Template:Article of the now

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Autism is a spectrum of neurological disorders involving the impairment of social interaction and communication. Informally, autism may be subdivided into separate classifications based on the intelligence and degree of function the autistic individual possesses, although these subdivisions are not recognized by the DSM-IV-TR or the ICD-10.

Christian Weston Chandler has built much of his identity around having high-functioning autism (HFA), (which, in reality, isn't so much a diagnosis, but more of a grade of severity) which is vaguely defined as the ability to cope with the world as oppose to an institution, near-normal comprehension, and about-average intellect. As such, he tries to have it both ways—you can't blame him for his shortcomings because he has autism, but you can't treat him like he's mentally handicapped and slow in the mind because he's high-functioning and therefore, nearly normal. He perceives bias against autistic people everywhere, and assumes anyone opposing his will hates him for his mental condition and are playing "everyone's favorite game, Kick the Autistic."
