
From CWCki
Revision as of 15:16, 14 July 2010 by Champthom (talk | contribs)
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For discussion of CWCki policy and rules.

Fan Works policy

right now there aren't really any rules regards what can and cannot go in the fan namespace. this is because i trusted users to judge for themselves whether or not their work belonged on the cwcki. so, let's get its purpose straight: fan works was meant to be PVCC's troll productions subforum, but public. it is not, however, a mirror site incase deviantart goes down. i feel that some individuals are forgetting that this is a wiki about CWC. now, it's quite tricky to say what can and cannot be hosted here. there are very few examples of things being uploaded that are completely unrelated to chris or sonichu. however, i will try my best to clarify what is appropriate.

Examples of good fanworks:

  • A drawing of CWC saying DYKES DYKES CHINA being placed into the "CWC's Second Message" article
  • An "artist's depiction" of something we have no pictures of but how it may have looked, i.e. Chris in the mall with his attraction sign, Chris using his "red string of fate", Chris's IRL confrontation with Mary Lee Walsh, Fapcup, etc
  • Comics what are actually funny

Examples of bad fanworks:

  • A Sonichu comic depicting how you think Sonichu should have been
  • Shitty recolored Sonichu and Rosechu "original characters"
  • Your shitty fursona with a Sonichu tail shoved up its ass

to summarise, i think the distinction lies in whether or not it is actually related to chris. there are lots of things related to sonichu, many of which include chris, but are actually disconnected from chris's antics themselves. i don't think these are appropriate for this wiki, and i see their numbers increasing(although i would like to refrain from naming names).

please discuss any changes or clarifications that you wish made, however i would like to implement these new rules by the end of the week. if a user feels their own uploads were, in light of these policy changes, in error then they can remove them now to save the jerkops the trouble of removing them later.

PEACE, AND HAVE A GOOD DAY --Cogsdev 21:59, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

Just out of curiosity, could we see just what works are and are not on the chopping block? Just so we can see where we stand on this. Bill Lumburg 02:54, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

  • i guess it might be useful to have a template for that --Cogsdev 09:26, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

No. When the purge is complete you will know exactly where you stand. --Delabonte 03:07, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Um, does one need any kind of admin status to delete files? I'm trying to figure this out. --Xanabit 03:32, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Just who decides what's worthy?

I can get behind the fact that you want this wiki to be about Chris, with his Sonichu works simply being an extension of him. What bothers me is how all this hate coming from users complaining about fan works they simply don't care for. If fan works are removed all together from here, I'd be alright with that. But when someone said "all Sonichu-related works need to go, except the ones I like!" it seems more like favoritism rather than objective policy. --Xanabit 00:13, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Agreed, though I myself am hardly unbiased. --manwithoutabody 00:28, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it's almost like this wiki is run by trolls who cae not for your feelings.--Delabonte 01:47, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Just because we troll Chris doesn't mean we can't deal with each other in a civilized manner. --manwithoutabody 02:42, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

You don't troll shit, spud. DrShoggoth 02:44, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Can anything be done on this site without creating a shitstorm? This isn't some crusade against drawfags, and it shouldn't be painted as such by EITHER side. The site is about Chris, and the large amount of coverage on his creations is only because they made up such a large part of his life. The CWCki isn't about Sonichu, it's about Chris. Maybe some exceptions can be made, but for now fanworks not directly about Chris need to go. I myself enjoy many, especially Fear and Loathing in CWCville, but unless it is used to successfully troll Chris, it doesn't belong here. Thing is, we need a peaceful resolution to this. Shit with faggot users and /cwc/ is bad enough, we don't need this to blow up. Maybe exceptional fanworks can be allowed; if not, they can be hosted on DA, or perhaps a site devoted to Sonichu. The artists and fans need to remember that this isn't an attack against their work, it's just policy. Users who want to be active in the execution of this policy need to not be dicks about it, and be responsible about it. It's not "deleting shit one doesn't like," it's removing unnecessary images and articles. --Schuzrum Dias 02:58, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Well, like I've said before, I will print out every page, bind it, and mail it to him when I'm finished. Which should be in two weeks or so. If my works are deleted before then, I'm not going to worry too much. In fact, it wouldn't bother me much at all if the entire fan section was removed and all fan art was deleted. I'm just a little put off from the vitriol a lot of the critics are spewing. --Xanabit 03:24, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
You think he's going to read it, that's cute. --Delabonte 03:36, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
Maybe, maybe not, what's the harm in trying? The most it'll cost me is a few bucks in postage. Well, that and the markers. Now I understand why he textwalls so much, those things dry out quick! :P --Xanabit 03:49, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

That makes sense. I could totally get on board starting a new site just to host these things. If we do so, though, we need clearly-defined criteria as to what gets to stay. Limiting ourselves to stuff Chris has seen would be fair, but it would need to be absolutely enforced. Which is to say, we couldn't have a page on Chris Gets Laid, excellent though it is, unless he himself responded to it in some way. -Manwithoutabody 03:31, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

You could do that. That's entirely acceptable, as it focuses on Chris and its activities. What you couldn't do is a story about a Sonichu recolor having some dumb adventure while Chris gets laid as a side-story. DrShoggoth 03:37, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Well by those rules, we'd have to delete the page on Sonichu Is Dead, because Chris barely appears in it. We need a single, objective policy for what gets to stay and what doesn't, regardless of quality. --Manwithoutabody 11:40, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

I agree that there has to be some kind of objective criteria, not just what largely seems to be "Your fic/comic is bad, and you should feel bad, ur a furfag lawl." If you want to cut fics because the Fan section is getting out of hand, fine. Just come up with a standard that makes sense and enforce it. If the "How you think Sonichu should have been" rule is enforced, then the entire fan section will be pretty much gutted. If we go with the "About Chris not Sonichu", well pretty much every fic has Chris' Mary Sue Avatar Combined with his real self on there, so where's the line? Is it IRL Chris, or Comic Chris? Mellowyellowsalvation 16:41, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

  • That's why I think limiting ourselves to stuff to which Chris has responded makes the most sense. He either did, or he didn't, and there are no shades of grey. --Manwithoutabody 02:05, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
  • As I've said elsewhere, I personally think the Fan Works index is more of a hassle than it's worth and we should get rid of it. Clyde has suggested a separate wiki and I think that might be the best solution. --Champthom 16:47, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
    • I would agree that a second site for fan works would probably be the best course of action. However, I think we should consider keeping notable fanworks (that is, those that Chris has responded to) here on the CWCki. --ThatMan 17:16, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

Re:Examples of bad fanworks

Most of the fan works don't seem to fall in any of those categories. Is there something else that's a problem?--trombonista 00:24, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

  • No, a lot of the admins are just fickle, want things they specifically don't like deleted no matter if there was a good reason or not, and don't seem to realize that trolls don't necessarily have to be asses to anyone and everyone. NoVu 12:35, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Right. It's that, it has nothing to do with an overwhelming majority of it being some sick fucks fantasy and has virtually or literally nothing to do with Chris. They're just angry, angry DAMN DIRTY SLANDEROUS TROLLS. Sully 03:12, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

Dumb suggestion

Why couldn't we just grandfather stuff in? --GandWuser 12:59, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

my suggestion

wipe everything and start a new wiki because i'm cutting down everything that's eating up resources. Clydec 16:31, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

  • people should pay attention to me more. also pay attention to me. Clydec 16:48, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

I like this idea. --Manwithoutabody 17:00, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

i've been considering moving to a new version of mediawiki, but might as well wait for 1.16 to reach stable. this should go on technical though i guess --Cogsdev 19:24, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Harassment and NPOV

Recent events have brought up these issues, so let's address them.

First, let's do our best to aim for some semblance of NPOV. Things considered by us to be good humored may not be taken that way by others. So yeah, try not to insult other sites, users, etc.

Harassment - yes, there are fuckwits on this wiki. There's fuckwits on any wiki. But don't point it out to them. People need to be able to edit without fear of harassment from others for their users. It's one thing to tell someone they're wrong or being just stupid, it's another to tell them they're now under watch by a group of people with various intents. I really can't ago against Cogs, as she has different ideas how to run the CWCki than I do, and she is the site owner, but please don't harass other users. If they're stupid, just point it out and explain calmly why but telling them they're fuckwits is no way to do it. Srsly, I expect a bit more from you people. --Champthom 19:16, 14 July 2010 (UTC)