Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean
Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean (full title \04122010 - Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean (Audio Only)) is an audio recording released by Chris chronicling an attempt to get himself unbanned from The GAMe PLACe by confronting Michael Snyder, the manager who permanently ejected him from the store in the summer of 2008. Chris recorded their conversation by hiding a video camera in his pocket. As usual, Chris adds this to his list of fails as Michael is unmoved by his attempts to get back in.
Oddly, yet hilariously, Chris adds to his streak of racist videos by shouting "JEW!" at Michael as he leaves the store, like a certain fat kid.
Also, many people have noticed that Chris's recording is extremely unlawful.
Shortly after it was posted, the recording was removed from YouTube due to a terms of use violation, likely thanks to Chris's anti-Semitic attitude.
This happened on my recent visit to the Game & Hobby Place. My Camera was hidden in my Vest Pocket.
I encourage all to go there in person, find Michael, and pester/Troll the hell out of him (other employees who support him optional). Also say to Michael, "Do Not Discriminate Against People like Christian Weston Chandler."
243 Ridge McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 984-1040
04122010 - Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean (Audio Only).MOV | |
Stardate | 12 April 2010 |
Subject Matter | ??? |
Performance Style | ![]() ![]() |
Shirt | {None |
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[Chris is speaking into a recorder as he walks along. From the sound of it, he's outdoors.]
Chris: This is Christian Weston Chandler, Captain's Log. Stardate... 4:34 PM, Monday, April 12, 2010. I Am about to go in T€O the Game and Comic Hobby Place — also sell toys there — to try, to try to get myself unbanned and get forgiveness for the mistake I have made almost a year ago when I was banned from the store in June of 2008.
[Heavy sigh from Chris.]
Chris: The dude who banned me was, his name is Michael Snyder, possibly a Jew considering his last name. Nothing bad against the Jews, but I'm just throwin' it out there. Alright, so, here I go. [sighs]
[Sound of Chris opening and walking through the door into the store. Faint pop music plays in the background.]
Chris: Hello, I'm here to see Michael.
Employee: Yeah, he's... [garbled]
[We come upon Michael, who is on the phone. His remarks are occasionally interrupted by whoever is on the other end of the line.]
Michael: Well, I mean, you're, you, you'll just see that by running it. I mean, it was running okay the other day. But just, you know, adjust it one way or the other depending on temperature and everything else. But, you know, it just, it's not usually much. By changing fuel, it doesn't usually change... tuning that much. Mmkay... Uh-huh. Yeah, no, it'll be fine. Right, yeah, it'll be fine. [pause] Okay... Okay... Who made it?
[The recorder seems to move away from the conversation, and a long silence follows. Various store noises occur in the background, including the bell from someone opening the front door.]
Michael: Okay. Alright. Sounds good. Mm-hm. Bye.
Chris: Hello, Michael. I see, uh... You've been, I see you're looking well. Haven't changed much since, for the past almost two years. And, yeah, it has been, uh, almost two years since, uh, what happened, uh, June- June of 2008. But, uh, I came back hoping that, uh, we could put that behind us and...
Michael: No.
Chris: Come on. I mean, it has been almost two years, and it's just been on my mind for so long, just be...
Michael: No.
Chris: [sigh] But, can't we just forgive and forget?
Michael: No.
Chris: C'mon, to have this...
Michael: No.
Chris: ...weight on my back...
Michael: No.
Chris: And I have really...
Michael: No.
Chris: ...missed coming here.
Michael: No. No. You need to leave now.
Chris: I'm, I'm a better person...
Michael: You need to leave now.
Chris: [heavy sigh] C'mon, what? Come on, dude...
Michael: No! You need to leave now.
Chris: How can you be so heartless? I mean, you're, I mean, you're obviously not as mean as one of those trolls I've been dealing with...
Michael: You need to leave now.
Chris: I mean, come on, I mean, obviously you have something against me, because aside from the Wii incident, I just would like to know what. Come on. Gimme a break. Alright, fine, I'll leave.
[His tone becomes sharp and angry.]
Chris: But I hope that God will forgive you for being so heartless and cruel, Michael Snyder! JEW!
[Chris goes out the door, tape runs out.]
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