Talk:Nathanael Greene Elementary School

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This article seems to be written assuming that the "principal's lap" incident and the "faculty abuse" incident happened at roughly the same time, or even that one led to the other. Do we know this to be true, or is it an assumption? --Sonichuis44 07:56, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

  • Occurs to me that I'd always thought they were part of the same incident, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence to support that. Anybody know for sure one way or the other? If not, I'll split the two into their own sections. Also, thanks to whoever edited the "out of control" bit, that was from the old version of the page, good catch there... Dkaien 22:20, 23 April 2010 (UTC)
  • At a guess, you would have thought that his escape from lap caused panic, which lead to the 'abuse' incident, when Chris flipped out. It's anyones guess what happened though. I'm thinking Chris probably had those 'stranger danger' lessons at that age, and probably men and laps did come into it somewhere, which set off alarm bells. We know how literally Chris takes things, and it wouldn't be a massive leap to imagine he did honestly believe the head was trying to molest him.

I can also see the head put Chris on his lap in a desperate attempt to calm him down or something. It's unlikely that happened, as it does leave him open to accusations like that, but you never know. The staff restraint incident probably prevented something like the sign attack video, or the Vivian death threats from happening IRL as well. --YawningSquirtleRedux 22:27, 23 April 2010 (UTC)

Timeline shit: 1.) Chris would have been 9 or 10 in the 4th grade, so this happened in the early 90s, not 80s, and 2.) The Columbine shooting occured in 1999, and 15 years before that would be 1984. *SIGH*. Fixed. --Anaconda 20:41, 23 November 2009 (CET)

I remember a letter writer in one Mailbag who claimed he'd gotten ahold of the court records and according to them Chris put a kid in the hospital by nearly biting off his nose. The records supposedly also state he frequently threw screaming fits in class and one such incident was what wound up getting recorded. Is there any sauce/confirmation on any of this or was it just made up? Chris seemed surprised by the nose-biting thing and denied it, but he IS a liar... --Lokiskywalker 07:17, 2 August 2010 (UTC)

  • Mailbag 24. There's no sauce provided and I have no idea how to check, but I'll look around and see if I find anything. Freecell 07:39, 2 August 2010 (PDT)

Court Records

What are the odds that we could get our hands on a court statement of what actually happened? Bob took this thing to the courts, so there's going to be records somewhere, but I have really no idea how the American courts work, or if those records are made public. I found the contact information for the clerk at the Greene General Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (I can only assume this is the court where the whole thing went down). There's no e-mail, and I'm not going to call Virgina from Canada for such a silly reason, but I'm tempted to send a letter, bluntly asking if I can see the records. Do any Americunts versed in juvenile law know if I'm setting my hopes too high? --Turnabout 14:57, 21 October 2010 (PDT)

  • You probably are. I highly doubt they'd release those records to people like us.--trombonista 15:22, 21 October 2010 (PDT)
  • I'm going to try anyway. I'm going to send them a letter and see what happens. I mean, at worst, they say no, and at best, we have a beautiful, clear, and potentially hilarious view into the origins of Chris. Mind you, the letter will be going quite far in both directions, so it'll take a while before I get a response. --Turnabout 15:35, 21 October 2010 (PDT)
  • I just got a letter back from the Greene County Court Clerk, and I'm afraid the news is disappointing. This is what is written, dated Nov 1, 2010: "All records are held for 10 yrs. 1999 and back have been expunged. If it possibly was a felony, you would need to chk Circurt Ct PO Box 386 Stan. Va. 22973 [sic]" Since there probably weren't any felony charges related to the case, then I'm afraid that the only way we'll ever know what really happened that day will be if we ever get our hands on the Autism Papers. --Turnabout 19:47, 8 November 2010 (PST)

"Abuse" incident truthfulness

It's possible that Chris is telling the truth, albeit a dramatic version, about the so-called abuse incident as it may have been the school staff's reaction to an autism-related meltdown. Oftentimes the child having a meltdown must be restrained or confined in order to keep them from hurting themselves. I've heard of incidents where the meltdown was recorded to document what was going on in case a parent flipped out over their child's injuries and accused the school of abuse. This occasionally shows up on not-quite-news sites like the Daily Mail and the articles always, without fail, take the side of the angry parents. ("Mom outraged that autistic son restrained in a high chair!" "Videos reveal autistic student kept in a pen by mean old teacher!")

The reason why I didn't add this to the page myself (at least right now) is that I'm not that well-versed in all things Chris and don't know if he even has a history of meltdowns. Meltdowns often improve by adulthood or may be replaced with fits of anger and destructiveness, so this would explain why he doesn't seem to have them anymore. They've just morphed into something that less resembles your classic tantrum. --Thelp (talk) 21:09, 14 January 2016 (UTC)