CWCki:Priority Listing

From CWCki
Revision as of 15:44, 2 May 2009 by Champthom (talk | contribs)
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This list is designed to aid CWCki editors determine how best to focus their resources in helping the CWCki thrive.

This is, of course, only a guideline of suggested activities. Editors are by all means encouraged to do whatever they can to contribute to the project.

Super High


  • Format IRC chats into cleaner format
  • archive all e-mail contacts
  • complete incomplete articles
  • create articles for new media pertaining to da update (ex. new videos, new comics, etc).
  • Categorize everything here
  • Make these pages
  • work on the Improvement Article of the Moment
  • work on finding citations for stuff
  • get images for articles that could use images
  • create templates to make stuff look cool
  • fix broken links
  • spelling
  • grammar


Super Low

  • translations of articles