Crescent Eclipse

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Revision as of 21:54, 21 August 2017 by FromtheWordsofBR (talk | contribs)
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Crescent Eclipse is a video Chris uploaded to YouTube on 21 August 2017. In this video, Chris is telling the audience about what he is seeing during the US Eastern Coast Solar Eclipse. Surprisingly, he is seen taking the proper safety precautions for the eclipse and is actually wearing protective glasses for the event. However, the same cannot be said about Sorbet, who Chris films, walking around, failing to realize that leaving his already sickly cat outside during a solar eclipse may lead to the possible risk of blinding him.


Crescent Eclipse
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Stardate 21 August 2017
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga DoopieDoopie Doopie, TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt NaN
CLog 08142017 - More Positive Content


Hello everyone on the Internet! This is Christine Chandler coming to you live from home once again, right outside waiting for the solar eclipse. I look up at it, at the Sun through my gla--through my special glasses I got with a little guide book.

(At this point, Sorbet can be heard snorting in the background.)

It looks like a crescent. It's a crescent sun. Like it's grinning down on us.

And as you can see, from the noise making, that's my little boy Sorbet.

(Chris points camera at Sorbet, the snorting sounds more audible. Chris starts baby-talking to Sorbet.)

See? He's alive and well.

(Camera back on Chris.)

Anyway I'll record a second video closer to when the eclipse actually happens. So, stay tuned. Thank you.

Eclipse Enjoyment

On the same day, Chris uploaded another video about the solar eclipse called Eclipse Enjoyment. For most of the video, Chris sits there watching the eclipse, but once in a while will make quirky comments.

Crescent Eclipse
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Stardate 21 August 2017
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga DoopieDoopie Doopie, TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt NaN
CLog 08142017 - More Positive Content


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