Sonic Totem

The Sonic Totem is one of the Relics of Fail, though more shrouded in mystery than any of the others. There is currently no explanation as to why it exists, or how.
Historically, the word totem derives from the Algonquian (most likely Ojibwe) word odoodem [oˈtuːtɛm], "his kinship group". For the indigenous people of North America The carvings symbolize or commemorate cultural beliefs that recount familiar legends, clan lineages, or notable events. The totems may also serve as functional architectural features, welcome signs for village visitors, mortuary vessels for the remains of deceased ancestors. Given the complexity and symbolic meanings of totem carvings, their placement and importance lies in the observer's knowledge and connection to the meanings of the figures. Most traditional totems are made from western red cedar. Unbenounced to Chris, legends (deriving mostly from the Kwakwaka'wakw peoples of British Columbia) speak of totems that can become possessed by dark entities. It is unknown if this totem shares those qualities.
The totem has been featured very little in any of Chris's videos, making its most major appearance IMG 3207, (the video where Chris dry-humps a blowup doll trying to get a lesbian couple to mother his baby.)
The first time the totem was spotted was,
After the Destruction Of Chris's House many assumed the Totem had been destroyed but, unfortunately 900°C temperatures don't seem to be enough to even damage this relic and it seemed to had survived the flames.
It should be assumed that Chris believes that this masterwork is an amazing creation due to his ego, as because of that he has put it on full display in the previously mentioned video. Though, strangely, unlike anything before that Chris has done that he is proud of, he has never acknowledged the totem at all in previous media.
Please Excuse this for now mods while I work on making the article legitimate.