Misc E-mails

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This page covers miscellanous emails from Chris's friends detailing interesting info about Chris.

Manchester High School Days

On 22 March 2014, an e-mail was leaked on the CWCki Forums about Chris's days in Manchester High School.


Hey [REDACTED] My name is [REDACTED] I'm a friend of Christian's. I knew Christian in High School, and have gotten in touch with him here in the past few months. I know you dont know me from anywhere and have zero reason to listen to what I have to say; but I am going to give it a shot. I know that those pages out there are causing a massive problem for Christian. I want to know what its going to take to have them pulled down. Its really run its course, its bullshit, and absolutely not something that anyone should have up or be taking part in. You seem to know all the players involved in all the circles, and I think you seem like a pretty decent guy. I know that know one is perfect, not by any reach, but this shit needs to stop. You said he needs to move on, and I agree, but getting that Wiki page down would be a massive first step. That page needs to go. Everyone needs to move on, and put the past were it is, in the past.

I noticed some updates on the page that included my name and [REDACTED] name, and I am sure you guys would term us what you call "White Knights". Were not. I have a soft spot for this guy cause I knew him in High School, I defended him there from assholes who picked on him and messed with him by taking things from him, just to get a reaction out of him. Funny thing life is you never who has someones back, and although I have nothing to gain from inserting me presence in this issue, I am willing to. I'm not an intemet tough guy. I am not a bullshit talker, and neither is [REDACTED] I think its madness that someone continues to update these pages and I have checked, much of the material on those pages are Slander, Illegal to release, and can result in criminal charges being filed. ( not a threat ). I am asking you to step up, end this , or help me end this. Its not worth the high cost of what that site is doing. I dont think anyone wants to see someone suffer and god forbid hurt themselves or someone else because of that page and others.

Like I said, you seem like a dude with influence , and a decent guy. I am just trying to help out an old friend, hes not asking me to do this, and not putting me up to it. I am taking this on for my own reasons, I got a lot of people behind me on this, and we all have our own reasons. Mainly, it could be our kid one day, or your kid. Were grown ups here, so lets act like it, end these sites. Help me out with this; and if you know who updates that Wiki page, tell them to keep [REDACTED] name and my name off them. Period. Not a threat buddy, just asking for the respect of that. Please , let me now what you think, maybe we can end this once and for all and leave Christian to his own devices.

Thanks [REDACTED],


White knight wiseup

Re: You Don't Respond To My Emails


I sincerely appreciate the emails, I have just been swamped last week with work, and partially tore a tendon in my forearm so I haven't been doing much typing expect for last night to [REDACTED] I am trying in a back room sort of way to get Christian to see that a board is not the cause of all his problems, I am very very aware that his actions are his own and all the vandalism and hate filled rants and shit are his own burden to wear. I know why the board exists, and I think he uses it as a scape goat for his behavior. My thought process was kind of around the lines of get it" shut down" and see how he does, he fucks up after that.....well you can figure that part out. II think that picture he drew was a nuke to anybody feeling sorry for him, includes me. I No uncertain terms, if that was my wife he wouldn't have arms or fingers that worked well enough to type of draw again. That's me. I'm not a one sided cat, I see both sides clearly. I just think maybe if you guys understood where I am coming from, you would see the vision I am trying to project. The site is nicked up, even if the people are not. I dig what y'all say and how much in a way you guys look out for him. I think its kind of a dysfunctional friendship he has WITH the site because it empowers him to GET attention and use the site to do things like Wal-Mart vandalism and go off on whoever and say ....look at me and what I have to go through. I personally got involved for my own reasons and I am not stepping out to do anything else for his battles. Website is my only concern. I would not let my sister date him, so I ain't gunna hook anyone up with or for him. His behavior is his own, Jesus he's lucky he didn't get hauled off to jail for Wal-Mart innocent. I think they don't go HARD ENOUGH on him to be honest. Actions have repercussions. I always say that. I am a man of my word....one fight pony here [REDACTED] I want to see web site down, will it happens. ...unlikely. but if you see the method to my madness you might follow the trail I am trying to layout. I have far to busy with running a construction company, being a husband, and enjoying my hobbies to be a baby sitter for Christian. I think the site could be relaunched in a different manor, less offensive to the UN- informed. You guys actually help him more than hes known , so I got respect for that.