CWC Responds to a bully named Johan

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CWC Responds to a bully named Johan is a Youtube video Chris uploaded on the 28th of May 2016. In it, Chris explains how he has been bullied by a troll named Johan after getting a lesbian couple to accept fathering his baby, only for them to back out due to Johan pointing out Chris is autistic. Chris shows this through his lego mini-figures while squeezed under a child's school desk, acting out the ordeal in unintelligible ramblings, due to not only his awful impersonations sounding like dogs grunting but because he chose to play a loud dub-step soundtrack over the proceedings and drowning out his entire argument so that it cannot be heard in any way. It should be noted this is the first video in a while that Chris has acted the way he does before the Liquid saga, claiming he is being bullied by doing impersonations of his foes and recounting any times trolls have made him do embarrassing stuff, even naming Megan Shroeder.


CWC Responds to a bully named Johan
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Stardate 28 May 2016
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Green top and blue skirt
Proposition to Sega‎‎


(Chris sits in his room surrounded by the usual toys and garbage, he curiously sits behind a school desk that he barely fits under as his muffin top holds to stop it busting out, a picture of an aine character sits in the top left of the screen for no explained reason, the usual PS4 music and loud Dubstep play over the entire proceedings from here on)

Hello ladies and gentlemen on the internet and my Sonichu and Rosechu Fanbase, this is Christine Chandler coming to you live from the room once again, and I'm about to tell ya a story that and true...about what happened recently and will be deenstrated through (Chris looks down and fidgets with a lego figure) the mini-figures. So...that's to tell you the truth.

(Chris stars blankly at the desk while fidgeting) associate has introduce me to a Lesbian couple, who's, looking to have their own little daughters. (Music becomes very loud)...their little daughters, 'kay?...and I'm- was delighted to be made-to be designated as the parent, but unfortunately throughout the few weeks-the initial few weeks there were miscommunications...and we-and it was kinda spotty catching up with one another and one of them wanted to be artificially but...the other one wanted natural, but, tonight-well...earlier tonight they both mutually decided on both being natural. We were planning on setting up...because uh...earlier that day they were thinkin' 'bout a second candidate though, which ended up me feelin' sad, but he didn't show up and they liked the video I sent them demonstrating my sexual prowess (uninteliigable, possibly "kind of like") the acrobat! (Chris lifts up a mini-figure to his face then sets it back down) which had me feel...delighted.

(Chris now acts out the events with the mini-figures in front of him) So yeah, we were on the online chat room we were setting up, we were talking 'bout our meetings and then comes along (Chris introduces a new mini-figure) Derp-de-der new guy, who is quite intrusive and very rude. (Chris impersonates this figure, assumed to be Johan, in bizarre deep grunts with words here and there and starts a acting a conversation between the figures:)

Johan: *Grunting* Chris: Hello, I'm Christine Chandler, Charmed I'm sure...(softly) charmed. Johan: *Grunting* You're the big g-you're the big guy *grunting* insults *grunting* RAAAAAWRARARARA Chris: Yeah and I can tell from my way aside from the obvious and what you s-say to my witch...yeah. You're a bad guy and you bullied me.

Sorry we were-so he was attacking me and trying to prove himself (impersonated Johan) Mighty and courageous like Captain capernicus Quack or something dumb like that.

Johan: *grunting* Look at me i'm superior *grunting* (Grunting becomes high pitched and cutesy, Johan figure simulates humping) woop woop woop woop woop woop

Yeah it was just a whole bunch like that but they were getting tired of it, I was getting tired about hearing all of it and then he realised:

Johan: Oh Wait! You're the Christain Chandler! Chris: Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu that's me Johan: Oh, i'm gonna do like you (unintelligable) I bet you haven't learned (unintelligable) Chris: Like mean like that time I sat bare assed on a cake? Sat bare assed on a cake what you think about that? Johan: *grunting* Chris: How about the time, I took pices of my...took pieces of m-pieces of my medallion and shhhhoved them up my behind? I am human enough to...admit and take the blame for the mistakes I made. Johan: *Grunting*

And he was bringing up th imaginary picture of the notorious...M.E.G...and (unintlligable, wrote?) mean things up there, and I was like Oh yeah that vintage old thing is so old. I've drawn more since then..of my (unintelligable) ex's. I mentioned two of them by name and he was like:

Johan: *grunting* (4.40)