I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it

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Revision as of 23:43, 18 March 2017 by Galilean (talk | contribs)
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I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it, is a video Chris uploaded to YouTube on 1 March 2017. Unlike most of his videos from last year, Chris attempts to amend his monetary problems with a more sensible approach; selling junk around his house. At the same time, however, it's necessary to point out that Chris is still reluctant to sell anything from his own pile of worthless junk.

In a rare instance of self-awareness, Chris advertises this stamp collection by underlining the fact that it belonged to Bob; perhaps hoping that this information would somehow increase the demand for this collection, especially within the trolling community.


I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it
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Stardate 1 March 2017
Subject Matter Cwcville ShoppingCwcville Shopping Cwcville Shopping
Saga BusinessBusiness Business
Shirt The Happy HagThe Happy Hag The Happy Hag
A browsing around an ol' playground
A little Fluttershy singing (imitation)


More out of the collection is being added a bit at a time, so keep watch, and buy what you like for your stamp collection. ;)


[Shot of some of Bob's stamp collection] Lots and lots of stamp covers...

[Jump cut to a different box of Bob's stamps] ...to everything in organized chaos between six boxes.

[Another jump cut to a vertically aligned view of the stamp boxes, an anti-shake filter is added to the video] Which from amongst the [unintelligible] Robert Franklin Chandler Jr's stamp collection we claim for yourself, if not the entire collection.

[Another jump cut to Chris talking to the camera] I am Miss Christine Chandler, and I'm sellin' Mr. C's stamp collection to try to get more money around here to help pay the bills and everything. Let's try to make our goals, the high goals! (???) So come on down to my stamp shop on eBay! Or....well, my regular shop, but I'm selling stamps fffff- it's gonna be a while selling it all (???) So, c'mon down! Buy whatcha like out of the collection.

A browsing around an ol' playground Chris's videos A little Fluttershy singing (imitation)