
From CWCki
Revision as of 18:54, 14 November 2010 by Freecell (talk | contribs) (Might as well take out some other shit whilst I'm fucking up the feng shui of my user page.)
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My Shit

My Contributions | My Old Account's Contributions | Templates | Newfaggy JewTube Account

BLANK Grammar Nazi
This user edits the CWCki to exterminate all typos and grammatical errors. HEIL GRAMMAR!

Because when stupidity meets logic, shit happens.


Colorblind atheist pickle-wielder reporting in.

About Me

I figured there can be no harm in explaining a little bit about me. I'm a 17 year old high school student (and yet I still write better than pretty much fucking everyone here. Feel bad.). I live in England, though I am American. I play a shitton of video games. When I'm not here, I'm usually either 1)playing something or 2) on /v/, posting condescending bullshit (inb4 underageb&, pretty much everyone is and you know it).

I have a soft spot for old games and 8-bit music. I play pretty much everything but racing and sports games, but I really like playing RTT's and RTS's. I also know a ton about the mechanics and metagame of Pokemon, even though I never actually play.

I'm almost out of High School and, based on my grades and SAT scores, I'm going somewhere pretty damn nice. Despite the fact that I shred articles for being poorly written, my best subject is math, without a doubt. If current trends continue, I will be valedictorian of my grade in math and physics (I'm pretty sure we do the valedictorian thing strangely here).

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