Monthly tugboat

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Revision as of 21:59, 2 May 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (yt)
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yet AGAIN I am waiting for my next tugboat from my Social before I can even pay a Website to Host me and grant me a better .com domain name than
Chris to Miyamoto

The monthly tugboat is Chris's euphemism for his Social Security Disability check. Chris receives $750 a month, with $450 going to his parents for room and board. The rest of it goes to video games and sex toys. However $300 dollars was no where near close enough to satisfy Chris's desire to purchase porn and video games as of now he has at least $2000 of Credit card debts.

By the advice of his father, Chris doesn't get a job because the tugboat gives him more money overall. This is explained in the audio below. Your tax dollars at work, people.