Talk:Coffee Place

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Revision as of 20:53, 3 July 2010 by MoarLurk (talk | contribs)
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Why--Beat 15:29, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

With the way she talks, it sounds like a woman Chris clone somewhat. Still, fail-delete this. --Eniggy 15:30, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
  • This article seems to be really irrelevant, save for the fact that Bob and Chris occasionally go there. Since no drama with Chris seems to have occurred there, I vote for a delete. --Shearod 16:55, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
I'm putting up the deletion template. Unless we got confirmation of Chris doing something worth noting, this page is going down. Sounds like its written by a butthurt employee anyway. Bill Lumburg 17:15, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Do Not Delete; Pursue for the Drama.

My family and I were there one morning a couple of weeks ago; my camera was screwing up with me, so I ended up with the photo of the front counter. I haven't been back for a while (Damn parents won't drive me back there), and I'm only 14.

Robert was shouting at Amanda, and eventually Chrissy joined in with an uproar so loud, it would have awaken the dead. It was in response to Amanda harassing them that day. I asked around after Robert and Chris left, without my family taking notice of me.

I can get away with anything within my reach; I'm the middle child of a set of three in my family. Sadly, we were only passing through that week on our way back from a visit with my Grandma and Grandpa in South VA; we live up in Boston.

Being bullied as a Freshman last year in my High School was no fucking picnic either. And I really loath ANYONE who is even considered "Special". I'm Special enough on my own for being invisible yet able to attract attention remotely with a mere thought or do-nothing and having to put up with the aggresiveness in my fucking family; I am very much the Master Mind in the family. My father is damned retarded.

But enough about me, I hate Chris as much as the rest of you. Stopping the presses on his books and giving up his website; it still pisses me off. If I recall correctly, it was about 10:30 when the Father and Son Duo left, so best bet is about 10:00 AM to try and intercept. I want to see Chris, if not both of them, squirm in torture from our Trolling of him. I really want to see him blow his top off again. LULZ.

Oh, and the Windows at that place were Tinted, so the photography would be best from inside the place.

For the LULZ!!!!

--JenkinsJinkies 22:16, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

What the fuck.--Beat 22:18, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
I have no idea what you just said. Make some fucking sense. --Edward 22:53, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
I'm not fluent in batshit, but from what I've read, this kid saw Chris in a burger king and thought it was big news. If Chris wasn't filing his bottomless gullet with junk food, than it would be noteworthy. We know that Chris prefers McDonald's, so Bob must have chosen to eat here that day. Apparently Chris and Bob got into a shouting match with one of the employee's, but nothing seems to have come of it. Thats my analysis anyway --SargentPickles 23:22, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Oh my God. There is a rabbit-hole within a rabbithole. This kid's a fucking nutcase. He has potential to make the front-page of ED. Has a wiki documenting one Internet Phenomenon somehow spawned another? Baxter 22:57, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Can we get an IP check to see if he's actually Chris?--MoarLurk 22:58, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

He certainly writes like him (random capitalisations, odd phrasing); I propose we keep the page up until the proper investigations have been made. Baxter 23:02, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Checked his contributions. High chance this is Chris--he signed up back in May to tell Clyde that he knows he only removed an antenna from the PS3. Then he went to the PSN download pages and a few unusual edits--he removed a pipe to duck from "Small Things", clarified that he rented Downfall(!), and a clarification that some DLC for Killzone 2 was purchased by trolls during a hack, rather than DLC for Resistance FOM. And the photo he uploaded to this article is labeled "Burger King"--y'know, like the place Bob likes to go to exploit the free coffee thing? I get the feeling Bob doesn't think trolls are tracking him IRL and he wants them to show up at Burger King to prove it.--MoarLurk 23:17, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Hmmm... Perhaps Bob and Chris got banned form Burger King, and Chris is trying to get trolls to go after the managers and employee's there. Would make perfect sense to Chris... But I'm not entirely sure this is his work, might be some stupid kid... Can we have a field agent do a check of Chris's local Burger King to see if he has indeed been banned? That would explain a lot --SargentPickles 23:25, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
The picture was taken on a Nintendo DS. This morning. Check the metadata. Massive Dynamic 23:28, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Confirmed, then.--MoarLurk 23:40, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
I guess the pull of the internet is just too strong to resist. How should we proceed from here? Should we take "JenkinsJinkies" at his words and see what else we can get out of him? Obviously this is operating under the assumption that he isn't checking this talk page that frequently.Baxter 23:35, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, this is probably Chris

  • Chris is the only person on earth who thinks randomly capitalizing words is a proper way to put emphasis a word(the correct way being italics).
  • Chris has portrayed trolls referring to him as "Chrissy" before.
  • No troll calls Bob "I'm Cuttin' It Down" Chandler "Robert" or "Bobby".
  • Chris likes to use semicolons everywhere.
  • Chris has also used the term "Stop the presses" in Mailbag replies.
  • Jenkins here clearly can't use the word "lulz" properly in a sentence.
  • Jenkins switched subjects constantly, like he can't keep his mind on track. Chris has this problem whenever he tries to talk or write or attempt any form of communication whatsoever.
  • "Jenkins" acts as if his entire motivation for trolling Chris is that he hates "special" people. He's acting like a person who is genuinely playing kick the autistic--y'know, the kind of person Chris thinks all of us are?
  • He also acts as if he has an incredibly unfortunate life--just like Chris implied he thought we all did in the emails he sent to Jack last year.
  • His typing is rife with grammatical errors--it's almost as if he failed English.
  • There is a massive plothole in his story--he claims that he lives in Boston and allegedly nags his parents to drive him back to a bumfuck town in Virginia for the sole purpose of trolling Chris. Nobody involved with trolling Chris is that retarded.
  • There's more, but what I've posted is damning enough as it is. Either we have a good Chris impersonator or this is Chris--MoarLurk 23:38, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
If that's the case it sounds Chris has some level of awareness; he checks back to find the article is up for deletion, then makes up some backstory about being a 14 year old troll passing through with his family. That's probably the only part that doesn't sit right with me.

If this is indeed Chris, confirmation might be a little trickier; do we have the IP to his DSi? Bill Lumburg 23:45, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

  • If this is Chris, then what the hell is he trying to accomplish? This makes no sense to me. --Edward 23:47, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
    • My guess is he plans on shooting up the place along with all trolls. Either that or he's trying to use CWCki as his own personal army against the workers at this place who were mean to him. HicksDuck 23:50, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
      • I was thinking personal army as well, but he also wants to see a troll in person at a prearranged time. FAF caught him off guard because a troll caught him being a fuckup IRL--which ran contrary to his "MEET ME IRL, I AM A DIFFERENT PERSON" lie. He still thinks that plan can work, so he's trying to get a troll to meet him at a particular time IRL so he can pretend to be a normal person/get daddy to fight his battles for him.--MoarLurk 23:56, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
  • If anyone could consider it a clue, he spelled senior wrong like Chris usually does. --GandWuser 00:05, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • none of these things are particularly hard to fake --Phlegethon 00:07, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • I don't want to act until we get confirmation from Clyde or Champ or whoever.--Beat 00:09, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

This is a confirmed CWCSighting

The first one. Now stop harassing this user Christ almighty. god damn you people overanalyzing shit. now if anyone touches this user I will BAN them. Clydec 00:15, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

But adding this to the list of Chris's Edits to the CWCki is cool, right?--Beat 00:16, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • I think Clyde is only confirming that this is a place Chris hangs out in and/or that Chris has been spotted at this place, hence "CWCSighting." --Champthom 00:20, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Also, same goes with me - fuck with this user and I will ban you even longer than Clyde. Every jerkop is to ban users as they warrant fit.--Champthom 00:23, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
Understood comrade.--MoarLurk 00:18, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
Why do you think this is Chris? It isn't him. But this a confirmed CWCsighting. Jesus fuck Beat, you're a fucking dipshit. Clydec 00:18, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Jesus, my bad man.--Beat 00:20, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Beat, for your failure to understand simple orders, I have issued Verdict 19. Expect my men in two days. Hope you're not too attached to your fingernails. We cannot have incompetence like this if Operation 55 is to be pulled off.--MoarLurk 00:41, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • My misunderstanding shall be my downfall! I must atone!--Beat 00:44, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Just be glad it's not Verdict 99. The Lower Verdicts are fairly merciful, but even I had nightmares about the times I had to pull off 99.--MoarLurk 00:53, 4 July 2010 (UTC)