Chris Sex Videos

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On 25 September, 2008, Christian recording himself making disturbing animal impressions, disrobing, and then finally masturbating and ejaculating into a clear plastic cup. The background is Chris's kitchen, where the family PC is located, which is piled high with junk. A table lamp rests at an awkward angle. The short video clips were taken with a webcam and are completely silent, adding to the overall mood of terror and revulsion.

This is the same room Chris was caught masturbating in.

Chrischan the Elephant


Chris makes a terrifying, bug-eyed face at the computer screen and shakes his head. He then turns to the side, puts his curved hand up to his mouth, and bangs his head back and forth.

Chrischan the Chicken


Chris chan stands, and repositions the webcam to better show off his body. He is smiling. He puts his arms near his nipples and begins flapping his arms, mimicking a bird. He opens his mouth in a pained, silent scream and rears his head back. He sits down at the computer and repositions the webcam once again, smug and contented.

Chrischan Undressing



See Also