Revision as of 07:46, 22 August 2017 by Shekelberg (talk | contribs)
Asian This user is an Asian and loves random-access humor and martial arts!! |
Agnostic This user is agnostic and is highly skeptical of your claims about deities. |
Ass Burger This user has Asperger's Syndrome and tries to take the Shine and Limelight away from True Autistics. |
Transgendered This user is transgendered and would very much like to become a cute trap. If Chris ever falls off the straight path, he'll join you. |
Weeaboo This user is a weeaboo and is devastated by Chris's taste in animu. この人はおたくだので、アニメはクリスーちゃんに好かれたのは我慢しなさい。 |
Hikikomori This user should SUCK IT UP and DIVE RIGHT IN to the public scene. |
Alec Benson Leary This user is a proud member of Alec Benson Leary's true and honest fanbase. |
Scampers This user thinks Scampers is the best Chandler cat! :3 |
Transcriber This user transcribes videos, and has no doubt become insane from regular exposure to Chris's fail. |