14 Branchland Court

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Revision as of 20:46, 28 March 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
Aerial shot of the Chandler residence.

14 Branchland Court is the domain of the Chandlers. It is a pink wooden framed, two-story, three-bedroom house on the outskirts of Ruckersville, VA. The property is near the intersection of Branchland Court and Westwood Drive, facing northwest.

As of March 2009, all space that isn't used for walking or for sleeping seems to be packed full with junk. On earlier pictures however, for instance those of Chris's 20th birthday, it shows that the house once was actually quite tidy. In his tour of the house, Chris also keeps referring to the fact that "things got cluttered", suggesting that the house has grown fuller and fuller over the past decade.

The Tour

On 27 March 2009, Chris posted a video tour of his humble home. The results were frightening.

First floor

In the north corner is what Christian describes as "the music room," which is now primarily the domain of Barbara Chandler, who frequently sleeps there. A small bathroom is directly in front of the stairs leading up to the front door. On the other end of a short hallway is the ulitity room, in which the family keeps a refrigerator in addition to the usual washer and dryer. The family room (possibly in the west corner) has been claimed by Bob Chandler, who apparently sleeps there as well. If Chris's parents ever had, or used, dedicated bedrooms in the house, they have yet to be filmed.

Second floor

Chris's room is in the north corner of the second floor. Across the hallway, near the east corner, is a bathroom which has evidently not been cleaned in years. The kitchen and dining area are apparently near the south corner and southwestern wall. The computer Chris uses to access the internet seems to be in this part of the house, as well as a Christmas tree left up year-round. The living room, completely crammed with boxes and junk, is in the west corner, across the stairway from Chris's bedroom.


If you would like to send a letter to Christian, or perhaps mail his parents some of the many NOODZ he has posted on the internets in recent times, you can contact him at:

Christian Weston Chandler,
14 Branchland Court,
VA 22966-9545,
United States of America

See Also