... Uh, only once... time, only one time, though, somebody had sent me a Tupperware full of... Horse manure... And we put that- and we put that in the-<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> [''stifled laughter, breaking character''] I'm sorry, no, you gotta be kiddin'- [''in character''] no. That's just wrong.<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. That- th- anyway w- we put that in the trash immediately after we figured that-<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> I would hope so!<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, so- like- but- like- d'you get money or is it like, um, like useful household items like soap or toilet paper, things like that?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Um, yeah, they ha- ye- ma- ye- yeah especially after the, uh, fire, we have received a few helpful... Items... In- in th- in the mail. Uhh, we have received m- we have received s- some monetary donations around Christmas time, like, um... One or two actual, functional, gift cards to be redeemed, but uh- but somebody, uhh, one or two sent me EMPTY gift cards, as a... Joke.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> (''uncaringly'') Now that's just mean...<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah but it's like, uh, y'know, I don't ha- I don't have to actually go out, uh, and be like "Oh I'm going to use the gift card! I don't know whether it's blank or not!" No, I verify them through the, uh, 800 number, that the web address lists on there.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh, that's clever.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... I mean it- it bothers me that- it bothers me only a little bit, it ticks me off only minorly, but I've pretty much gotten used to that, along with the other... prank... bad... thing... uh... gifts, or... le- or hate mail, as to put it. And I just know to, just overlook this- just overlook that, and be like... Heck with it.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Well heck I'd always look inside all of 'em, just to make sure there's not a card inside, or something.<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> So, okay! I think that covers all of the immmm- little tiny inconsequential questions, now it's time for some straight up business talk. And we're gonna start right off great, you're gonna love this.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Ummm... There's talk about a game, but I can't go too far into it yet, but umm... If there was a game, how would you like it to be? Would it be an adventure game, would it be a platforming game, an RPG, a puzzle game?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> Uhhhhh... I think it'd be, I think it'd be uhh... mix of which but I think it would mostly be traditional platforming.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Mmm-kay.<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font> And uh with uh and uh with uh [pause] Uh I'd say inspired by the uh by the past Sonic the Hedgehog games but um... not- not totally. Be more... more among what I- what I figure ya know? I- I mean only inspired by but not totally copying. I mean, it's not like Sonic could naturally shoot lightning bolts at enemies.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> No, no. Of course not, of course not. And if um, if this did happen, would the game follow the Sonichu story, like in the comics, like would you just recycle existing storylines or would you create a brand new storyline just for the game?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Uh, yeah--<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: --a brand new storyline just for the game?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, I would definitely see-- I would say initially, among which, yes, based on what I've done so far, and then also introducing new elements, and [parts?].<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay, okay. All right, so um, another question is: some of my associates have actually seen your videos with the Amiibos and stuff, and um, they noticed you have a LOT of them. Are you, are you constantly making them, or do you just, like, move the same ones around a lot?<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Um, I mean, umm... it's not like to... make 'em all the time and then have 'em ready for distribution at once. Uh, no, it's that, what [sounds?]-- that would be like, totally kind of a waste, there, and then I'd just have rooms full of figures that nobody had purchased. Yeah, no, I make--<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: So you just--<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, no, I do--<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: You just make them to order?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, I do it as they-- as they come in, yeah.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay, okay. Makes sense, much more practical.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Especially-- especially on the uncommon material figures for the-- what I would use for the chip and the base.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: So, uh... how much do you usually make from your Am-- figurines and medallions? Ballparking, for business.<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Uhh, I'd say about, um... I'd, I estimate around... I'd say about around... ten dollars profit, but that's my est-- that's just a guess off the top of my head, I've never really thought about it totally, but...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Well I mean if-- I mean like in a total, like a, like a single sum number; like, if you took all your figures, all the Amiibos, all the medallions, all the comics you sold, how much do you think you've made in total?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Uhh, but yeah, uh, initially, it did come up to like, uhh, over a th-- over a thousand doll-- over a thousand dollars when I started making the Sonichu figures on-- and selling them on Ebay.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay, okay, so we're on a thousand dollars. All right. Um, if we were to BUY the Sonichu name off of you? Like the rights? How much would that be worth to you?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: ...Uh, I would have to totally be involved with every project...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Oh no no, I understand that, I'm just saying, like, in the sense of if you were going to sell the rights, but you could still be involved, like Stephen King.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Right. Umm... I'm not sure, umm... I'm gonna-- I'm gonna estimate over a million.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Over a million. So just like a straight million, 1.5, two mil?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay. So, yeah, that's okay. Small number, most people go for fifteen mil, easy, right off the top.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Hmm. All right, well...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: It's too late, you already said a million.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: I don't, I don't-- I don't know everything, and, uh, still...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: I'm just-- I'm just messing with you, Chris, don't worry. Hahaha! That kind of stuff will come together in a congre-- will come together in a meeting, and there'll be a contract, and there'll be a lawyer involved, we wouldn't just throw it out there and then just like, give you one choice.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Right.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: It'd be a lot of negotiation crap. All kinds of 'bleugh' stuff, nothing important, really. Um, now, here's an-- here's one question, and it's a little bit about your mother, Barbara. Um... I know she's getting on in years, and I'm not trying to say, you know, anything bad, but um--<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Right.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: If this goes through, um, and you move-- and you end up moving to London, umm--<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: [''stress sigh'']<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Are you going-- are you going to be able to live by yourself, if your mother passes?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: I would have-- I would definitely need a lotta, lotta money in order for that to make me feel more secure, and I definitely would want my s-- my future, my sweetheart future wife...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Ohh.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Uh, that's secure. I'd want everyth-- I would feel a lot, lot better if everything was secure, but initially, I don't feel like I could do fair-- I don't think I could do fairly well, initially, financially, and uhh, much else, mentally, emotionally, by myself.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Yes, you said 'sweetheart,' you have a girlfriend?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yea-- no, I still don't have one yet.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Oh, ah. I apologize, I don't mean to pry.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Right.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: But other than that, um... So, you'd be able to do something, but at only under the, uh, the aspect--<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, after--<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: --of having financial security?<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, after I've, uh, after I feel much-- after I've gotten-- after I find, and-- after I feel more emotionally, financially, secure and everything.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay, okay. All right. And uh, I remember earlier you said something about the, uh, the-- uh, [?], the videos? I mean, I haven't made videos out of this, I just save them as, uh, audio files.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Oh yeah, uhh, yeah, [I asked you if I?], yeah--<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: If you want copies, I can get you copies, no problem. I'll just send them to you. But all I do is I share them with my, uh, associates. I just play them at the meetings we have.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Quite. Uh, but, I mean, yeah, I just-- I would put that on my Facebook to-- so that, so that everybody would be sure to hear the, uh, intervie-- hear the interview and all that. Get the straight-up stories, and...<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Of course, of course.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: All the good stuff.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Now I said I had an idea for you at the end of this, and I think it'd be perfect. It's a little two-in-one deal, that I think my associates would absolutely fucking love.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Hmm.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Let's take your two Amiibos, one for Sonichu and one for Christine, and uh, we'll get the camera on them, and you can show off your merchandise AND show off a little bit of your voice-acting at the same time.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Oh. Okay, well I mean the difference to being this and the, uh, pitch, uh, Sonichu would be a higher pitch. Compared to me.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay. Well, they just want-- they just want a really short thing. Like, just like, I don't know, just a little bit of pantomime with the two characters.<br>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Hm.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Just make them have a conversation with each other for like, a minute? Maybe even thirty seconds.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: Yeah, all right, well I will think about that. Take it under great consideration.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Of course, of course. You're not being forced to do anything, but it'd really push the thing. Now before I go -- as I said, I've covered everything we need to cover in this meeting -- there are a few other projects that are being thrown on the table. After all, this is a-- this is an animation company, then we've got shows coming in all the time. We've got, we've got another show that involves an actual hedgehog character, and I've got somebody competing with me to get this show made...<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: [''vague stress noises'']<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: It's been in works for years, and he's tried to-- he's been promoting it like crazy himself. I've got another guy who's trying to get some 'Generation Z' show going; he's some celebrity named Hayden Black, he sounds like a fucking idiot, I don't know who he is, but he's got his show, and I'm trying to get yours on top of the heap.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: All right. Uhh, but yeah, you can send me the-- you can tell me if-- you can type it all out and send it to me in an email. I'll be able to understand it completely better then.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Okay. But other than that, I think we've covered everything, Chris. This covers EVERYTHING. Next time I call you, I will have an answer for you about where things are going to go.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: ...All right, good. I will, thank-- thank you for the uhh, interviews, and uh, I'll talk to you next time.<br>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Of course, Chris...tine, take care.<br/>
<font color="#0033ff">'''Chris:'''</font>: All right, take care, bye bye.<br/>
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font>: Bye.
[[Category:Phone calls]]

Latest revision as of 12:33, 14 June 2024