Piedmont Virginia Community College
Piedmont Valley Community College, the realm of the evil witch Mary Lee Walsh, is the educational institution from which Chris earned two certificates. Mary Lee Walsh, in her role as student dean, gave Chris a difficult time on his love quest and at points shattered his heart, lowering its level to nearly zero. Chris in turn made her a character in her comics and inspired the villain group the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens.
The college itself is intolerant of those who are love questing, and makes extra effort to cockblock any males on its campus by brutally censoring any signs that show the least bit of romance. Mary Lee Walsh, under the impression that Chris was soliciting sex, yelled at him in a very violent manner and harshly criticized his methods. She brilliantly noted that posting signs is a rather ineffective way to attract members of the opposite sex, and banned Chris from using this method in the future.
Chris graduated from PVCC with an Associate in Applied Science and a CADD certificate.
Compared to his high school graduation, he didn't seem to give a fuck.
No, THIS is Chris at his college graduation. He's wearing the fucking medallion and he's wearing the same damn shirt he draws himself in.