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Chris plays with some LEGO people like a pedofork. Most notably, he points out the pees and poops of his fictional children.

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Stardate 25 October 2010
Shirt Unclear
A Workout


Òkay, here's another story - you know it's[?] love and glory. Alright, this is me. This is my sweetheart. These are our children, that's, uh, Reginald, this one's Crystal. Reginald's da baby. Younger brother. This'll-this'll double as, table, and uh, beds. At their respective times. So... on with the show.

AnIhome. Coming home from work. [High pitched voice] Hi honey halhome! [Normally] Oh hi sweetheart, how ya doin'. How was your day at work. Oh it's been good, I'm just happy to see you home safe. [Kissing sound] Kiiiiiss. Anyways, journalism is very hard. Yes it is, I hear. So, what happened today? Aw, we [unintelligable] my article got some huge responses [Wiggles "Jackie", tips her over] Really. Yeah! But unfortunately uhh dey laid off Wilkinson at work. Lllayday off Wilkinson! What they do that for? 'Pparently he wasn't keepin' up! Oh. That's a shame.

["Children" slide in front of the screen] Wheeewheewheewheewhee! [Lego figures appear unfazed]

So, how're the kids? D-dey're doin' okay. You know, there's a... pla... they're just playing. Uh. Actually, uh. Cry-actually Crystal is uh, doin' her preschool homework and uh, Reg-Reginald's been uh, been a messy lil' baabychild! Made his lil' peeps n' poops! And he we-and he went... weewee all over the bathroom, it was terrible mess. Terrible mess. I cl-had to clean all that up and of course I changed all of his diapers too. When they needed changin'.