User:Super Tom Nook/Sandbox
Check the page comments for more info.
TTS/CPU Heart People
Teen Troon Squad Members
The Teen Troon Squad is a small group of organized trolls who have met Chris in person. Main Article
Lillie "Lukas" Celeste Simpkins
- Most vocal member of the TTS
- Address: 127 Walton Drive, Lynchburg, VA, 24502
- Phone number: (434) 856-6364
- Assumed to be one of the people in the above image
Devil/Cooper Giles
- Other troon in the above image
- Personal friend of Lukas
Mrs. Simpkins
- Mother of Lukas
- Owns the house where Chris visited the TTS
- No known first name or social media information
CPU Heart Members
CPU Hearts are people on social media who identify themselves in as CPUs of a specific console in the same fashion as Chris.
Meghan K. Ringo/MKRNightvee/CPU Magenta Heart
- Self Professed CPU goddess of the Nintendo Switch
- Creator of characters Nightvee and Creamarina
- Has created a hand-drawn comic starring the two characters in a very similar fashion to the Sonichu comics
- Rosechu appears in the comic in some capacity
- Twitter: MKRNightvee
- Tumblr: MKRNightvee
Nightvee Comic Gallery
ExpandNightvee Prolouge |
ExpandNightvee Episode 1 |
Cara Squigly Rosechu/CPU Maroon Heart
- Associates with MKRNightvee over social media
- Claims to be in a "trinity" with MKRNightvee and Chris
PVCC Saga Parent Page
Jackson Dalton/Chris Interview Transcript
- Main article: Jackson Dalton
First Draft
Jackson Dalton: Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Cynic Podcast and today we are talking to the Christine Weston Chandler. How are you doing Christine?
Chris: I'm okay, how are you doing?
JD: I'm doing good too, um yeah so, today we're just gonna be doing a small little interview, um, I hope you're doing okay um and yeah I guess we're just going to start. Is there anything you want to say before we start?
Chris: Um, everybody be kind to each other or I'll zap you bzzz bzzz
JD: okay, um, now we know that the origins of sonichu when you first created him where that, uh, was that, you are making him for an album cover for a mixtape he had to work on for some sort of school project but I also but I wanted to ask why did you think that Sonichu was a good fit for a comic series?
Chris: Um, the comic book series kind of came to me as the story and the progression of Sonichu's life and everything in and around Cwcville and also around my self counterpart there, so eh, it all just came to me so I went with it.
JD: Cool, cool, that's a good way to create stuff is just to come stay a little freeform we know, uh uh, I think it was 2014 is that right he became a female and I wanted to ask what made you realize that you were a female?
Chris: Uh, well I had tried my life, I had, exhibited but not totally realized my uh, feminine habits and traits and then it became more apparent to me that I was definitely soulfully a woman, due to the vision I had where I saw myself in a past lifetime by the tree at Woodstock and I was a woman then so yep, I'm soulfully a woman, so, so it's a good thing to go on from there and I never regretted it.
JD: Yeah and I also know you had a lot of gal pals so I kind of get it too.
Chris: Yep.
JD: Um, what is your current opinion on a Sonic's design in Sonic Boom?
Chris: I am neutral about it nowadays and the protest I did way back then about it was just essentially being just worse than a waste of time so it's like I wish I had never done that in the first place. The Sonic Boom show was good though. It's on Hulu, you can watch it.
JD: yeah I only have Netflix though. I have seen a couple episodes of it when I'm just kind of going through TV. Um, it was pretty funny from what I've seen and I've also heard it's pretty good um I don't know I might try it out. Um, what's your-
Chris: It's on a free trial and you can check it out.
JD: Totes, totes, on the free trials was always kind of scare me because like it's like what if I forget AHHH.
Chris: Oh no, don't forget
Both: RAHHH!
JD: Okay this this is becoming super autistic but boom anyways um what's your favorite creation that isn't Sonichu related and you can't use Bionic because he did appear in Sonichu he appeared in Sonichu.
Chris: Seriously oh you're ruining with my head the finder again. I guess not Sonichu if it didn't appear in the books no I guess I'd have to give it to mine OC see whether OC Pokemon, I need to give it to veggie time who evolves from espanolick which is actually a sombrero.
JD: Oh yeah that's like the little cactus sombrero thing.
Chris: Yeah:
JD: Wasn't that in you like your wall of originals or whatever?
Chris: Yeah.
JD: I was thinking you choose like your design for your CPU or whatever for the Commodore how you look like as a CPU.
Chris: Oh, I could have chosen that?
JD: Yeah cuz like it hasn't appeared in the comics I don't think has it?
Chris: I put it online, it's definitely true to everything and to-
JD: What's your favorite game franchise?
Chris: Hm, game franchise, ah shoot, aside from Sonic and Pokemon I really like Tetris.
JD: Tetris, Tetris.
Chris: And then I also really gotten into and definitely like also the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. It makes sence I'm more into it since I'm a CPU myself now.
JD: Yeah that's definitely a strange mix Tetris and Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Chris: But I do like the classic puzzler, it's a good way to kill time.
JD: But it would be kind of cool if they made like a Tetromino CPU that'd be pretty fun like she has like tetromino armor that'd be pretty cool. Anyways, anyways oh sorry continue.
JD: We all know that you love Sonic I mean obviously you've it's Sonichu, Bionic all these different Sonic related things but what's your opinion on Mario?
Chris: Yeah, I'm uh rather neutral about Mario I mean he's an Italian plumber with his tube and activities and he worked at the factory (unintelligible, Jackson is visibly upset).
JD: Okay now recently you're part of a Shrek themed collaboration Shrek Retold a recreation of the original Shrek movie can you give us some details on making it like making your scene you know the production of the movie working with the other creators what was it like?
Chris: Yeah sorry you try don't remember their names the people I worked with but yeah I drew the up what I drew the s- I drew when I drew when it took that to and they edited it as they will and everything oh boy fourth wall breaking Farquad and I was like what the hell is this thing.
JD: Yes so you're saying that you drew all the assets and then 3GI edited them and animated them.
Chris: Yeah, and then I did my own voice and everything (unintelligible) it's a silly brain fart moment oops, oh dear.
JD: Could you tell me any specific things about any other creators you worked with by chance?
Chris: Like, are we still on the Shrek project?
JD: Like did you actually work with any other creators or did you just make your scene and then they took it?
Chris: Oh no I just did that for myself and they took it yeah.
JD: Yeah I don't know I was thinking that like there would be some communication with like all the different creators.
JD: Recently you've predicted a dimensional merge of sorts, could you go some more details on that.
Chris: Yeah, it's the merge of this dimension with this planet that we are on we are living in right now with that our sister dimension has most to all of our OCs, branding, and fanbase they all exist and co-exist together. Marvel and DC are in the same universe. Because some diety level red tape its got delayed but it will happen soon enough but don't make a big deal about it until I have more further information.
JD: Trust me, please, please once this dimensional merge happens do video of yourself kicking Ryu in the balls that'd be sick.
Chris: Kicking Ryu?
JD: Yeah Ryu from Street Fighter you're talking about how like Capcom characters are coming.
Chris: Um, yeah I like Ryu I would not kick him in the balls.
JD: Oh come on friendly fire man friendly fire. I'm sure he'd love a challenge.
Chris: Oh good grief, I'm still a CPU in training so don't think I be as high fire level as he eventhough I'm a goddess. I'm still learning everything, the ropes and all that.
JD: Now, you own a pretty decent amount of consoles out of all those video game consoles what's your favorite one that you own?
Chris: So, well retro wise where favorite console was definitely my Commodore 64, which I do still have the original, and all that. Uh, but I'm currently using I'd have to give it to my PS4 or my PS Vita.
JD: Okay, yeah, Playstation for life, I haven't actually played on a Playstation console but I hope to, I hope to.
Chris: And I'm definately still going to replace my XBox. I had, got myself an XBox, and It was good but then Idea Guy, in all the manipulation and all that forced me to get rid of the Xbox and Da da da Da HRNG . Anyway that's still in there too, and I'm also, yeah I was definately heavy on the Nintendo for a number of years, for a long time. Yeah, I've come around since then. Give me time, I'm good.
JD: Um, back in the 90s when you were a child, um, you won a Sonic the Hedgehog sweepstakes where you had to watch the uh the Sonic SEZ shorts at the ends of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and you had to write it down, uh, and you won, you won, you got to do a shopping sweepstakes thing over at KB Toys. What was that like do you still own some of the stuff you got from that shopping spree?
Chris: Yeah, I had, yeah ended up selling a bunch, getting rid of a bunch of the stuff I had got there but I still have my copy of Sonic CD I ended up getting from that and it was awesome. The day I got the envelope saying 'hey you won the sweepstakes you won a thousand dollar shopping spree' That gleamed my father that day because we were living in the circle townhouse and my father was like 'lets set up so the other way' because they were giving away two shopping sprees in that contest 'and lets get the other kid who won and go on the spree together' but obviously that didn't flourish. The other person they did, they did their thing at their mall and yeah, I did what I did with my family at Fashion Square which I wish I was allowed back in.
JD: Oh okay, so you're saying that all the winners didn't go to one KB Toys they each went to like their nearest KB Toys?
Chris: Yeah, their favorite, yeah.
JD: Have you ever considered making a second edition of your "Yep I'm on TV" DVD?
Chris: We have to take a long time to figure that out, so much more content. It's a multiple volume type thing
JD: Man, I wouldn't think that you'd be neutral about this situation, I thought you'd be pretty mad and sad about it because I mean I'm sure it was a traumatic experience to have to a shove a Sonichu medallion up your butthole.
Chris: Yeah, but uh, I've had worse experiences since then and before then so, okay I just had a PTSD moment pretty much from that time in fourth grade when the teachers had me pinned to the floor. Yeah, that was a lot worse than that.
JD: Oh yeah, that sounds horrid. Oh are you talking about like, oh I better not talk about it I don't want to trigger any PTSD stuff. Uh have you ever considered like selling the Sonichu property at all for more money or royalties or anything?
Chris: Yeah, no, definately not at this time I need to get my group and team together, cause, I mean, even though I tried over the younger of my adult years, turns out I don't really have a head or a knack for business, I would think cause if I did, I would have hired a manager up and coming in my high school years.
JD: Okay, um, sorry I'm just looking through all my questions here. Um, people have suggested that you've gotten a job ever since this whole homeless saga has been going on and you say it's impossible.
Chris: Well, yeah because uh, I have tried and no one will hire me but yes definitely, I would say it is definitely because they do, they do the background checks, they do do that! Regardless of anyone saying that they don't, it's what they do. They do, it's all on the internet, they check your Facebook, they check your Twitter, they check everything!
JD: Yeah, and you have such a large reputation on the internet and you're such a large, um like a large personality on here that like I bet it's really easy for these people to find all this stuff.
Chris: Yep, Google, bugle, I don't know though.
JD: Now speaking of that, um, another way you could make money is by doing commissions or even live streams by chance why have you done this either?
Chris: Well, yeah, live streams that's a whole major setup. I would have to have help in putting together, I don't know where to get started at all and I'll probably I don't know if I would need or require a drawing tablet, or art program to do that with I've seen the-
JD: I mean you don't have to live stream yourself drawing know you could live stream yourself like playing Soul Calibur or some shit I'm sure. I think the PS4 does have a live stream option if I'm right, I don't know, I think it does
Chris: I tried it from the PS4 camera and uh, yeah-
JD: Wait the PS4 has a camera?!
Chris: Yeah.
JD: That's weird.
Chris: It's sold separately.
JD: Oh, so it's like the PSEye or something.
Chris: Except it actually works with the PS4.
JD: Sorry I thought like it had like a camera built-in I was like what!
Chris: Yeah, no the console itself does not have a built-in camera.
JD: That would be pretty cool though.
Chris: (Barbra in the background) Ah, there's my mother.
JD: Yeah I can hear Deborah.
Chris: Alright, be safe, I love you.
JD: Hi Deborah!
Chris: Her name is Barbra.
JD: Or Barbra sorry, I'm not really good with names, but yeah, be safe. I hope she doesn't think I'm a troll or something.
Chris: No, she knows, hehe, she knows about this interview space, haha.
JD: Now, we're going to ask one more question, uh to uh, Christine Weston Chandler. When did you come to terms with your situation you know that you currently have you know, constant mockery and whatnot?
Chris: I'm sorry, did you say when?
JD: Yeah like when did you come to terms with kind of your situation?
Chris: Well, sho, well with the trolls and whatnot pretty much came to terms with it and started turning myself around on how to handle it about 2011. And uh, you know, everything else just camp out and float it to me like you know, shoot. Before Idea Guy came along I literally was meditating nightly with Magi-Chan, my hubby, then all the events happened in last March, I'm marrying Magi-Chan and Cryzel and last June I married Mewtwo and Sylvana, its been very good, very delightful and everything. And lots of people have seen us all together when we go out and I'm definitely not the only one who could see them with my truesight.
JD: Mhm, yeah I did see a video I did see a video of you, uh, kissing one of your wives.
Chris: Yeah, kissing Cryzel. And, not to doxx my friend there who ended up taking the, who uploaded the video, I'm not going to say his name in this video or doxx him, I just want to let him know that I know what's going on with you, you're possessed by the dark side I just want you to know that, I forgive you, you're still cool in my eyes, I know you haven't done worse, just please come back, come back to the good side, and I'd definitely like you and I to still be friends and I still have the Christmas presents to get to give you and our other two friends. Just a few S-chu balls and there's cards in the figure inside surprise for each of them yeah. I definitely wanna hang out with them cause they are actually good people I care about, I care about them as friends you know.
JD: Chris, you know that having multiple wives is illegal right? All 50 states?
Chris: Well the marriage was legalized, it's legal in C-197 so there.
JD: Okay, no, I just wanted to make you aware, just want to make you aware.
Chris: We're not carring about the legal system, like just like, back in the long ago when it was the same for two women to get married or for two men getting married. We are similar to them being polyamorous and we're damn happy about it.
JD: Cool, again Christine thank you so much for being on this interview with me, um and it was a really fun chat you're, I hope you have some good luck with your endeavors whether that be Sonichu to or trying to stop those damn dirty trolls. Yeah, and I guess I'll see you later man.
Chris: Alright, yep.
JD: Bye guys.
Chris: Lots of love to everyone, be kind to each other.
JD: Be kind to everyone, by.
Twitter block posts
Block 1
Chris being blocked by @ChaoticChimera
All I did was relay that ChaoticChimera needed money, so I relayed the link to her Tweet about her dilemma. What happened? The Haters Harassed Her, and I Got Blocked!
I did not make any such negative commentary, Not One Word from me, and yet I get Blocked over the actual Haters! |
Do you all know HOW I Feel every time I Learn that someone I follow, like and respect on Twitter Blocks Me?!
I Freaking Hit The Wall after Running At Mach Speeds! THATβS How I Feel! And The Shock Freaking Hurts! |
Block 2
Chris being blocked by @Eliyora
WHAM!!! ..... Okay... Which of you Haters set me up this time?!! π‘ |
Not meaning to dox anyone, but I Loathe when I am Blocked, based on the crap the Haters yap on about me! ANOTHER FRICKINβ WALL!!!
This Bull Crap Must Stop! You Haters Abuse the Internet for far too long!!! |
Block 3
Chris being blocked by @Dusty_Kat
Oh, My Gosh!!! π‘ Look, People! All I was doing was Complimenting on the Artwork the dude did for Dusty.
Why Must You Haters REPLY TO EVERYTHING I RESPOND TO ON ANYTHING? You lot do not need to respond; in fact, may I just plainly suggest you lot Back Off and Not Say Anything. |
Thanks to you lot, now Dustyβs Blocked me too. The Feeling is still not funny.
Hopefully you all are now seeing the wrongs you are doing in your lollygaging. Ugh. And, for yβallβs information, my mind AND My Soul has been on the recent actual events of C-197. You lot donβt... |
...know what youβre talking about. |
Then being blocked by @StTabitha, @Nowacking, @DoopieDoOver, and @joshscorcher
While Iβm feeling as outraged, I feel like I may as well remind of the others who have blocked me on Twitter, BECAUSE Of You Haters! |
Then being blocked by @SEGASister and @Lightning_Bliss
What the hell?! I canβt even have a simple life separate of my responsibilities; Why Do You trolls always have to ruin it all?!!! |
Also, Doopie Doover of Planet Dolan had Blocked Me. That was the First in the series of the issue of Me being Blocked instead of the Haters.
Iβve noticed she managed to have her Tweets Protected and Only Viewable to the Select and Approved Followers. |
What Do You Haters Think? I Am Now Seriously Contemplating taking that route to Protect Myself on Twitter. Which Shamefully would Make My Tweets NOT Publicly Viewable.
Think About That, Trolling Bullies and Haters! I Could Totally Block You All Out, but at the expense of... |
...EVERYONE ELSE! I Really do not want to have to do that. But I am as sure as that time of macing that jerkβs Feet that I WILL PROTECT MY TWEETS If it comes down to it!!!
You Bullies and Haters have brought this on yourselves! And you all are scraping the bottom of the barrel. |
Block 4
Chris being blocked by @AmyMethvenart
Okay. Oh-Kay! That Is It! I am going to my Laptop Right Now, Looking into Protecting My Twitter Account, And Making It Happen.
You Haters Have Done It This Time! β‘οΈπβ‘οΈ |
Post block messages
Only ONE Thing that will make me change my mind: Each and Every Person I Like who Blocked Me, would they, Please, Unblock Me.
And You Haters can Apologize to Each and Every One of them for Harassing Them into Blocking Me In the First Place! |
The Deed Is Done! And Now, to sort through the Thousands of Followers for the Obvious. |
I realized what I am doing is just a moot point, since if I was Protecting My Tweets, my responses and thoughts would not be read by those I follow and like, and they wouldn't be able to read my thoughts.
Instead, I will go through my Follower list and Block the Obvious ones. |
Hey, @TwitterSupport, Can we have a Setting that allows us to Allow or Deny new Followers without having to Protect our Twitter? |
Anger sets in
........ HA! HA! HA! Really Funny! HA! HA! HA!........
π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘ |
Wanna know HOW FUNNY Makig People Block Me, making me Freaking Hit Wall After Wall, is Funny To Me?..... |
Then depression
I still Wish and Pray Very Much For those who who had Blocked me to Please, Unblock Me. |
.....I feel like I want to scream.....My brain is stuck in sad robot mode.....I am so sick and tired of all of the hatred and harassment.....I have the history of being harassed and abused..... |
...Each of you Haters and Harassers should be pinned to the floor by a counselor, psychiatrist, teacher, aide, Principal, in a total of four abusive, hateful people and your screams of agony recorded onto an audio cassette, and a phone, and uploaded everywhere on the internet.... |
.....Damn You Haters and Harassers..... |
Chris makes an apology
Everyone, I have a couple of announcements:
Firstly, I sincerely apologize for my mind exploding, going blank and lashing out as it did earlier. Mad Munchkin Blocking Me on Twitter was the straw that broke my head. I still want very much to be Unblocked by everyone who had of me. |
Second, After thorough investigation and talking it out, I have come to the conclusion that @MKR11217089 is Not a Troll and indeed Genuine of herself. Anyone on the Kiwi or similar Forums who says it is her is, in fact, Not Her at all; an impostor, pulling what content they... |
...could from her Twitter and other online accounts. I have been talking with her for over a week; she has NOT AT ALL EVER asked me or forced me of anything Bad or Questionable.
And my husband, Magi-Chan, had confirmed her to be legit, and a CPU among the few of us of... |
...this, 1218's Earth, who are destined to be CPUs to help out in the mutual cause between both Dimensions and the Earths in them, and every single one of our people and individuals residing in them.
And this is NOT a Delusion, Illusion, Imagination, Make-Believe or False,... |
...It is all Very Much R E A L! I have stated this time and again, and I would very much appreciate it if there was No More Talk at all of our Truesight, Superpowers, and so forth of C-197 being insinuated as False at all. |
And Furthermore, I would very much appreciate there being NO MORE Harassment or Back Talk against MKR. She Has Faced the online Hatred and spoke from the heart. Please, be respectful and kind to her. Thank You. |
I firmly stand by my earlier apology for my explosion recently. And I am sorry for everyone who I want and feel need for unblocking me, for the way I had phrased that in the earlier Tweet I made.
And you Haters: I told you all to Apologize for Harassing Them! |
Anyway, I want to make personal apologies and amends to those who blocked me, as listed earlier. I am reaching out to the #Brony #Artists and #Analysts who know them. I am open for suggestions on how best to apologize and make amends. Please respond in DM to me on Twitter. Thanks |
I feel sad and depressed. THANKS for forcing me to do what I did After Everyone Blocked Me.
πππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ |
Sadness and Depression and Frustration is Devastating for this Body and Mind. |