The Eye of Judgment

The Eye of Judgement is a video game for little children, and the only reason Chris apologised to the Game Place. According to wikipedia the cards are $3.99 per booster pack, if Chris finally gets access back to The Game Place one can assume this is where most of his monthly tugboat will be sailing.
In his March 18th video, Chris mentions he'll be playing in The Eye of Judgement: The Dioskuri Tournament, in which he hopes to attain a spot in the top 100 in order to win 3 promo cards. Considering he is most probably still banned from The Game Place(which is the only place he can buy the cards from) he is very likely to just have the cards that the game comes with.
Thus his performance in the tournament will be poor, though we can assume from past competitions that Chris expects to win this this and if he doesn't place in the top 100 he will complain about how he was wronged and deserves to win the cards.