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Chris's other means of communication aside from MySpace on his Love Quest. While often looked over, CWC's correspondence with these e-women reveals that even on the internet, he manages to convey that he is a fat autistic.

On 31 May 2009, Chris's Facebook was hacked, revealing notes and messages to boyfriend free girls in the area in hopes of them becoming his sweetheart. He failed horribly of course, and the Patriots Miscreants showed us how hard.

Notes From The Man Himself

I am a good man

Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 5:57pm

There are some cyber bullies who have taken my words and feelings out of context, and twisted them into meaningless mockery.

Please do not believe those terrible rumors; I am a good man who needs a female sweetheart to soothe my pains from loneliness, stress of social influences, and heart-aches.

Please help me, so I can help you one day.

The Common Question, "Do I know you?"

Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 9:49pm

When a person asks you, "Do I know you?", it brings up a greater answer. "I'm not a mind-reader, so I can't tell you how well you know me." The question is dumb in itself; no one is able to answer it. Because no one can read their mind and answer it with full confidence.

Man I am SOOO SHY. "How Shy are you?" I am SOOO SHY, that...

Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 4:48pm

Today, Jan. 24, 2008, I was at the Alderman Library. I was playing Sudoku on my PSP, and I was listening in on this conversation between a couple of cute ladies just to my right. I've enjoyed just listening to them talk about their things; I will not devulge any details, because I am the man who will keep a secret (Plus, I don't know ALL the details). Anyway, after one of the two left, the gal that stayed sittin' next to me, talked on her cell in what sounded like Dutch or German. IT WAS THE PERFECT OPENING for a conversation towards making a new gal-pal. I had it in my head, "Pardon me, I couldn't help but overhear your chat on your phone, but was that Dutch or German you were speaking?" I HAD THE NERVE SET UP, I was raring to say it, but when I started to say it, the tension and my shyness and my autism choked me, literally; I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything. And she left. I am kicking myself now.

Anyway, THAT IS HOW SHY I AM; I am so shy, that I JUST FREEZE OR CHOKE upon starting to talk to a new girl I don't know yet.


See also

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